WandaVision Review - The Perfect Start to the New Stage of Marvel's Cinematic World
At the beginning of the review of wandavision, it must be mentioned that following the end of the epic "Avengers Endgame", which ended one of the important stages within the marvel film world, the desire of the supporters to know what will be presented later new projects that are supposed to ensure the continuity of Marvel in the fascination with everyone in its content work after work, and at the same level or slightly higher, That's what has already been achieved, when Kevin Feige, the man who is now a major source of film entertainment, has on several occasions announced Marvel's plan for the so-called Phase 4 or The Fourth Stage of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Advertisements that carried with it many good news, which consists of several short series featuring the most prominent marvel characters who appeared before in the previous 21 films, a chart that reflects the vital and enduring activity of Kevin Feige in laying the foundation stone for what is coming in the world of Marvel film, so as to discourage the makers of these works work comfortably in order to come to the light of film or on the platform "Disney Plus"Marvel reveals massive Phase Four film and television plan - The Verge in the perfect form.
Wandavision Review
This is what has already been achieved with the series wandavision, which succeeded in being the perfect start of the new era in the "MCU", and contributed to the emergence of its heroes in a different way than the above, and cleverly paved the way for what will happen next in the second part of the film "Doctor Strange", and it is a preliminary proof that these series carry stories and adventures that make them a great deal of importance like movies, making watching them necessary and not to be missed.
Wandavision Story
The wandavision takes place three weeks after Avengers Endgame, where Wanda Maximov and Vision live a perfect life on the outskirts of Westview, New Jersey, hoping to hide their true identities, but with their time and the appearance of their situation upside down, this couple realizes that things are not what they seem to be, and that there is an internal and external danger that may Spoil sedated on what they're trying to achieve together.
Wandavision is divided into two parallel segments on the level of importance and the multiplicity of events and related details, the first follows the life of "Wanda" and "Vision in a funny way by following the style of "Sitcom" or short series that often give a sense of comedy to its continuous positions, and the second spins outside "Westview" tries to decide on that complex situation imposed by "Wanda" without clear or announced reasons.
The scenario succeeded in imposing a balance between those two lines of events, and I was very aware of the time when it is moving from one angle to another
without prejudice and the upward rhythm that began calm and fun at the same time before reaching the peak stage at the end and the accompanying terrible explosion in the story and what you are trying to reach in the first place.That stage, which was never done without haste or haste, but there was a great deal of careful formulation of the events of the series to ensure that its lines are unified in one context, and a convenient and satisfying conclusion for everyone who follows him, to mention the end, the makers of the work will not introduce useless symbolism just to satisfy viewers obsessed with theories and comics and so on.
The best decision is what the book of the series wandavision did to prepare for the future in relation to the characters and events that are related to the current story only, and to identify the elements that will be used later and refer to them from other characters and symbols in the world of "Marvel", so the success of "WandaVision" in the first place is due to the efforts of the participants in writing its nine episodes and giving each of them what is useful in the integration of the series and its exit in the best possible way.
There are good contributions at the level of decorations that suit the different times of the series, as well as in the choice of costumes, make-up and other technical elements, but the photography that tries to show diversity in the cadres, whether broad in the scenes of action or near by that depicts the characters and reflects all their facial expressions clearly.
This comes to the use of the technique of "Single Camera Setup" or "one camera" in the scenes of "Sitcom" in order to contain the situation in a rolling image of all the details of the scene topped by the voice of the audience in the background laughing on what happens from the comedy sequence, all of which contributed to the application of high-quality optical and not stingy using the appropriate tools in each scene if necessary so that the final result is in a form that satisfies the crowd of lovers of the different Marvel fans
Elizabeth Olsen and Paul Bettany have been keeping their tune together since Civil War, and they also reinforced it on the comedy level in the first three episodes until the series witnessed major shifts in its events, and it requires that haste in adding the required sense of drama in conjunction with the successive sequences,But elizabeth olsen should be commended specifically for the script's interest in highlighting the character's past and the difficulties Wanda faced in the past and which really influenced her decisions and what she did, Olsen didn't seem to have any sensory exaggeration, or misplaced emotional feelings.
Everything goes according to what the script wants to bring out in Wanda until she sees the most significant moment in her life, Happiness and stability of my self turns into a lack of understanding followed by a sense of danger and then to a fighting ferocity and responsibility towards the world in order to correct the mistake committed to the time of actual and questionable change at the same time, all of which was shown by Olsen with great ability and careful improvisation of the expressive emotions and dramatic embodiment of the flames of the past and influenced by the diet of the difficult period that Wanda is going through even after what she has done. The series also witnessed the appearance of the star "Katherine Haan", which formed one of the main elements of the surprise in the series, and especially led in the transformations that were taking place in her character many times without appearing there is a bat in the embodiment at the moment that happens what suddenly changes the way "Agatha" in saying and doing.
In conclusion, wandavision contributes to the assertion that the work is only the beginning of a new series of exciting adventures that will be presented by Kevin Feige and his companions over the next few years, and still in the quid of "Viiji" lots and many stories that will keep the attention of lovers of previous works for long periods that cannot be counted or counted.