Steemit Engagement Challenge (week 3): A design for Mr. Steem | Steemit Engagement Challenge :By

in Colombia-Original2 years ago

Mr. steem

Hello good people of this great community. I greet you and also send best regards from Cameroon a land of riches and opportunities. It has been awesome riding through the week with these beautiful contests in these beautiful communities. One has been part of the amazing fun and here we are with another great contest and it is an interesting one for that matter.

Well, to begin with I have been friends with Mr.steem for more than one year and we have a marvelous relationship ,Mr steem has accompanied me through some tough times and I have seen Mr.steem to be an interesting partner that I will be partnering with to do marvelous projects and I have created a forum through which I will talk about Mr.steem and projects related to Mr.steem (#steemmagazine).

I got a call from MR.Steem informing me of a very important party he is going to take part in and wanted me to help him get a suit for him to put on. And I said you got no problem my good friend, I have got a lot of connections and I was going to place a Call from one of my friends from Italy to send me a complete suit plus some pair of shoes and a bag to put some documents inside. Mr steem told me he was going to talk about some projects in his community and how important it was for people in his community to take part in and I was very please because I will also like to be part of these beautiful projects .

When I called grand Tron in Italy and he told, it was timely that he had some already made suits plus shoes and a bag that will fit perfectly well for MR.Steem and fortunately for MR.SBD was going to take the latest flight to Cameroon with the dress and the other accessories .Just in few days time the dress arrived and I was so pleased to meet Mr.SBD to collect the dress myself.

Imported suit for Mr. Steem

The dress was already sown to fit Mr.steem just as commanded .so I actually, invited Mr.steem to Pixel Lab dressing room for him to try the dress.




And behold mr.Steem is looking awesome and take away in this suit and we are actually going to take part in this anniversary together.
After dressing Mr.steem Mr,steem actually posed for some souvenirs pictures .And we were good for the party I also posed for.

Mr. Steem ready for the party

Happy anniversary @Colombia-Original..🥞🥞🥞🥞👑👑

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 2 years ago (edited)

Greetings friend

The idea of this contest is to submit an original design and not a costume from a predetermined image, this can even be taken as plagiarism.

Cc: @nahela, @josevas217, @franyeligonzalez

 2 years ago (edited)

Hola @adeljose, muchas gracias por la detección y la mención.

 2 years ago 

Buenas noches, veo una participación en el concurso sin embargo hay ítems que ha dejado pasar por alto, como el uso de la tags del club, su selfie con la palabra clave. Esto le da menos probabilidades de éxito en el concurso.

Club= ?
No Usa Fuentes en sus imágenes
No Usa subtítulos en sus imágenes

✅ Gracias por destinar un % de tus recompensas a nuestras cuentas comunitarias.
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Wow my dear you done a great job .I most say the design for mr steem for his anniversary is great .The suit looks good on him .I can see he is very ready to attend the are really a good designer .keep up

Thanks a lot dear he is quite ready for the party..

 2 years ago 

The idea of the contest this time is that you show the process of creation, in the evidently you could use digital design tools to participate, but it is evident that you have not done a job in this aspect, basically you copied a drawing of a cartoon and on top of it you pasted a Steem logo with eyes. That has no degree of merit.
The tag C1 has been placed, as a first warning for a situation that could be considered plagiarism. In a second discovery will proceed to place the label of "Plagiarism " without option to any kind of claim later. The idea is to share original content.


La idea del concurso en esta oportunidad es que muestres el proceso de creación, en el evidentemente te podías valer de herramientas digitales de diseño para participar, pero es evidente que no has hecho un trabajo en este aspecto, básicamente copiaste un dibujo de una caricatura y encima de el pegaste un logo de Steem con ojos. Eso no tienen ningún grado de mérito.
Se ha colocado la etiqueta C1, como primera advertencia ante una situación que podríamos considerar plagio. En un segundo descubrimiento se procederá a colocar la etiqueta de "Plagiarism" sin opción a ningún tipo de reclamo a posterior. La idea es compartir contenido original.

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