Sunday Night Eats | Bird Family Favorites with Spicy Chili Hominy
Happy Sunday my Foodie Friends!

Today has certainly been a breath of crisp and cool air! It was 45 degrees when we woke up this morning, yikes! Definitely reminiscent of those chilly winter days living in the Midwest.
The weather was great for landscaping though so Mr. Bird and I headed out for a nice morning working in the yard. Planting new flowers, shuffling bushes and laying new ground cover was enough to create a hungry couple of Birds.
Typically I would have a nice pot of soup always available in the Bird nest! Vegetable, noodles and Chilies were family favorites. Somehow soups just don’t resonate with me these days. As you know Sundays always make me nostalgic so by the time we were done working I knew what we would be having tonight!
I remember the first time…
my mother-in-law served this dish I didn’t think I would like it. But you know, when your mother-in-law serves it, you eat it! I remember asking about the ingredients and her reply… hominy (which I had never heard of). Of course I smiled and said, “Sounds delicious!”
With a little bit of spice…
thanks to tasty green chilies along with sour cream, garlic, shredded cheese, salt and pepper, this dish is truly amazing! Hominy is a vegetable which is low in both calories carbs. It can be served both vegan and gluten free by using dairy free cheese and sour cream. A perfect side dish for everyone!
With a quick stir…
it was into the oven for 45 minutes at 375 degrees dinner was ready!
I had just enough time…
to grill the chicken and steam the fresh broccoli. Bubbling and delicious, it was soon dinner time.
Voila! Sunday Spicy Chili Hominy! Bird Style!
This side dish quickly became a favorite in the Bird’s house. I learned so much and have so many fond memories about sharing recipes with my mother-in-law. We had so much fun! Even though she isn’t with us any longer her recipes live on in our family! I know my daughters will pass them on to their families! Do you have favorite family recipes you like this one? I would love to hear about it! So glad you stopped by today!
And as always blessings to you all!

I don’t think I have heard of hominy before but with it being low in calories and cards I must check it out