the diary game .Dera in our village and its very beautiful together 20/06/2021

in Steem passion3 years ago

I hope all your esteemed friends will be fine and well. Dear friends, you have seen a very beautiful plant in the picture. This plant is a plant of red jasmine. The fragrance of the leaves, which are very fragrant, intensifies more at night. As it gets darker, the fragrance of its leaves begins to increase. It comes like a wick. There are many kinds of perfumes, but these The fragrance of rose in perfumes is very high and fragrant. The fragrance of its leaves is the same. Its leaves are full of green. Its tannins are brake break because it looks very beautiful. This plant is about five feet ahead. It does not grow because it is so tall. It is a very important and special plant. It is not found in ordinary cities. It is found mostly in nurseries of big cities. The roots of this plant go down to about two feet in the ground. Because its roots are very small and it needs water, it is very important to water it two to three times a day. It is important and necessary dear friends, this is a dera in our village and this dera is planted in this dera. The park of this dera is very beautiful, it is very well taken care of and it stands green and looks very beautiful.
In the picture below you see a dera. This dera is very beautiful. The building of this dera is also very beautiful. This dera is present in our village. It is a chief of our village. Chen's name is Ali Haider Khan. He is very famous in our area. He is a man, he has this tent, and he has made the building of the tent very beautiful, and the curves in it are made of black and leather, they are very beautiful, many people come and sit on them, they are very big. They grow up. There are about twenty to twenty five minutes in this camp which is very beautiful and connected in a line. Their colors are crimson and black. Both of them are present in this camp. The camp of our village is very beautiful.
The friends you are seeing in the picture are very beautiful. There is a park. This is the park of this camp. There is a place with the camp and this park has been planted. There are all kinds of plants in this park and they are also very beautiful. There is a man in this park who takes special care of this park and gives water and when the grass grows his It also cuts the plants as well as gives it water. So this grass is very big and very beautiful. It is controlled. It enhances the beauty of our village. Yes, that place is called very beautiful, especially I am very fond of plants, I am very fond of coming and I am also very fond of taking care of them. Wherever I see plants, I am beautiful. Dear friends, good plants are good, they are good, we should take care of them.
Dear friends, in the picture below you are seeing very beautiful plants. These plants are planted for beauty before entering the park. One plant is an inverted hobby plant and at the same time it is a fax plant. There are high quality plants. They are very bad. They are watered every day. They are watered almost twice a day. If we don't water them, these plants will dry up. Many plants are also suffering from diseases nowadays. Therefore, they are also sprayed on time so that no disease affects them due to which the beauty of Leh is disturbed. This park is the splendor of this dera. It enhances its beauty. It is built. Many people come here and go to see this park. Friends, it is taken care of, so it is very beautiful.
Dear friend, this is a plant. It is very beautiful and it is a plant of the kind of Allah. It is called Kingi Palm. Its leaves are long and pointed. It does not break so easily nor does it fall. It has a crimson color and its leaves are very long and green. It looks very beautiful. Parents need to water it about two to three times. It does not look like a flower. This is how it happens. It has a very large number of roots in the ground. Its roots are about two feet below the ground. Its roots are earthy in color and have a long root of the plant. It is a big plant. It draws water from the ground by itself but it is small. It cannot be watered from the ground and its roots are also small so it is very important to water it. It cannot draw water from the ground by itself.

My picture

Friends, you can see the beautiful plant in the picture below. How bad this plant is with its leaves and it stands full of green. It is a fancy plant. It also changes. Sometimes its leaves turn yellow. Sometimes it turns green and sometimes it turns a little red. Its leaves look very beautiful. This plant is fancy. It has no flowers on it. I am at the bottom. Its roots can water from the ground, but it cannot water enough. It cannot even meet its needs. It is very important to water it once a day. It adds to the beauty of this camp because this plant Very beautiful
Dear friends, what you have seen before in the picture on the feathers, you are seeing the answer. This is the same plant that you have seen before. There are two in the park. The color is green and he is changing the water tunnel. He is turning yellow. This plant has turned yellow. After a month of coloring, the color of its leaves starts to turn red. This plant is the same. It keeps changing colors. It is not an ordinary servant. It is found from somewhere. It is not open. This plant came from a big nursery to plant here. There are no flowers on this plant. It is a fancy plant. This plant is the glory of this camp, so this servant is especially taken care of. If we stop taking care of it, it will wither. It is very important to take care of it.
Dear friends this is what you saw the camp and with it a very beautiful park which is the glory of Mary which adds to the beauty of this diary and enhances the beauty of this day if we are to take care of this park today. If left unchecked, the park will be destroyed and the beauty of the camp will be diminished. An employee is hired to take care of the park, which gives it water every day and sprays it on time. Takes special care of what you see park and dera this is our village named mian khan in this dera and with it its glory is present in a park in this park sometimes i also play it I enjoy playing. There is a lot of greenery in it. There are other plants in it. All the plants are very beautiful. A motor has been specially provided for watering this bar. The water is used only on that and they are with it. Whatever happens, the thing stays beautiful and good by taking care of it. Dear friends, this was my diary game of today that I shared with you. I hope all my friends will like this diary game.



All your photography looks very good very good diary game

thank you so much you liked my diary game

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