Steemit Engagement Challenge | I Take Care of the Planet and you? |Properly Dispose Waste, recycle and plant trees.

Hello dear friends, it is with great enthusiasm that I write out my article for this contest. I will show you how in my little way I take care of the environment/planet and also necessary
things to do for the well-being of the planet.


The environment is our immediate surrounding, all factors that surrounds us both plants and animals alike. And our existence as humans is intwined with that of our environment.

A picture of me in my backyard garden

For the sake of this contest I would be talking mostly on pollution and how they affect the environment. Most of our activities as humans affect the environment negatively and it should not be so because there has to be balance, we help the environment and the environment helps us that is how it is supposed to be.

Pollution is the release into the environment, harmful substances through the activities of man in either small or large quantities over a period of time capable of causing harm to the environment or man.

There are different kinds of pollution, including land, water, air etc.

When the land is polluted by solid waste and spilled oil it affects the soils,, causing it to loose its fertility this in turn limits the growth of plants and crops. These green plants are necessary as they provide the oxygen(02) needed for our breathing and respiration.

What to do for a saver and better environment/planet:

  • Waste should be properly disposed off and not thrown out on the streets or land areas. They should put in bin bags.

Waste in my compound put in bin bags for proper disposal

  • Most materials can be recycled and they should be reused to avoid accumulating waste. For instance plastic bottles in homes can be used to store water instead of been thrown away. Cartons can be made into little or big box to store household items.

A little box I made from biscuit carton

  • People should be encouraged to plant more trees instead of cutting them down. As these trees are really vital. They take up the carbon dioxide we release and produce oxygen. (More trees will help curb greenhouse effect).

  • Every industry should be checked by the proper agency for their Environmental Imapact Assessment (~ that is the assessment of environmental consequences of their project or plan).


With these few what to do to keep the environment safe and the reasons I have stated as to why we should protect the environment, I hope it inspires every reader to do the needful no matter how small. I have come to the end of my article for this contest.

Plant a tree today.

I will like to invite @merci26 and @barnabie to kindly participate in this contest.

Thank you for reading through.

15% payout goes to @colombiaoriginal community for its growth. We win together.


I believe there was a time an NGO delegated some amount of money to the Sahara desert for tree planting, you have no idea of sickening it is to see people cutting down trees, these are supposed to be plants we admire not just cut for the sake of usage, I hope changes really come to that part sooner.

It is sad to know that many do not know the importance of these trees or just choose to overlook. Hopefully change comes soon.

Let us just do the little we can.

 2 years ago 

Thank you very much for your participation, it is good to see that you contribute by planting trees, these are important to have clean air as well as reuse things that we have at home.

Transfers: 28.000 STEEM
Powerup; 60.000 STEEM


Thank you for reading.

I love your waste box well designed. You are doing a great work to care for the planet. How is the waste properly disposed?? Is there a possibility of separating the waste in a way that un-decomposed waste is managed different and the decomposed waste used for organic manure??

Here in my area when you bag the waste you take it to the designated areas for disposal, there the persons in charge of environmental sanitation takes it away for proper disposal.

Yes it is possible, you just have to separate it putting non decompose waste that cannot be recycled separate from the ones that can be used as manure.

I’m glad your community has a team of environmental sanitation. This will help reduced the way inhabitants dump dirts anyhow.

All your aforementioned ways to keep the environment safe are great and worth commending.
We ourselves feels better when the environment is neatly kept.

" plant more trees instead of cutting them down. As these trees are really vital. They take up the carbon dioxide we release and produce oxygen. (More trees will help curb greenhouse effect).

That's if possible we have to cut them down for one reason or the other, we ought to replace back asap.
That's what is called aforestation.
Nice and inspiring post from you here ma'am ☺️

Yes, you are correct if for any reason a tree is cut down , another should be planted in it’s place. Thanks for reading.

A little box I made from biscuit carton

আপনি ফেলে দেওয়া জিনিস থেকে একটি নতুন ব্যবহার যোগ্য জিনিস তৈরি করেছেন৷ এটি খুবই ভালো।

Yes, thank you for your kind words and liking the little box.

Nice post you have here. Mother Earth needs to be saved. The environment is our home, we need to guard and preserve it.

Yes, we protect it and it protects us. Thanks for reading.

I just love that little box you made. It is a great recycling idea.
So often it is these little ideas which can become big ideas in saving mother world!
Good luck fir the competition 🤞🏻

Thank you so much ma 🤗.

Bravo 👏👏👏.
You know what came to my mind when I saw your recycled carton.
I thought it was a contribution box 🤣🤣.

You have done perfectly well to keep your surroundings neat, keep up the good work ✅✅

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