RE: Late Night Random Musings on the Current Stuff of Life (Ulog No. 53)
I do believe our community's witnesses acted in everyone's best interest, given the very limited information available to them.
When 17 people act in the 'best interest's of 0 or 30,000, without even discussing the option , you have to be a very trusting person.
(everyone acts in their own self interest, one way or another. 17 peoples self interest, in this case.)
I just hope that a potentially cooperational relationship with Tron doesn't turn into an adversarial one.
It already is adversarial, that boat sailed with the actions of the 'authoritarian 20'
I lived in Hong kong, and was doing business with the Chinese everyday for over a year. The mentality is so different than western perspectives.
It seems that many in these parts do not understand the east Asian, (specifically Chinese), mentality.
I'm not sure what this will mean for steem, but justin's plans will not have changed not one iota, because of this.
I DO know that this kind of behavior is seen as the lowest of the low, and disrespectful beyond belief. (from the east Asian perspective).
We need a new word to describe the actions of 'the 17' (18?).
Naive doesn't even come close.
I appreciate your perspective, as always!
In a sense, recent events point to the potential weakness — or Achilles heel — of true decentralization: The taking of action.
Yes, in the ideal world, everything is transparent and out in the open, and a broad consensus is reached. But that ends up becoming rather like a form of communism... if we have to "make decisions by committee," a potential "Bad Actor" can come in and bomb the party while everyone is busy discussing.
That's the part of decentralization I have never been able to make work. The ideal conveniently sidesteps human nature... a handful of greedy people can quickly overcome and usurp those who say "Well, let's talk about things and come to an agreement!" BANG! Now we're all dead, but at least we had the freedom to talk about things properly...
I guess I'm just not that attached to making that brand of "liberty" the centerpiece of my existence... feels too much like regressing down Mr. Maslow's hierarchy of needs...
I agree that this already has an adversarial subtext.
My "self-interest" is that I'm sick and tired of every blogging/social site that presents itself as an "alternative" to MSM seems to self-destruct and go down in flames, OR is usurped by people whose only interest is to exploit the system.
That leaves me contemplating the distinct possibility that the pervasive success of Facebook is actually just a statement that "The People Have Spoken" and Facebook is actually NOT evil, it is what the world WANTS. AT which point I just shake my head and realize that my best bet is to live in an isolated cabin in the woods and never talk to people again.
Of course, that's overly melodramatic...
I just shake my head and realize that my best bet is to live in an isolated cabin in the woods and never talk to people again.
....One of the reasons I decided to live here. I speak little of the language, and can't read the text.
I have no advertising in my world. Now thats liberty!