Interview with the Vampire - Anne Rice

in Writing & Reviews3 years ago

Interview with the Vampire - Anne Rice



This is the story of Louis, a young man from New Orleans who, plagued by guilt over the death of his younger brother, becomes an eternal denizen of the night. But from the beginning of his new life, the most human feelings come his way..., especially love. «-But how much do you have? the vampire asked, turning around so the boy could see his profile. Enough for the story of a life? -Of course, it is a good life. Sometimes I interview as many as three or four people in one night if I'm lucky. But it has to be a good story. That's fair, don't you think? "Exceedingly fair," the vampire replied. I would like to tell you the story of my life. I would like it very much.”


We begin the chapter with Louise, who is going to tell an interviewer her whole life, she begins by telling him that she used to live on a plantation in New Orleans, where she tells us that she had a good economic position and was an excellent businessman, she recounts with great pain the death of her younger brother, who was a religious fanatic, in a fateful incident he falls down the stairs dying in those moments, we notice how Louise feels a lot of guilt and sadness for the death of her brother.


At that time he details that he was attacked by a vampire, this being his first approach with these creatures, the attack was not lethal, the vampire decides to take him home and offer him immortality by offering him to drink blood from his wrist in exchange for allows him to live on the plantation and enjoy its resources, the process of transformation from human to vampire tells us how painful and somewhat long since he has to die in the process.


The vampire who transformed him is called Lestat, he moves to Louise's plantation immediately after Louise's transformation, taking with him his father, a blind, mortal old man, who is unaware of his son's new nature.

We see how Lestat, Louise's new teacher, is very uncommunicative and elusive with the questions that Louise asks him about his new nature, after a while Louise realizes that he does not like to drink blood since he has to kill for it, quite the opposite of his teacher, who enjoys it and flaunts it.


After some time Lestat's father dies, like Louise's mother, it should be noted that she did not live on the plantation like her sister who gets married, Louise faces a duel with a neighbor, who was at the charge of caring for her sister, Louise loses the duel, seeing this Lestat attacks the neighbor leaving him dying, at this point Louise wants to separate from Lestat, since the life she leads with him is not to her liking and she is also aware of that transformed him only to be able to spend the money he had and use his ability as a merchant and thus have his own economy secured.

Due to Lestat's previous attack, people are beginning to suspect and talk about that pair, therefore they decide to go to the capital of New Orleans, before this Louise visits her sister, she is scared by her appearance tells her that it is the devil, running out of family.


Shortly after arriving in the capital Louise finds a little girl crying in front of her mother's corpse, she feels sorry for the girl and decides to suck her blood leaving her dying, Lestat manages to rescue her and takes the little girl to the house, where he transforms her in front of Louise, since she knows if she does that, she will decide to stay so she can take care of Claudia and thus avoid Louise's departure.

Claudia shares the coffin with Louise, where they both sleep together, over the years the girl becomes a cruel vampire, as she grows mentally but not physically, Claudia hates Lestat for transforming her at such a young age and preventing her from growing into a vampire. woman, Claudia sets a trap for her creator by giving a couple of children a drink that she was in charge of poisoning with wormwood, leaving him paralyzed she drinks all his blood, leaving him for dead.


Louise and she begin to make preparations to travel to Europe, when a friend of Lestat appears along with the vampire that Claudia had tried to kill, a mess but alive, seeing this the little girl manages to set fire to the apartment that the tre shared fleeing with Louise at his side to Europe where they hope to find the answers to their questions about their nature, their species.


Louise and Claudia spend a lot of time in Europe trying to find their similars, but they only meet a strange race of vampires, which seem not to reason and act on instinct, shortly after they decide to go to Paris, where they find a large group of vampires. vampires, in a tangled and sad situation which ends with Claudia's life.


Some time later Louise returns to New Orleans with her new partner, Bernart, she met him in Paris, he is the oldest vampire, they met when Louise and Claudia arrived in Paris, back in their hometown, Louise meets again with Lestat, the who lives in deplorable conditions, he begs Louise to stay with him, again, but Louise decides to leave, after that Louise finds out that Bernart was able to prevent the death of her little girl, Claudia, hurt Louise leaves the side of Bernard.

The book ends with our protagonist leaving his interviewer dying, since he wanted Louise to turn him. The writer addresses various themes in the plot of the book, morality, love, immortality seen from the point of view of someone who hates it and another who loves to be immortal, existentialism and the human condition, always with the gothic touch that characterizes the novels of vampires, Ann Rice shows us a work with a very good contrast between the characters and each one of them has a perfect development, it hooks you and leaves you reflecting on everything, it is one of the best books I have read.

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