Poetry: Empty

Hi, my name is Renan Silva and I'm a poet here in Brazil, I discovered poetry at the age of 15 and I fell in love with it, I lived writing, dedicating myself, going to soirees, getting to know the poetry and the cultural world that it covers.
Well this is one of my poems, I wrote in 2017 it was written in Portuguese, but I translated it into English, I know it won't be the same, but I hope you like it!


I swore the world to you, and all I gave you was loneliness.

The failure of an undaunted soldier is worse than the death of a platoon.

I promised you that I would give you the world, it was bad, I am not paying promises.

I swore to give you my deepest love, only that the roses were already dead.

So why give you something, from me ?, if I'm empty.

Wandering through my own space, lucid.

Of kites I preferred home, because I'm afraid of people.

I am worse than the fiercest bixo, who just wants to protect himself; innocent.

I make myself of wrong strokes, because I already owned the moon.

I never set foot on it, but I already knew that the moon was only yours.

That shines in a dark space, in an immensity of stars.

Responsibility, just shine, goal, always be the most intense.

We take care of what we take, We speak only with whom we speak.

For the world is innocent, people who are dangerous.

They prefer the bullet that stains a soul, rather than filling a heart with roses.

Renan S.


Te jurei o mundo, e tudo que te dei foi solidão.

A falha de um soldado não abatido, é pior que a morte de um pelotão.

Te prometi que ia te dar o mundo, foi mal, não sou pagador de promessas.

Jurei te dar meu amor mais profundo, só que no fundo as rosas ja estavam mortas.

Então para que te dar algo, de mim?, se estou vazio.

Vagando pelo espaço de minha propria mente, lúcido.

De pipas eu preferia casa, pois tenho medo de gente.

Sou pior que o bixo mais feroz, que só quer se proteger; inocente.

Me faço de traços errados, pois ja fui dono da lua.

Nunca pisei o pé nela, mas ja sabia que a lua era só sua.

Que brilha em um espaço escuro, em uma imensidão de estrelas.

Responsabilidade, só brilhar, meta, ser sempre a mais intensa.

Tomamos cuidado com o que tomamos, Falamos apenas com quem falamos.

Pois o mundo é inocente, as pessoas que são perigosas.

Elas preferem a bala que mancha uma alma, do que preencher um coração de rosas.

Renan S.

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