Contest: Tell Us About Your Religion

in Writing & Reviews4 years ago (edited)

Hi everyone good day!

This is the church where I belong since I was baptized and until now I come to attend mass here with my family.


Our Religion Teaches us the Seven
Sacraments To Follow.

1.) Baptism: by which we are made Christians and members of His holy Church.
2.) Confirmation: by which we received the holy spirit to make us strong and perfect christians.
3.)The Holy Eucharist: which is truly substantially the body and blood, the soul and divinity of Jesus Christ, under the appearances of bread and wine.
4.) Penance: by which the sins committed after Baptism are forgiven.
5.) Anointing of the Sick: which in serious illness comforts the soul, remits sin and restores health if God deems it expedient.
6.) Holy Orders: by which Bishops, Priests and Deacons receive power and grace to perform their sacred duties.
7.) Matrimony: which is the Sacrament of Christian Marriage.

When the child is born the sacrament of baptism will be the first sacrament to receive, then as the child grows the next sacraments will be followed to become a good Christian and religious individuals.

The Parish National Shrine of Virgin Of The Rule(Shrine of Nuestra Senora Berhen sa Regla) as we say in our language. This is the oldest church in our place. My parents had their matrimonial blessing here and my siblings and I had baptized here.

My religion is Roman Catholic we believe in one God the father almighty. Our church is open and will celebrate mass twice a day everyday but during Sundays and holidays of obligation the mass is celebrated every hour. In our church we have many images of Jesus and saints. We have also a shrine of mother Mary. Mary is the mother of Jesus her shrine is located upstairs of the church. We believe in her, when we pray she is our great intercessor for our petitions to the Lord our God.


Shrine of Virgin of the Rule

Many of parishioners will go upstairs to ask her help and intercession that God will answer for their petitions. Many religious individuals from far places comes to ask for the help of the blessed Virgin that God will answer their prayers and petitions. Others will stayed to meditate the Holy Rosary. Many Roman Catholic believed in her, she performed a countless miracles and those prayed and their prayers were granted through her intercession were so grateful and will come back with their offering.


This is the image of crucified Jesus at the Altar. The place where the priest celebrate the holy mass. During those normal times the capacity of parishioners to attend mass has no limit everybody were welcome inside but now only fifty percent of the parishioners can attend. Senior citizens and childrens were advised to stay at home and listen the holy mass over the radio or in social media.

As we had our church visit in the church near us

Every lenten season there were many activities in our church. The priest spend time in confession both for the parishioners who wants to confess, the stations of the cross , visitation of the churches and the foot procession of the dead body of Christ but this time because of health protocols the foot procession were not allowed this holy week.


All images in our church were wrapped with purple cloth as a sign of mourning. On good Friday the whole place would be so solemn in respect for the death of Jesus. All stablishments were closed and mostly were stayed home. The whole family will attend mass together and also the Veneration of the Cross will be celebrated at the church during good Friday.

This is how we express our faith and our activities we have in our religion maybe it differs from your religion but I believe we have only one God to worship and glorify.

Love You All and See you Again.

A big thanks to @belenguerra @writingnreviews & @fendit for giving us this chance to share our religious life.


 4 years ago 

Thanks to you for feeling safe and confident enough here to share your thoughts! :)
Nice post!

thank you ma'am

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