In our daily lives, we live innumerable situations in which we must be vigilant so as not to be victims of Satan's traps. When we do not see that some facts go unnoticed and we begin to interpret them as something common.


Unfortunately, many of the situations that we have come to accept as "normal" should not be. Offensive words, malicious attitudes, envy, jealousy, discord and others like these are practiced every day by many people who claim to be Christians.

When these situations begin to happen without us realizing it, it is a sign that something is disturbing our spiritual life. Because when we are 100% directed to the Lord, the Holy Spirit of God who lives in us bothers us so that we do not sin.

It is written in the Word of God: As for the wicked, their iniquities will arrest him, and with the cords of his sin he will be arrested. (Proverbs 5.22.) Therefore, it is good for us to acknowledge our mistakes before men and before the Lord so that we can then be freed from the bonds of sin.

It is also written: Justice keeps what is right, but evil will upset the sinner. (Proverbs 13.6.)


Therefore, we are not missing anything when we walk in the way the Lord has appointed us; Although the world requires us to be like gladiators, often seeking victory at all costs, we must treat ourselves with the same love that Jesus Christ taught us. Now, these bad feelings that cross us, sometimes, may not bring any kind of disorder, but it is written that evil will bother the sinner and we should have no doubts about the fulfillment of the Word of God.

Therefore, we must stand firm in the presence of the Lord, without allowing the world's ideals to be ours, without allowing the filth of the world to pollute our hearts and minds.

Finally, when all the wrong feelings have emptied our minds and we can be fully directed to the throne of God, we will have the real awareness that we are more than victorious thanks to the mercy and love of the Lord Jesus Christ!




Thanks very much Brother! Greetings to all the family.

Glad to meet once again brother. How had it been? Shalom.

Equally brother, thanks, how are you and the family? God bless you.

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