A Short Story with a Twist Twist: The Three Good Friends

Once upon a time!!!

Once there were three friends whom lived in the same neighbourhood at France šŸ‡«šŸ‡· .
They spent almost every day together and as happy as they could ever be, their names were : Pablo, Bobo and Rashidoo.

They understood their capabilities very well which gave them the idea of never letting go of each other and respecting each other.
Bobo was actually the rich one among them but he didnā€™t have much innovative ideas but Rashidoo did have ideas on how best they could live a happy and a close life and then Pablo knew how best to explain it to the understanding of their rich friend so that they can be supported financially.

They usually go places like the ball park on Saturday morning to play football āš½ļø together, later the day they go have Lunch šŸ„— together and have fun with their girlfriends.

And on Sunday they do a little washing at boboā€™s house and play video games In the afternoon then later evening they go to movies with their girlfriends again then prepare for the fresh working days .

After work on Monday they eat from boboā€™s mom pot and play video games till
Itā€™s 7pm then they dispatch, they move to Pabloā€™s house on Tuesday to eat after work and go back to play game at Boboā€™s place till evening again just as usual they do same at Rashidooā€™s house on Wednesday and keeps the routine till the week end.

Then a new guy moved into their neighbourhood, he bared the name Legacy, Legacy wasnā€™t working in a governmental organization but was supper richer than any of them.

These three friends met Legacy at the pitch when they went to play ball one day, they found out they were all in same neighbourhood and he drove them home in his car šŸš—.

So they Exchanged contacts and tried being friends with him and he was a cool guy as they thought.

Pablo;ā€ this new guy is supper cool and rich. I wonder what he does for a living as he said he isnā€™t qualified for any governmental workā€.

Rashidoo: ā€œyes Pablo you are right I think we need to get to know him more and see what he is made ofā€.

Bobo: Why donā€™t we just leave him and live our lives like now.
After that time together they dispatched and prepare for the night and Pablo went with Rashidoo, on their way this occurred.

Rashidoo: ā€œpablo? Donā€™t you think Bobo is not happy because Legacy is much richer than he is and going to be our new friend now ā€œ.

Pablo: ā€œyes bro he is he always want to be the boss and pampered but we should get closer to the guy legacy and make money too because things arenā€™t easy at our side, what we get from work isnā€™t that much and we arenā€™t from rich families tooā€.

So that coming weeks as they have gone their weekly routine normal, they invited Legacy for their lunch and Movies šŸŽ„ night as they got to know more about him, he was really as cool as they thought but wouldnā€™t say much about his work, he only said his work paid far better than most government workers and also was cashing out daily and he canā€™t say much but if they are willing to be part of it he will welcome them to money now, as they smiled the said they will think about it.

When they got home that night these three friends thought over this job and couldnā€™t sleep, after work on Monday they met at their usual place and tried analysing what they should or not do about that offer.

Bobo: guys I love you all as you are and you love me as I am too , I know that. So letā€™s just keep with our jobs and live happily.

Rashidoo: yes you are right we love you but we really got to make real money and live our real lives.

Pablo: bro am going to tell you the truth, I have always noticed you never wanted or wished we had money like you, you always wanted us behind.

Bobo: really, thanks for that, I really appreciate.

They dispatched in anger, that particular night none of them slept but this two friends refused to go to Bobo from that day till the week ends when they met with Legacy and Bobo at the football pitch, Pablo and Bobo apologised to each other and Legacy said he would like to take them out that night to a special place at Paris.

They all gladly dressed out and he took them to #Eiffel Tower to see how beautiful it and itā€™s surrounding are at night after they enjoyed time at the tower he asked them if they were certain as to join his work or maintain their works that paid less.

So Pablo and Rashidoo said something to Surprise their friend (Bobo) , they said they will maintain their jobs and keep their friendship, then Legacy tried convincing them but later had to respect their decision and on Sunday night after their movies without Legacy they heard a lot of gunshots and noise at his apartment and decided to call the police šŸ‘®
By the time they got there with #the policeLegacy had been shoot with #blood all over the floor as a result of a gang fight over drug business.

The police were able to arrest the rest of the crews and thanked the three friends for alerting them but those two friends were only thankful to Bobo for not letting them in to that danger .
And they kept their friendship tighter than ever.

Am glad to take part in this contest
Thank you for reading.



Here is a prove of my post on Facebook


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Ā 3 years agoĀ 

Me gustĆ³ tu publicaciĆ³n...muy entretenida

Muchas gracias estoy muy agradecido

Ā 3 years agoĀ 

Thank you for being part of this weekā€™s contest!!

We appreciate a lot your commitment with this community šŸ˜Š


You are welcome

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