Pains in my understanding is a discomfort or suffering one goes through. It can either be physical, emotional or mental. Example of pains are headache, heartbreak and depression. These examples are the few I can list amongst many others that exist but I think the listed ones are quite relatable.
Most people has different ways of managing pains. While some may go silent, some may cry, some may even decide to be alone for the meantime till they heal and they're some who may resort to drinking, smoking and clubbing just to get off the pains. In my case, I go silent. When I'm deeply hurt by one's actions, I go silent and stay alone. I won't like to associate with anyone in order not to transfer aggression to an innocent person but most times, people around seems not to understand.
I don't think there's anyone who hasn't experienced any form of pains before. There's something that once happened to me that caused me so much pains and even till now when I remember it, it breaks me. Having to stand up for yourself like I mean, fend for yourself since teenage age and when finally lick smiled on you, affliction struck is one thing I don't wish anyone even my enemy.
Also, being betrayed by those who are supposed to have your back is a different kind of pains entirely. People say 'Family is everything' but I don't buy it because of the pains they've instigated in me. I've always prayed to never be a product of a broken home because I knew that we the offsprings are the ones who'll suffer the aftermath of it but unfortunately this particular prayer wasn't answered. I don't know if I prayed amiss or something but guys, each day I go to bed with my pillows soaked what I prayed against befell me but God knows best.
I don't know how the pains of loosing a loved one feels like but I know it's another sad experience. Of recent, I watched an average married lady who struggled to have a baby after about fifteen years of being married mourned over the death of her husband after giving birth and my heart was troubled. I don't know her anywhere but just hearing her story made me sober. Imagine what life would be now without her husband who was her support and all.
If there's anything to do that will wipe pains away, I'd definitely tread that part a million time. I hate it when people go through pains cos I know what it feels like but what can I do? I don't have super powers to take away people's pains but my prayer is that everyone gets to experience true happiness and joy someday.
To everyone going through any kind of pains at the moment, I'd say you hang in there. Don't give up yet because God is not done with you. I know it's not easy but trust me, God has a better plan for you. He will definitely turn that ugly situation into a beautiful one for you. I never thought I'd have the courage to carry on with life after everything I laboured for, crumbled but look at me here today, standing tall and waxing stringer day by day. If I could do it, you can too! So brace up for the journey ahead, don't let that situation mare you rather let it make and mould you into a bigger, stronger and wiser person. I'm rooting for you.
This contest has actually brought back memories of things that broke me but thank God it's in the past now. I'll have to stop writing here and go wipe this tears, thank you for engaging on my post.
I invite @nsibaby, @bela90 and @kinglekara to participate in this contest.
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