Lavender-scented // Con aroma a lavanda

in ART LOVERS5 years ago (edited)

The photographs below are of a beautiful plant called a serrated lavandula. It was a gift that my brother gave my mother a long time ago. The plant is quite striking and I must confess that I have never seen the plant live and direct, it is very beautiful and it emits a quite pleasant smell (I think we have all enjoyed a pleasant lavender aroma) although the one we know is very processed .

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Las fotografías a continuación son de una bella planta llamada lavandula dentada fue un regalo que mi hermano le hizo a mi madre hace tiempo atrás. La planta es bastante llamativa y debo confesar que nunca había visto la planta en vivo y directo, es muy bonita y emana de ella un olor bastante agradable (creo que todos hemos disfrutado de un agradable aroma a lavanda) aunque el que conocemos esta muy procesado.


As investigated, there are hundreds of species of the lavandula, or commonly called lavender, since the name of lavender that we all know is only given to the perfume they take from it, this species that I now show is the serrated Lavandula.

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Según lo investigado hay cientos de especies de la lavandula, o comúnmente llamada espliego, ya que el nombre lavanda el cuál todos conocemos sólo se le da al perfume que de ella sacan, esta especie que muestro ahora se trata de la Lavandula dentada


It is a perennial shrub; that is, it can live for more than two years, the flowering is quite striking and characteristic of the lavandula, long spikes with lilac flowers and deep purple.

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Es una arbusto perenne; es decir, que puede vivir por más de dos años, la floración es bastante llamativa y característica de la lavandula, espigas alargadas con flores color lila y morado intenso.


Its leaves are elongated, toothed and of an intense green, as it could be seen the spikes are born attached to the leaves and with the passing of the days it grows growing to a considerable size, from the small spike from which small white flowers are born, they sprout in the same way, some purple petals that with the passing of days acquire the most intense.

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Sus hojas son alargadas, dentadas y de un verde intenso, como se pude observar las espigas nacen pegadas a las hojas y con el paso de los días va creciendo adquieriendo un tamaño considerable, de la pequeña espiga de cual nacen unas pequeñas flores blancas, brotan de igual manera unos pétalos color morado que con el paso de los dias va adquieriendo la tonalidad más intensa.

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In these photographs you can better see the large spikes and the deep purple petals in each one, at the tip of them, the petals are large and grouped together forming a star shape, those in the center are still white and those who are on the banks turn purple.

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En estas fotografías se pueden observar mejor las grandes espigas y los pétalos morado intenso en cada una de ellas, en la punta de las mismas, los pétalos son grandes y agrupados formando una forma de estrella, los que están en centro son de color blanco aún y los que están a las orillas se van tornando color morado.






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It is very beautiful! 😍 I haven't seen lavanders in person as it only grows in temperate climates, I guess.

Your photography skills are amazing too! Thank you for sharing this to us.

Have a beautiful weekend ahead. ❤

Well the weather around here is warm and she is very good here lol
I had not seen her live or direct either and she is truly a beauty, I appreciate your support and words. 😊🙌

Manually curated by the Qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

I really appreciate your support, I love you Qurator 👏🙌😊

Muy linda esa planta @lourdeshd6 tiene una degradación de morado hermoso. Gracias por compartir.

Yes, its purple color is beautiful, what also captivated me was its curious leaves.😁 thank you for you support 🙌😊

 5 years ago 

I love the smell of lavender, too (I think everyone does). I like lavender soaps.

Those flowers are really pretty! Their shape is really nice and, of course, purple is an awesome colour.

I also love that fragrance, and knowing the flower closely I love it more hehehe thank you very much for your support.😊🙌

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I thank you very much for your support, I love being part of this beautiful community 🙌🙌🙋

I'd not heard of this lavender. Your photos of it are stunning! What an excellent post!

I thank you very much for stopping by here. 🙌😊

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