go ahead and judge me / dale, júzgame [poem/poema]

in ART LOVERS5 years ago (edited)



go ahead and judge me
i’m used to that
it’s always been that way
since i was a child
i’ve been called stupid
for as long as i can remember
i’ve been rejected
used, abused
confused and pushed around
so it’s not new
you despising me
it’s one more of a million similar stories
i only ask of you
that you don’t attempt to love me
to that, i’m not used and neither are you

there’s one thing i can tell you though
whatever you think you know about me
it’s not true
its just your mind
trying to complete the pieces of a very large puzzle
because what you’ve seen of me
doesn’t even add up to a decimal fraction
of the whole creation
that represents my life

i’ve visited a lot of heavens
and a fair share of hells
i’ve broken the many comfort zones you still reside in
and even then, haven’t met with you face to face

so judge me
it’s what you like doing isn’t it?
pretending that you know more
talking about how good you are
and oh! how can they live like that
how can they be so toxic?
that’s like your catchphrase
no problem
just build up your stairway to glory
over the heads of us inferiors
that haven’t become as enlightened as yourself

but if that’s your stand
you know nothing of the earth
you know nothing of how roots grow in the dark
you know nothing of how poison is a guardian
and under the thorny bushes
seeds sprout to become trees

i am a weed
a nuissance to your productive paradise
hard to kill, easy to reproduce
bring your chemicals of righteousness
spray me before i lay seeds
burn to the ground this plague that you consider worthless of existence


dale, juzgame
estoy acostumbrado
siempre ha sido así
desde cabro chico
siempre me dijeron que era hueón
que no servía pa naa

desde que tengo recuerdo
que me rechazan
usado, abusado
confundido y pasado a llevar
así que no es nuevo
que me detestes
es una más de un millón de historias
lo único que te pido
es que no intentes amarme
a eso no estoy acostumbrado y tú tampoco

hay algo que te puedo decir
lo que sea que crees que sabes de mi
no es verdad
es sólo tu mente
tratando de completar las piezas de un rompecabezas enorme
porque lo que has visto de mi
ni siquiera suma una fracción decimal
de toda la creación que representa mi vida

he visitado muchos cielos
y su resto de infiernos
he roto muchas de las cadenas que aún te atan
y aún así, no te he podido ver la cara

así que juzgame
es lo que te gusta hacer, no?
hacer como que sabes más
hablar de lo buena que eres
y oh! cómo pueden vivir así?
cómo pueden ser tan tóxicos?
tu frase de cada día

no hay drama
sigue construyendo tu escalera a la gloria
sobre las cabezas de nosotros inferiores
que se han iluminado de la misma manera

pero si esa es tu pará
no sabes nada de la tierra
no sabes que las raíces crecen en la oscuridad
no sabes que el veneno es guardian
y bajo los arbustos con espinas
germinan los brotes que serán arboles

sí, soy maleza
un problema en tu paraíso productivo
dificil de matar, de fácil reproducción
trae tus químicos de superioridad
rocíame antes que deje semillas
quema y arraza con esta plaga que consideras indigna de existir


I have become quite fond of weeds with their adaptive nature and resilience!
Some I have tried to cultivate but alas they did not thrive as well as when let go wild!
Be wild and free!

Here's to weeds!


 5 years ago 

I am a weed too, judged all sorts of things, just because I refuse to believe the lies we are told ad nauseum on the news and such.

I love this poem, especially this part:

but if that’s your stand
you know nothing of the earth
you know nothing of how roots grow in the dark
you know nothing of how poison is a guardian
and under the thorny bushes
seeds sprout to become trees

that's a promise.

Thanks @owasco, appreciate you taking the time to read it, and glad you could take something from the poem!

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