Steempeak Homesteaders Badges Issued! 105 Recipients!
A Homesteaders Badge for all homesteading related Creators & Curators is now available.
In total one hundred and five recipients now have a Homesteaders Badge!
If you would like to be added to the list of those given a Homesteaders Badge please follow @badge-131313 so that you can be manually reviewed.
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Badge holders are curated by the @hive-114308 Homesteading Community and the @diy-homestead Curation Project.
View The Homesteaders Badge's Feed And Stats Here:
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You Can Join The New Homesteading Community Here:

Good work, I think this will be a popular community!
Hey @jacobpeacock :)
Are you present on Discord because it would be great if we could chat...I am curie curator and right now we are switching to community curation model where we follow good and perspective communities and support them and their authors. I like this community and truly believe it could grow so I would like to discuss this with you...
Hope to chat with you soon :-)
Hello @hidden84
I can chat about such a thing as that. How do I find you on Discord?
I am currently in the Tavern Games server on there:
Do our posts just show up in this community once we join or do we post specific posts just for this group? Trying to figure out this whole "communities" thing. Thanks :)