So what kind of MONDAY are you?

in ART LOVERS5 years ago


Poor Monday has such a terrible stigma attached to it - it is the one day of the week that 99% of the human race loathes and the distaste for it has only been compounded by our constant exposure to social media, which I think has essentially brainwashed us all even further lol! As you kick off the week you are guaranteed to be slapped left, right and center by "Monday memes" that resemble the following...


Now I understand the whole "end of the weekend" scenario - yes, we would all far rather spend more than two days of the week filling our agendas with pleasurable pastimes but for me personally, I really just don't understand why you would intentionally plant a consistently negative seed in your mind on the one day of the week that generally sets the tone for all the days that follow... because whether you care to admit it or not, that is exactly what you are doing - even you don't believe you are.

Some people are fortunate to be in positions or careers which they love and so perhaps to them the Monday jokes are easily brushed off - although I am still of the opinion that it affects you subconsciously either way. But then on the other side of the coin, you have people who cannot stand their dead end jobs, or whatever it is that they do with their day time hours and so now they take a stale cupcake and top it with a rotten cherry... makes complete sense doesn't it haha!


That is about as bad as the whole "Terrible Tuesday" thing... lol! I don't want to kick off my week bombarded with bullshit negativity swamping my mind - I want to wake up on a Monday morning and feel like I can conquer the world and whatever goals I might decide to spice things up with along the way too... actually, I want this for pretty much every day of the week because it feels GOOD!

You know the age old expression... "birds of a feather flock together" - well there is a lot of truth in that and it is applicable not only with the people that you choose to consistently surround yourself with but also the information that you are regularly feeding your mind. Spend five minutes in the company of someone who is a real "go-getter" and I can promise you one thing... you will find their passion and energy contagious, and you will walk away with a slice of that. I can also assure you their Monday theme would definitely look a lot more like this...


Whilst writing this and checking out memes and gifs etc. for Mondays... I discovered a site called - clearly an intelligent marketing angle to name a company that develops organisational software for businesses ""... it's bloody brilliant if you ask me! You get to work on a Monday morning and hit the icon which opens the app that organises, simplifies and streamlines your day (all positives) and they named it after the most dreaded day of the week.

There are so MANY alternatives to the worn out "Moody Monday" or "Monday Blues" themes that we are all so accustomed to... and we all know that one little pebble can make a million ripples... so why not give something fresh a try... Mango Monday? - Ok, not quite... but you catch my drift haha! So, the question is...

What kind of Monday are you?


Choose one that appeals to you and share something relevant in the comments below along with your new Monday hashtag :)

I will dub this post #MagicMonday because, one little change in action can make magic in your life! So on that note...


Go forth and be fantabulous!



Until next time...
Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx


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I'm gonna go for #meowmonday because when all else fails, sitting with a purring cat in your lap is good medicine!


 5 years ago 

hahaha TRUE STORY!!! Love it!

My long-term goal is to be in a situation where there is no such thing as a week and a week's end. Every day is just another chance for experience, and hopefully, to be transformed by circumstance. Instead of cramming work into five days and cramming relaxation into the remaining two, it would be nice to have a slower-paced lifestyle where everything takes as long as it takes, including rest.

Hey, one can dream, right?


 5 years ago (edited)

That is the ideal!!! And hey, no reason for it to remain a dream! just keep hustling!!!

Love the tag btw haha!

!giphy hustle

Hahaha! everyday i'm hustlin', hustlin'!

giphy is supported by witness untersatz!

It's just another day to inspire the world through your own actions!

Have a wonderful week ahead!

 5 years ago 


!giphy exactly

giphy is supported by witness untersatz!

I don't think I have a particular disposition towards Mondays. I feel like it's just another day when you get to accomplish whatever it was you had set out to accomplish. I believe most of the "stigma" surrounding Mondays comes from how some people would rather be somewhere else rather than at their desk or commuting. Probably it's also caused by the fact that we get less rest as we get older because we can end up so busy all the time.

Awesome hashtags, by the way :)

 5 years ago 

haha thanks and yes, those generally are the common reasons... and all the more to turn it on it's head and make the best of it I figure :)

!giphy definitely

giphy is supported by witness untersatz!

Exactly :D Each Monday is unique. A Monday occurs only once a year so we better enjoy it while it's here :D haha

 5 years ago 


I remember few years back, Monday was one of the days when we had our Zumba class and that made me love Mondays even though I was never really a "Monday hater". :)

why you would intentionally plant a consistently negative seed in your mind on the one day of the week that generally sets the tone for all the days that follow... because whether you care to admit it or not, that is exactly what you are doing - even you don't believe you are.

Totally agree with this! I also try to start my day with some positive attitude and without hurrying so that it sets a better tone for the rest of the day.

So far I would say this Monday was a #MindfulMonday but I wouldn't mind adding a little bit of a #MancrushMonday vibe to it, haha!

 5 years ago 

hahahaha - nothing wrong with a little bit of #mancrush on a Monday LOL!!!

As for the Zumba... I tried that few times, daaamn I nearly died! I also felt like a completely uncoordinated idiot. LOL

That's how we all started, lol.
I think you need at least three consistent classes to get a clue of what's going on, haha. :D I was feeling ridiculous at the beginning but I loved it so much I kept going. :)

 5 years ago 

Yeah, I should give it a go again because I love dancing and music!

 5 years ago 

lol yip!

Monday is just one more day, which is the first of the week and the one that comes after a delicious weekend, it is true... but why fill it with bad energy thinking that it is the worst day of our existence?

My grandmother says that the one who doesn't work on a Monday is because she really is a "lazy one"... she is a peasant old lady but in a way she's right. ;)

If we are more positive and see Monday as the first day to begin to conquer our goals... it will only be #MagicMonday XD

 5 years ago 

Your grandmother was a smart woman haha!!!

Like all our grandmothers, right? In addition to much experience. ;)

 5 years ago 

Absolutely! hehe :)

Any day can be interesting and productive. Monday is the day everyone starts a new life. And on Tuesday, they understand that nothing has changed and everything is as before. Of course I'm joking :) But in every joke there is a truth. #MusicMonday

 5 years ago 

hahaha a whole new beginning every week ;) (well I suppose it is really) and hey hey.... ALWAYS a good day for music ;)

Always liked Monday because it gave me the impetus to set the right tone for the rest of the week :)

 5 years ago 

Me too :D Guess we are an alien species haha ;)

I always associate Monday to the 80's song by The Bangles- Manic Monday. At the time when the song was out... it was just that... a song. A song we sang while traveling along the freeway on a sunny summer day... but as an adult the song's title took a whole new life for me.

 5 years ago 

hahaha I can relate to that!

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