Steemit Engagement Challenge W2 - D6 | An unexpected adventure of Sarah with a handsome police officer 👮 | I know you

in Colombia-Original2 years ago (edited)

An unexpected adventure of Sarah with a handsome police officer 👮


Two Figures in the Forest


The Bandits

Sarah Walker was going on a road trip with her college friends for the first time. Her mother was really against this decision as she was her only child. She was very possessive of Sarah. Her father helped her to get the permission and now she was on her way with great excitement. All her friends were cheering on the bus and she was enjoying every bit of a second.

While passing the woods, the bus suddenly stopped with a jerk. “What happened?”.” Did the tires burst?”. Must be the engine!”. Everybody started sharing their thoughts when a group of people entered the bus. All of them had their faces covered with black clothes. Their eyes were red and they were holding GUNS!. “Bandits”, Sarah holds her breath with fear.

It was her first encounter with such a situation and she was very afraid. Those bandits then started searching everyone’s bags and looting started. Sarah gave her phone, AirPods, and all her pocket money to the bandits but when they asked for her silver locket she refused to do so. It was not expensive, just an ordinary but beautiful silver locket. It was the last gift she received from her grandpa. How could she lose it! She couldn’t believe what gave her the strength, not knowing the consequences, she firmly refused to hand over the locket.

Prayer of a Young Girl

The next moment was unexpected when one of the bandits with blue eyes grabbed her hand and pull her out of her seat. She shouted for help. The entire bus was dead silenced. She looked at her teacher with harassed eyes. She pleaded with fear but no one dared to stand up for her. They were afraid of the guns. They were afraid to get grabbed on too. She was pulled out of the bus in trans.

The sun was setting. Birds were going back to their home. The bus was gone a long time ago and now the bandits were sitting under a tree, distributing the goods. Sarah was standing in fear near the tree. The bandit who grabbed her out was continuously staring at her. Sarah felt intimidated. She started praying in her heart. Now, she realized that she should have agreed to her mother's decision. She was missing her mother badly. “ oh God! please help me.” she pleaded.

The Betrayal

The bandit was now standing up. He was moving towards her when suddenly they all heard a sound. Quite unexpected. It was the siren. The police were here! They were informed about the incident! The bandits were panicked except for the blue-eyed ones. He ran over to Sarah and grabbed her hand again. Sarah was surprised by the warmness of his hand this time. All the bandits were about to run when he took out his gun and pointed it at his allies.” David, what are you doing?”, said one of them.

“Don’t move. Or I’ll shoot you all without mercy”, he shouted. Everyone was stunned into silence. Nobody could believe the situation. The siren was coming nearer when one of the bandits took out his dagger and throw it at them. David tried to dodge the dagger and dropped his gun. The bandits opened their fire. Sarah and David ran for their lives in the opposite direction.

They ran and ran until the sound of the gunshots faded.

The Locket

Sarah was looking at David for an explanation now. Something was missing in the puzzle and Sarah was unable to solve it. David could feel her gaze and finally decided to tell her the whole story. “I am a police officer and I was working undercover with the gang. It was the most wanted gang in the country and we were chasing it for quite a long time but they never leave a trace. Today, we finally had the chance to arrest them red-handed but things got a little out of hand.”
Sarah was listening to him very carefully but one thing was still unclear. “Why did you dragged me into all of this! I was not supposed to be a part of your plan, was I?”, she exclaimed.

“Actually you were. Remember i asked you for your locket. It has a tracker in it.”

“What? How do you know this?”, she gasps.

Your grandpa was a retired police officer and I was under his command for some time. Infact he asked me to buy this present for his lovely granddaughter so basically, I ordered it”, he smiled. She blinked with surprise. The scene was on the curtain of her mind when she opened the door and a handsome young police officer was standing there with balloons in his hand and a small parcel with her name on it. He wished her a very happy birthday with a smile. It was the same smile as today. He was right. He was the same police officer. She remembered him.

“I asked for your locket so the police could trace the gang but you refused and we were running out of time so I had to drag you out. I believed that I can protect you but things have gone a little messed up”, he said while looking at the wound she got on her elbow and face while running through the bushes.

She was relieved to know the story. Now they just had to wait for the police to trace them with the help of the locket. They waited. They talked. He taught her some martial arts skills for her defense. Sarah couldn’t believe she was so afraid some time ago but David has got the charm to calm her and make her feel protected. Finally, the police arrived to rescue them and told them the good news that the gang was captured them. When returning to her home, Sarah turned back to get a glimpse of David who was also looking at her. “Goodbye, miss Walker”, David whispered. They smiled at each other. Sarah knew that she was going to meet David again, eagerly.

The End

Author: @maazmoid123

Today is Day 6 of Week 2 of Steemit Engagement Contest, and I have participated in a Original Story Creation Contest, made by the @colombiaoriginal. It was really an interesting topic and it really open my whole brain, I am not much of a reader and a writer myself, but this contest made me a writer today. It was very innovative, unique, and hard too, especially for me. But I think I have pulled it out in a fairway.

In this contest, I would like to invite my dear friends @pennsif, @wilmer1988, @muksalm99, @whyshy and @josevas217. (2).gif

 2 years ago (edited)

An incredible story, good thing nothing happened to the girl, because she was at great risk, she was something like a bait without knowing it to find the criminals. An entertaining story that was enjoyable to read.

Club100SiThe user made a transfer to @pak-charity, which is a charity.
Beneficiario 15%No


Thank you for the review. Really Appreciate it.
Can you please revise that club? As I only have made a transfer to a Charity which I don't think counts in that, as I was in club100 for 5 months. Last week also the same thing happened and I cleared arnoldog25 regarding that and he reviewed it. Thank You

And one more thing can I set the beneficiaries now as I forget to add that when I was making the post:).


Cc, @marpa

 2 years ago (edited)

Hello, I did not know, but as it is a charity, if you are in the club100, I rectify and sorry for the inconvenience, I did not know.
Once published, the beneficiaries can no longer be modified :(

Its okay and thank you so much 😊

Saludos @maazmoid123, un gusto leer tu historia y la pobre Sarah tuvo que experimentar todo esto por no dar su relicario de plata.

Buena acción de la policia para atrapar a los bandidos y no se saleiran con las suyas.

Te deseo éxito en este concurso, Dios te guarde

Thank you 😊

It was an Incredible Story.

Sarah Walker was going on a road trip with her college friends for the first time. Her mother was really against this decision as she was her only child. She was very possessive of Sarah.

Every Mother is Very possessive of her Child. My Mother is also very possessive in making Any Decision to go outside the Home xD.

Her father helped her to get the permission and now she was on her way with great excitement.

This was an Amazing Also My father give me permission to go Outside the Home.

About the Story, The Story was Made interested when Dacoit Stop The Bus,

She shouted for help. The entire bus was dead silenced.

It is a fact that the legs of the good ones tremble in front of the pistol.

It was Really an Incredible Story, You have Written the Story very Well, Best of luck with the Contest.

Thank you my friend for reading this and sharing your valuable thought. God Bless

loved it, esp the turn point when the blue-eyed man stands against his gang.
it was fun reading.

It is good to see that atleast someone liked my story.

Your story was full of suspense. You have written in such a lovely style that each word entices the reader to continue reading. Bravo for your creativity.

What a masterpiece you have written. It's so comforting to know in the end that they were saved. I am glad the gang was taken in by the police. You have written a brilliant story. Best of luck

Hello @maazmoid123, your post has been supported by @reminiscence01 using @steemcurator09 account.

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