SEC Season 8 Week 6: For the Love of AnimalssteemCreated with Sketch.

Living on the outskirts of town makes us more flexible in raising poultry. In my house, there are lots of chickens and ducks. We have a small farm in the garden behind the house. I occasionally come and give them food.


What is your opinion regarding animal abuse? Have you witnessed any event of animal abuse?

I love the farm animals raised by my family. As a human being who has feelings, I can't bear to see animals being beaten and tortured. I've never seen it in person, but I've seen it in a video that's been posted on my social media feed. And it's so heart-wrenching.

Are there animals living on the streets in your community? What do you think is the cause?

In my area, on the main road leading to the provincial capital, we often see a group of monkeys sitting on the side of the road waiting for a helping hand in the form of bananas or other food from people heading to Banda Aceh.



Forest ecosystem order has been damaged. Forest destruction is one of the many factors that cause animals to come down to people's settlements, to the streets, and even into cities. The forest ecosystem has been damaged. Our job is to rearrange.

Do you have or had any pet adopted at home? Tell us about her and what do you do to make your pet feel loved?

Our family has goose ducks. I named it Poppy. But she hasn't been in the herd of animals in our house for a long time. It was sold by my father a few months ago.


Goose is a farm animal that has a protective character. When a stranger enters our farm, It raises its voice very loudly and chases him. In the past, I was also often chased by it.

Love is created, not born. To get affection, we must instill compassion first. Give timely food to our farm animals. Love it, then it will also love us. I saw my mother loved by her cattle. The goose that always chased me was very docile with mom.


It is my Poppy

It is my family goose. It became the guardian of the herds from predators and thieves. With alacrity, it will issue a loud sound and make the enemy flee screaming.

Thus my participation post for the SEC Season 8 Week 6: For the Love of Animals contest. I invite @chant, @nancy0, and @oneidaa to participate in this contest. Thanks to the Steemit team and Steemian friends who always support me. I appreciate it.

 last year 
Hola amiga @nadiaturrina, es un gusto saludarte. Es muy triste que existan personas que se den a la tarea del maltratar a los animales, en su mayoría indefensos y se aprovechan para hacerlos sufrir, es un acto atroz e injustificables.

El gran deterioro de los hábitats de los animales salves los ha empujado a buscar alimentos cerca de los humanos, es un hecho lamentable y muy triste.

Que hermosos patos y gansos, como señalas el amor de nuestros animales debemos ganarlo así como su lealtad, tienen un gran guardián en la granja.

Saludos y bendiciones.

Thanks for reading my post and support, dear

 last year 

I imagine that in your case your family raises these ducks to sell them, when this is the case they avoid contact so as not to become attached to them because they are intended for sale, but like all bird species they never cease to amaze us with their beauty, thanks for participating.

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Thanks for the review and support.
It makes me more excited to publish more and more quality posts in the community.

Melihat monyet di jalanan adalah pemandangan yang selalu saya nantikan saat saya pergi ke Banda Aceh di waktu kecil, setibanya di Seulawah saya selalu bersiap-siap untuk melihat tingkah lucu mereka di jalanan

Mereka menunggu para pengendara yang melintas melemparkan pisang untuk mereka.
Thanks for reading my post and support.

Sama-sama kak 😊

Hola amiga!

Que bueno que tengas patos en tu casa y que los crían para venderlo, en mi país no es común, igual quede sorprendida con la cantidad de monos que se pueden ver en la carretera.

Me encanto leer tu post. Saludos!

The monkeys came out because the order of the forest ecosystem had been damaged. Thank you for visiting and support.

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