
in Writing & Reviews3 years ago

Greetings to my beautiful community members. I just wish to write a little content about Anger, how it is expressed and a little way it can be managed.

According to Tunde Agaga "Anger is natural, healthy emotion and is normal to be upset".

In this situation, being angry is not the problem but managing it is the issue. Every human being has that spirit of anger. It is a temperament that lives in every human being.

It is expressed in different dimension.
Some people will get angry and they will start drinking and smoking. Some will go and look for a place to stay which might not be ideal place to stay. Some will break bottle and cause nuisance. Some will spoil or damage one thing or the other. Some will even go extra mile to kill or injure another innocent person.

When there is anger, it can be controlled or managed by:

Taking A Breath Before Any Utterances: Any thing nature is not easy to control but with discipline it can be managed. Eg. We all know that the urge to urinate is not easy to control mostly when it has gotten to rear stage. The way it can be managed is by disciplining oneself. Assuming you are traveling to a long distance by road and the means to urinate will be difficult. The only thing that can help to manage it is to minimize the quantity of fluid intake. If the quantity of fluid intake is not put in place automatically the person must have urge to urinate and there is a stage it will get to it can no longer be controlled.

Talking in a mode of anger is like quenching a flame of fire with water. There are some utterances that cannot be said when a person is not angry, but in that angry stage any thing can come out from the mouth. When there is a breath, the mind will have a little relax and the brain will set, the person can think well before making any speach.

Step Aside: If the situation or the environment is not condusive to stay or make comment. Is better the person to step aside so that the environment will come down and the person will feel relax. The heaviness of the anger will less so that when the person comes back to the environment the spirit of anger has cleared or reduced.

No Comment Yet: It is better to stay quiet during the heat of anger than to start explanation. There are some comment that will be made and it will aggrevate the aggrevated situation. So keeping calm in that kind of environment or situation is the best attitude to manage the anger.

Do Not Acuse Falsely: When a person is angry and is being acused falsely on what the person did not do. The anger will not stopped because the person nervous system will continue to boil up. To manage anger in this situation is to say exactly how the things happen so that the mind of every person will be at rest.

Apology: when some body is offended and the person became angry, sorry can go a long way to calm the the temper. Am sorry settles many cases that can lead to fight, quarrel, serious aguement or hatred. With the little five letter words "Sorry" everything will be settled.

Hope my this little content will impart something to the great members of this community.


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