The blessing of work as a result of fear of God

Grace and Peace to the brothers of this community.

There are days when we wake up full of energy and 24 hours seem insufficient to execute all our goals. At other times, we slow down and discouragement takes over. But, there are days when we feel that everything is worth it.

From Eden, God's covenant with the first man included work. God formed man and gave him the task of cultivating and protecting the garden (Genesis 2.15).

Work dignifies and benefits man.

It is through him that the human being achieves his conquests and prospers.

However, it cannot be an end in itself, on the contrary, it must be the means by which dreams come true.


Psalm 128 is one of my favorites, throughout my life and work I have seen the hand of God blessing me and my family.

Blessed is everyone who fears Jehovah, who walks in his ways. When you eat the work of your hands, Blessed will you be, and it will be well with you. Your wife will be like a vine bearing fruit on the sides of your house; Your children like olive plants around your table. Behold, thus shall the man who fears Jehovah be blessed. May Jehovah bless you from Zion and see the good of Jerusalem all the days of your life, and see your children's children. Peace be upon Israel.
Psalms 128: 1-6

As Christians, we should value work and not eat the "bread of laziness" (Prov. 30.29), because, as the proverb explains: "the lazy person dies wishing, because his hands refuse to work" (Prov. 21.25) .

God hates negligence, but He certainly blesses the diligence of His people. The psalmist understands this truth: "From the work of your hands you will eat, you will be happy and everything will go well" (Psalm 128.2).

The key is in Fear of God, which is the beginning of wisdom. Regardless of the challenges that visit us during life, we can have peace in the storm. We must remember that what our Lord Jesus Christ says, when winds and storms come, the house does not fall if it is based on the Rock.

God Bless You!
See you in another entry of words of life.



Fearing God means obeying God's commandments and following his principles. In that cases He also offer our will and what will intend benefit us. Thanks very much Brother!

God bless you more Brother @oppongk

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