NEW CONTEST: I take care of the planet and you? (Steemit Engagement Challenge) || By @aktrazee || 10% pay out to @colombiaoriginal

in Colombia-Original2 years ago (edited)

Hi Everyone!


What are humans doing with their planet?

One thing I do not understand is why man is involved in the destruction of his own home/Planet. Honestly, when I saw this challenge, I was little upset. I have been thinking for a long time that we are doing what to save the plant. But you know what came to my mind Nuclear Power, Chemical Industries, Weapons man bombing, Fertilizers, Human waste underground water system,


How sad that not a single point came to my mind that would be beneficial to our planet. The planet because of which we are living alive Alas, we are leading it to ruin. Ten or fifteen years ago today, The weather wasn't as intense as it used to be. And I often wondered why the weather was changing over time, The intensity of the heat is increasing every year. And very sadly, it is human beings who have the biggest hand in increasing the severity of the weather.

But the question arises that all human beings are doing this?. Will the world be destroyed so soon that we will lose our lives? So the answer is absolutely no, because where there are people who are bent on destroying this planet for their own purposes, there are also people who are spending all their time and money for this planet. To be saved.

These are the people who have the hope of life, the hope for the planet, the ones who will save the world, the ones who will save their planet. We also have to stand in the line of such people. We also have to look into our own collars to see if we are doing our part to save the planet.


I am a hope for my planet

Our planet Earth has given us life. Now is the time for our planet to do something to keep our earth alive. There is still time. We can save our planet for our future generations, for our future human beings. And it's not a difficult task, we just have to take a few precautions. I consider my planet to be my home and it is true that this is my home and for that I share with you what I do to save it, to keep it alive, to protect it.


Minimize the use of smoke emitters

Can't shut down a big smoke emitting factory but I mostly try to reduce the use of motorbikes or cars. Only use them when I'm traveling too long. Nearby work I try to do either on a bicycle or on foot, And I keep urging my friends and family to do the same.

Saving trees and plants means saving the world

I can't grow too many gardens but I know I can grow a few trees This the great and easy way to alive my planet and I always try to do this. Yes i have it in my hand and i can do it. Even if you do not have land to grow trees and plants, you should try to grow some in the backyard of your home.


I saved Water

Under the changing circumstances of the time, the clean and fresh water of the earth is running out and most of the water is becoming salty. But the water that is still left, the reservoirs that we have for drinking clean water, we can save. I avoid wasting water and use it as much as I need.


I Avoid The use of plastic

Plastic is a big problem for our planet because once it is formed, it cannot be eliminated. It can bury but it cannot be eliminated. So I try not to use it at all. This may seem like a small step, but it's a big deal because our oceans are being destroyed by plastic.


Used Natural Fertilizer instead of Chemical Fertilizer

We always use natural fertilizers for farming which are made from animal waste. It is a natural fertilizer that does not destroy the earth and And improves farming without harming it.


These are the little things we can do to make our world even more beautiful and lovely. And we have to take that step. Time is still not running out. We still have a lot of time. We have a lot of resources that we need to save and that we can save to save the world. This world is our home and we all have a duty to save it. All you have to do is do your part And if you start doing that, you will start to see changes around you.

So my dear friends this was my post in which I shared some of my activities with you guys that I do to care this planet and I will keep doing it. I hope you like my post Thanks for taking the time to read my post




Hello @aktrazee.

I really like your point of view, there are many factors that damage the environment and very few people who end up taking action to solve it, with this we face major environmental problems that every day are more difficult to solve, and the lack of awareness of people is one of the main problems, on the other hand, the little things you mention that we can do are valuable, and can help a little or a lot, the more people we contribute our grain of sand everything will improve, success in the contest.

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