Financial Affirmations for Tuesday, March 30th 2021

As a part of my morning routine, I write down my affirmations and thoughts about money and finances, and then share them here with you! Hope these words bring value to you on this beautiful new day!


  • Money is an idea we have to store and exchange value. Money is not simply just one currency. By expanding my view on money, I can receive different forms of money in virtually unlimited ways.
  • I desire money as it is stored energy/time. The more I save and invest my money, and therefore grow it, the more time I am creating for myself in the future.

  • As I know money is time, I reduce the amount of actions that I don't enjoy doing for money, as my time and experience is everything to me.

  • The way to reach a large goal is to have a direct plan to take small steps that build to that goal. Each step should be celebrated, as eventually we will only be one small step away from reaching that goal.

  • There's over $100 Trillion in the world, which includes enough money for me to be able to attract in order to live a very relaxed life.
  • Every time I receive money, I invest a portion of the proceeds into my future. Every dollar I earn, I keep some for myself.
  • As my income goes up, I bring my expenses down. By not rising with my income, I am able to "earn less" while "living more" as I don't have so many financial strings tying me to work I don't enjoy doing.
  • My time is even more valuable than money. Therefore, I only perform work when the money that is being offered justifies the time I'm expending.
  • I have discovered that I cannot save in this world, that I must invest my extra money instead. Savings are unfortunately destroyed by inflation, and thus are destined to be worth less in the future if I don't invest them into ideas, projects, or people.
  • If I want something specific, I need to be specific about how much money I need. By only being specific I am able to manifest the amount that I need to achieve my desire.

Much love,
Bryan Divisions

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