Poem: Mother Demeter
Author's note: The following poem was published, in Spanish language, in my Hive Blog on June 14th, 2021.
Source of the image: Pexels
Demeter the mother,
the maiden,
the goddess,
the seeder,
the combine.
About you they said that you exaggerated
when the abduction that originated winter
and autumn happened,
without understanding that you were only
the mother of a dissappeared woman
that searches for her daughter by
land, sea and wind.
You were victim of vile deceive
when everyone denied knowing
the location of your daughter Persephone;
only Hecate and Helios told you
openly how it all happened.
As a protest against the vanity
of your brother's court,
father of your daughter,
you hit where it hurts them the most
by ordering that nothing be born,
that nothing bloom until it comes back to you
your greatest treasure, your daughter.
You were the only one of the gods
that tenaciously managed to dissuade
to the womanizer Zeus to the point of putting him
before your feet, in the panic
that supposes not getting more sacrifices
from Prometheus' children.
You were worshiped in all Greece,
with Eleusis and Athens as your main temples
of great importance,
because is in your honor that they celebrate
the divine mysteries
for being Mother Demeter.