My Introduction 😊||By toreeto❤️ ||22 August 2021||
👋 👋 Hi stemains
Assalam o alaikum, I hope you all will be fine and happy. I am new in this community Writing&Reviews. Today i am going to introduce myself to all of you.
My Introduction
I am kamran wazir. My nik name is kami and often people called me toreeto. I lives in lahore which is a beautiful and big city of Pakistan. I belong to a very nice and big family.
My hobbies 🏏🎾🎄
I have mainy hobbies but mostly I like to play bedminton and cricket. I read some books for the journal knowledge. I also a photographer and like to take pictures of our beautiful nature. I like to listen some songs in my spare time.
My education 🎓🎓🎖️
I am a student of the University in the field of operations theater and technology with the University of lahore. I have passed matric and Fsc with good marks. And in future I will be nearly a doctor InshaAllah.
Special mention❤️❤️