"SEC S11W1: Challenging Your Beliefs about Motherhood and Fatherhood"

Assalam O Alaikum


Do you think a man or a woman is incomplete if they are not a father or a mother? Why?

Well! Everyone possesses their individual viewpoints regarding that, and it all relies on the individuals whether they desire to be a father or a mother. But according to me a man or woman is deficient if they aren't a dad or a mom. This is because I think that the children are the real power of their parents and according to Islam religion the children and parents are bound to a very sacred bond.

In numerous parts of Pakistan, when a couple gets wedded, their primary desire is to become parents as soon as possible. This is because they wish to establish a strong family support system for their old age. Having children is considered pivotal as they're expected to provide support and care during the parents' after years.


However, there are cases where some individuals don't have children and end up facing difficulties in their lives. Therefore, being a mother or father is deemed largely significant in Pakistani society. Nonetheless, some people worry that having children might disrupt their professional lives. It's worth contemplating that after their passing, the question arises who'll inherit their wealth.The response to this inquiry is that their offspring will inherit their original estate.

Do You think a parent should put a side their goals or dreams for their children? Explain your answer.

Children are one of the topmost blessings of Allah, and parents who sacrifice their desires so that their children can study, become good individuals, and fulfill their aspirations will be greatly rewarded by Allah. The time and money spent on nurturing and raising children's can be seen as an investments with the return's benefiting parent's in their old age.

When a child is Born they deserves the utmost kindnesses compassion and love from their parents. No one else can provide these essential elements for children except their parents. It requires significant courage for parents to prioritize their children's well- being and dedicate themselves to their upbringing.

Islam emphasizes the rights of both parents and children on each other, which they must fulfill. Failing to fulfill these rights may lead to consequences in the afterlife. Surrendering particular desires for the sake of children isn't an invincible task, as it fulfills the rights of the children.



By sacrificing for their children, parents fulfill their responsibilities and provide for their rights. It then becomes the duty of the children to recognize and fulfill the rights of their parents. Neglecting this responsibility may have consequences in the Hereafter.

What is your view of people who choose not to have children?

I've previously mentioned that children are among the most significant blessings from Allah Almighty. They hold a distinguished status in the eyes of Allah for those individuals who not only have children but also raise them with kindness. In my view, opting not to have children isn't a favorable choice. This is because Allah Almighty has brought the universe into existence for humans, and it's through one human that all humans have come into being. Thus, Allah has elevated humans above other creatures.

However, the mortal population on Earth would face extinction, leading to disruptions in the balance of the universe, If everyone began refraining from having children. The bountiful resources and reserves present on our planet would go to waste. Moreover, the beauty of colorful places is enhanced by the presence of mortal beings. Therefore, in order to preserve this magnificence, it's pivotal to continue producing children and increasing the number of mortal beings.


Do you consider that in order to be a mother or father there must be ideal conditions (economic, social and physical and mental health)? why?

I believe that considering a stable profitable situation and social conditions are introductory prerequisites that one should think about before deciding to have a child. It's true that some people may give birth to a child without having all these things in place. However, the pivotal question is whether they can provide proper nurturing, good education, and social support to thechild.However, it would be illegal to the child, If they're unfit to do so.

Being from Pakistan, I've observed that numerous people with a large number of children struggle to bring them up properly due to their profitable weakness. As a result, their children lack access to good education and fail to become precious members of their family and society. Consequently, the future of these children is significantly compromised.

 last year 
Hello friend, I have read that for your culture and religion children are fundamental, which makes the work as a father, something valuable, important and that rejoices Ala. Each child is a blessing and you should always work to ensure that they lack nothing, to ensure education, study, health and many other things. We enjoyed learning about your culture and your vision of fatherhood.

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