Steemit Engagement Challenge Season8 Week1: What is the value of life?

in Colombia-Original2 years ago (edited)

Pexels Image 108822

Everyone's life has value…

These are not my words but the opening words of the contest post. Precious words!

I want to start my post today by telling you a story.

In many African countries, even my country South Africa, tap water is not provided to all. So often women and children must walk very long distances to either fetch water from natural resources or government water trucks.

These full water cans or drums are then carried on their heads or shoulders back home. My story is about a mother and daughter who had to perform this task all seven days a week.

Once upon a time, there was a woman who had to fetch water for the need of her household. A task she fulfilled every day without moaning.

Soon her daughter was old enough and she could help her mom with this task.

Each day the two of them would start walking at the crack of dawn, wait in line for hours for the water truck to arrive, and then start the long walk back home. Finally reaching home the mother’s bucket would still be full of water but the little girls would be near empty.

One day the little girl just burst out in tears. Her mom bend down, took her in her arm, and ask her why she was crying. She told her mom that all she wants to do is to help and to be of value but all she does is spill the water.

The mother wiped the tears from her daughter's face and told her that she was of value and that she will show her the next day.

When they started their walk the next day the mother pointed out the beautiful flowers along the path they walk. “Do you see these beautiful flowers?” she asked. “They are there because of the water you spill every day. Every life has its value even yours.”

As mentioned by @alanasteemit, a story similar known as the parable of the cracked clay pot in her country.

That brings me to the contest and the death penalty.

Death penalties are mainly given in three circumstances;

1. Murder
2. Treason
3. Genocide

Many countries and individuals have come up with pros and cons and as long as I can remember there has been a debate about the death penalty, must it be there, or must it not be.

I am going to highlight three of these arguments.

Argument 1

Some believe that the death penalty fits the crime, an eye for an eye. The crime in most cases would be murder. The argument against it is that it is a cruel and unusual punishment.

Argument 2

Then you get those who argue that the death penalty deterrent or restrains people from committing a specific crime. There is no clear evidence that it indeed does.

Argument 3

There is an argument that the death penalty brings closure. The argument against it is that it can never comfort people as it cannot bring a person back. Many are of the viewpoint it is a cruel public display.

What are my thoughts about the death penalty?

There are even arguments in religion about the death penalty. Some Christians believe that God authorized and requires capital punishment like in the case of murder.
On the other hand, the Word also teaches us that each life has a value and it doesn’t give us the right to take it away.

Let’s put the religion and country viewpoint aside and focus on the penalty itself.

On my visit to Australia one of the places I visit was the Old Melbourne Gaol, a former prison and historic site. A visit that changed my outlook on the death penalty.

As we were walking the corridors coming out of prison cells my eye stayed fixed on one element, a noose at the end of a rope.

I just couldn’t take my eyes off it and I couldn’t escape it nor the thick atmosphere from any of the three floors. The hair on my arms stood up most of the time.

In total 133 people were hanged in this prison mostly for murder but also for crimes like attempted murder, rape, and robbery.

Some were guilty but some… were innocent.

Nineteen years after Ronald Ryan's execution for shooting a warden it came to light that he was not the one who pulled the trigger.

He wrote the following words on toilet paper for his daughters;

"With regard to my guilt I say only that I am innocent of intent and have a clear conscience in the matter."

I kept on asking myself, what if it was me or one of my children?


Carl Buntion, a 78-year-old man's last words; "I wanted the Irby family to know one thing; I do have remorse for what I did." (2022)

Kosoul Chanthakoummane's last words, "To Mrs. Walker's family, I pray that my death will bring them peace," (2022)

Why can we not forgive someone who shows remorse?


There should not be a death penalty.

For me, it discriminates as each one of us has the right to life, it is a weapon in the hands of authorities, and there is always the risk of putting an innocent person to death.

It can be a mistake that cannot be undone but that can be forgiven.

Besides, a greater verdict is awaiting the person on the other side.

What are my country's thoughts about the death penalty?

The death penalty in South Africa was mainly performed by hanging.

1910 - As a British Colony South Africa followed the UK and its stands regarding the death penalty.

1961 - When South Africa became a Republic in 1961 the death penalty via hanging was maintained but there was huge criticism worldwide for political execution. These were mainly for anti-apartheid activists who were convicted. Later these punishments were changed from the death penalty to life imprisonment.

1987 – South Africa had the highest number of death penalties in the world, with 164

1989 - Saw the last hangings for crimes in South Africa, both for males and females.

1990 – The death penalty was temporarily prohibited

1995 – We saw the the death penalty being abolished

Recently the call for the death penalty is rising with several political parties supporting it.

The crime rate in South Africa is increasing. Just last week the South African Police Service published the latest crime stats showing an average of 82 murders daily, 7.555 per hour.

This is an alarming increase from 57 per day in 2018.

South Africans are tired of crime, especially of murders and gender violence. Vigilante 'justice' is on the rise which is not a good sign.

Will we see the death penalty again?

“Our constitution has enshrined the right to life. This means that the state should not be the one to terminate a life. The surge in criminality should be addressed in other ways rather than ending people’s lives,” according to our President Mr. Ramaphosa.

The case of Daisy de Melker

“Daisy is coming for you!”

These are the word moms in South Africa often tell their children when they are naughty.

Daisy Louisa C. de Melker or Daisy de Melker as we know her has a scary face. Such a face that it will make any child sit still, especially during a church service.

Daisy was accused of poisoning her two husbands for their insurance money. She had five children of which four die and the fifth she murdered, her son.

Can you now understand why children are all ears when you tell them that Daisy is coming for them?

After suspicion was raised by the brother of her late husband the court ordered that the bodies could be unearthed. The bodies were badly decomposed but traces of pink strychnine was found. The toxicologist could however not find clear evidence that the men died because of poisoning. As for her son, it was a totally different story.

There were clear signs of arsenic not only on the body but also on the flask the police found. The pharmacist from who she bought the poison recognized her face when it was published in the newspaper and he informed the police that she was the “Mrs. Sproat” who signed for the poison register. According to her, she bought poison for a cat that was sick. What was also suspicious was the fact that she traveled a long distance to buy the arsenic.

The public was so interested in the trial that they queued outside the court for hours to ensure a place in court. Once inside they sold their seats for 30 USD which was a lot of money at the time.

The judge found her guilty. When he asked her if she had anything to say she said; “I am not guilty of poisoning my son.”

Daisy received the death penalty and was hung on 30 December 1932.

Everyone's life has value… a husband’s... a son’s… even yours.


All images of Old Melbourne Gaol is my own.

I invite @damithudaya, @rey01v, @waqarahmadshah, and @jesusjacr as I am curios to know there viewpoint.

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The mother's words to her daughter about the value of life, even in the spilled water, were so beautiful and powerful. It is a reminder that every person has inherent value and worth, regardless of their circumstances or abilities.

Regarding the death penalty, you presented some compelling arguments against it. The risk of executing an innocent person is a serious concern, and it's a punishment that is often applied disproportionately to marginalized communities. It's also worth considering whether it truly brings closure to victims' families or simply perpetuates a cycle of violence.

My religion is Islam and I take pride in being a Muslim. In Islamic law, the death penalty can be prescribed for certain crimes, such as murder, adultery, apostasy, and treason, among others. However, the application of the death penalty in Islam requires very stringent conditions, including the requirement for multiple witnesses and a high burden of proof. In Islam, while it is acknowledged that retribution can be warranted in certain situations, the principles of forgiveness and mercy hold great significance. Hence, it is believed that forgiving others is a better course of action than seeking revenge.

Thank you for inviting me, I will try to participate.

Oh wow! You stole my heart with the following words;
"the principles of forgiveness and mercy hold great significance"

Maybe I am just like a child... simple in my thinking. I trust and I want to forgive.
Will I feel the same if my daughter or my grandchildren are raped or murdered? I honestly don't know.

One thing I do know is that I would not like the death penalty as punishment.

PS: If you don't get to write a post no problem. I got my answer from your comment. (•ิ‿•ิ)

It's completely understandable to feel conflicted about forgiveness and mercy in the face of heinous crimes like rape and murder, especially when it hits close to home with loved ones. It's a complex topic that requires deep introspection and empathy towards the victim and their family. Regarding the death penalty, many people share your sentiment. The justice system is far from perfect and there have been cases where innocent people were sentenced to death.

I studied law at the age of 35. My worse nightmare was getting a client who I know is guilty but I have to proof the opposite.
Luckily I never got to experience it. (•ิ‿•ิ)

PS: If you don't get to write a post no problem. I got my answer from your comment. (•ิ‿•ิ)

I'm planning to share an article tomorrow about the value of life and the death penalty, and I wanted to let you know that I'll be mentioning you in it. I've actually already written the article today, but I won't be able to post it until tomorrow because of the contest rules that only allow one submission per day. I'm excited to hear your feedback on it once it's up!

Goody! I see it was posted.. let me love you and leave as I have a post to read (•ิ‿•ิ)

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The death penalty is a very complicated issue. In Russia, in the 90s of the last century, the death penalty was suspended. But one could constantly hear from people of the old formation that the death penalty should be applied again. Last year, officials were already talking about the death penalty. But the application of the death penalty has many opponents. Their main argument is that a judicial error cannot be corrected. It will be impossible to resurrect a wrongly executed person.
Personally, I am against the death penalty.

But I will also add that the state machine always has many ways to execute a person unofficially and even without a trial.

It looks like Russia and South Africa are sailing in the same boat. Or should I rather say, flying in the same airplane as Russia is currently practicing in South African skies.

Thank you! I enjoyed your feedback. Was wondering all along what your viewpoint will be.
PS: How did February 2023 treated you? (•ิ‿•ิ)

If you look at February 2023 without global problems, then it was wonderful.
For 3 weeks we had a son with a daughter-in-law and a granddaughter. And now, for the second week, my daughter and son-in-law have been visiting.
I love when all the children gather at home. This happens rarely, but in February it happened.
But we forgot to take a shared family photo this time.
The world is facing another nuclear danger, but we are looking at a small family happiness.

There is an old Russian saying - a peasant is going to die, but it is necessary to sow anyway.

Whoop whoop! I am so glad that February 2023 treated you well.
A house full of family is best!

The post is extraordinary as always and thanks for the invitation. I'll try my best to participate, but it seems this needs serious research and thought of the subject.

Everyone's life has value…

Spot on and a lovely start to the article. Here as you say there are 2 sides to this problem as always.

I think some serious issues like rape cases, and committed murders need something serious penalty in order to hesitate those criminals one more time. Once I thought these problems will be reduced when people become more disciplined and civilized. But now I understand that ideal society getting away from us further and further. So, one way or other actions have to be taken.

But on the other hand, as you said will it be 100% accurate? I invite you to watch the movie Green Mile. I can't trust our Judiciary system, with this political agenda.

So, my answer is no to this. We can hang 100 real criminals, but if 101 is an innocent there will be no use.

Good Luck with the contest!!

And as usual a great comment!
I was wondering on what side of the fence you be sitting. (•ิ‿•ิ)

The Green Mile with my absolute favorite actor, Tom Hanks. Gosh, I cried my lungs out when I watched it.

that ideal society getting away from us further and further

This is so true! How we are ever going to stop it I don't know my friend. Maybe I was born at just the right time.

As for justice, the jail are no longer something that people fear. It is a free bed, plate of food, education and a life of doing nothing. This is the biggest problem!

Thanks for the engagement! ☕

I was very surprised how few other participants in the discussion were against the death penalty... Thank you for your thoughts!

Ich war sehr überrascht, wie wenige Diskussionsteilnehmer sich sonst noch gegen die Todesstrafe aussprechen... Danke für Deine Gedanken!

So was I!
I found the countries where the death penalty is still practice the ones who are for it and vice versa.
Maybe it is what we got use to?

 2 years ago (edited)

Hola @patjewell
Me gustó mucho tu participación, no sabía que los índices de criminalidad den Suráfrica eran tan elevados, lamentable.

Creo que hay opciones para castigar a las personas que cometen hechos terribles, algunas penas son extremas, otras, quizás no tanto, pero lograr que todos estemos de acuerdo en algo suele ser muy difícil, pero de alguna manera los que hacen mal deben pagar por lo que hicieron.

Es ahí donde para algunos la pena de muerte está bien, y para otros no. Muchas gracias por tus valiosos aportes.
SALUDOS. Buena semana.

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First allow me to thank you for the verification and kind words.
Now, about the death penalty.
You are right, as with so many other things in life we will never all agree on it. BUT, one thing we will agree on is the fact that people must be punished.
Lock them up and through the key away? (•ิ‿•ิ)

Thank you for expressing your ideas and for relating the story of the South African mother and daughter who went to get water. It serves as a heartbreaking reminder to treat one another with respect and compassion because each life has value.
The death penalty shouldn't be used, as this post's arguments for and against it concluded. You made the case that it discriminates, serves as a tool for the powerful, and exposes innocent individuals to execution. You also brought up the case of Ronald Ryan, who was executed but was shown to be innocent.
You also gave a brief overview of South Africa's history with the death sentence, noting that it was abolished in 1995.
Your post provides a thoughtful analysis of a challenging topic overall. I appreciate you sharing your viewpoint and asking my opinion on this.

All life has a value! Humans.. animals... nature!
We as humans should treat it with respect.
Thank you for the visit and the engagement!

Length and long post by legend user as it deserves you gave it. But I must add

It is crucial to ensure that any punishment, including the death penalty, is fair, just, and based on evidence. The legal system must be rigorous in its application of the death penalty and ensure that there are no mistakes or errors that could lead to the wrongful execution of an innocent person.
So I agree death penalty is need for such criminals those who don't think of others, those who don't have any emotions, those who don't let live citizens with peace.

Thank you for the engagement! I LOVE it when people comment on my post with a good comment.
It makes the post all worth it.

In answer to your comment, I agree with you that there must be a punishment that is "fair, just, and based on evidence" as you've put it.
In my country, the death penalty often fell short of this criteria, especially during the "apartheid" era.
We read about the black population being hanged and never about the whites. Maybe that is contributing to me feeling so strongly about doing away with the death penalty.

Surely there can be other methods of punishment that can give the criminal MANY years to ponder and suffer over what was done? Why make it easy for them?

¿Qué hacías en esa prisión? en serio tienes que revisar mejor tus rutas de viaje, yo aun estaría teniendo pesadillas con esa soga.

Sus historias captaron totalmente mi atención, me alegra mucho que se haya eliminado la pena de muerte en su país, aunque es lamentable que hoy en día estén muriendo muchos más que antes pero no creo que la razón sea la ausencia de esta condena.

Gracias por la mención, por supuesto que escribiré mi postura al respecto.!!

You know what was so awkward about this day was the fact that I got to experience two different emotions in one day.
On the one side this terrible experience in this prison where a emotion bewildered moment of sadness overcome me.
On the other side me standing on the middle of the MCG (Melbourne Cricket Ground) shouting my name with tremendous joy. Something I wanted to do all my life.
How does one comprehend that?
PS: I cannot wait to read your post!

What were you doing in that prison? You seriously have to check your travel routes better,


I was serious after reading the post and share my comment. Then I saw your comment. It made by day... 😂😂😂

😅 Es que ella suele aparecer en lugares que no parecen muy agradables... de verdad me pregunto cómo termina siempre metida en esas situaciones.

Your writing style is very interesting to read. . I love it.

Thank you for the compliment!
Now all that remains is for you to enter the contest as the value of life is worth writing about. (•ิ‿•ิ)

Of course I agree with what you say.

And by writing not only good life experience, but also insight.

A very extraordinary argument, and of course it makes sense.

I agree that Everyone's life has value…

But on the other hand big crimes need to get severe punishment.

I agree with you my friend. Nobody can go unpunished. For every crime there must be a punishment.
Maybe the best punishment is not death but shame.
Shame them in public. It might just work 😊
Thanks for the visit!

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