He's not your son

in Writing & Reviews3 years ago


The word Risk, some say its a possible adverse event or outcome. To me, it's the possibility of a negative outcome to a decision or event. We, humans, tend to take risks. Sometimes its outcome could be a positive one but most times, the outcome is always bad.
Have you ever taken a risk that has affected one's life negatively?

My name is Peter and I have been married for over 7years without any children. My wife is a virtuous woman. She's a woman every man would dream to have as a wife. Her intellect and her good ideas, not alone how she handles the affairs of the family. Beautiful? She's the epitome of beauty. Her beauty can entice an Angel into sin.

We have a happy home, but we don't have any children. Was the problem from me? No, neither was it from her, we have run several tests, and all coming out negative. No organ was having any problem, but still no child.
My mother wasn't helping the matter, she made my home unbearable and uncomfortable for my wife, as she put pressure on my wife, saying she's the cause of her barrenness. Calling her offensive names like; a witch, barren woman, and a whore. Cautioning my mother was fruitless and frustrating, as she continues to do the same thing and even more. I have restricted them from coming to my house, but each time she comes, she would cause trouble, leaving my wife in tears and emotionally broken. But still, I cannot push my mother out or my wife. I don't whom I should blame because she alone raised me and my siblings after my father left us (divorced). I have talked to my mother, but she has turned deaf ears to me. She only wants to see her grandchildren before she dies.

My wife and I have visited several churches, solution centers, but all to no avail. She remains not pregnant.
I decided to leave everything to God and wait for God's time, but she would refuse. She always made me have sex with her every night, hoping that something would happen eventually. Which I tried to believe, but something happened that brought joy and happiness to the family.

One faithful afternoon, I got home from work. So tired and stressed out, when my wife rushed to welcome me with great news. She gave me a kiss that was so passionate and seductive, mixed with love and happiness, then She gave me an envelope. I was staring at her and the envelope.

"What's in there," I asked her, with a suspicious look.

"Honey, just open please" she pleaded with a smile.
I dipped my hand into the envelope and brought out a piece of paper. I stared at her first and saw that anxiousness in her. Then I read it. At first, I was shocked. I read it three times to confirm my thoughts before I could understand.

"OMG!! Your pregnant baby" I smiled at her, leaving my white teeth outside. I lifted her, minding the little boy in her womb.

The news spread like wildfire, the whole family celebrated and we also celebrated my son birth
Seven years after my son's birth, we had a big strong family now. With an only son.

It was Friday morning, when I got a call from my son's school teacher, saying my son was rushed to the hospital. He had an accident.
My wife and I rushed to the hospital without any hesitation. In fear and also hoping he was okay. As we got to the hospital we felt so tense and curious about what happened. So the doctor came and addressed us, saying " my son is fine, but lost a lot of blood" I volunteered to offer my blood since I was his father. Unknown to me that something bad was going to happen.

The nurse took a fraction of my blood for a test, after five minutes. They came with sad facial expressions. I was scared, so I asked.

"What's wrong? Isn't the blood enough? Do you need more blood? Is my boy okay?" Asked in anxiety

"Sir, we have a little problem," said the doctor.

"What's the issue?" My wife inquired

"Sir, are you truly this boy's biological father?"

"What question is that? Yes, I'm" I replied in anger.

"Sir, the blood test showed that this blood doesn't match with your son's own. So he's not your son."

Hearing those words, my breath seized, I was sweating profusely. As my wife withdrew from me. I looked into her eyes and saw guilt and fear. I was losing my control and balance before I could know it. I fainted.

The End.
Special thanks to @belenguerra, @fendit, @solideroffantasy and @writingnreviews for their endless support towards the growth of the community.

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