Story of Three friends \\Writing & Reviews



Hello Guys;

I hope you are all well.The story I'm going to tell you today is about four friends.In this story I will tell you that he worked hard without resources and emerged as a successful man.This story was told to me by my grandfather.
They told me the story when I was ten years old.Grandpa knows a lot of stories.We hear intresting stories from them every week.I want to share one of their stories with you.

picture of my Grandfather;


Story of Three friends ;

This story is about three friends.The three friends loved each other very much.They were willing to sacrifice their lives for each other.

The names of all three friends;



My friend's name was Ali.He was the son of a king and a prince.
But his mother was dead.His stepmother hated him.She always incited Ali against the king.
She did not want Ali to become king.She wanted to make her son king.



Ahmed was the son of a Doctor.


Name.... Abbas

Abbas was the son of KhoJi.(Detector).


One day the king's wife made an excuse that Ali had tried to rape me.The king became angry and kicked Ali out of the house. Ali explained a lot to his father but he did not agree.Eventually, Ali was forced to leave home.
Ali went to his friends and they told him the whole story.Her friends decided to give her full support.
Ali told his friends that he wanted to go somewhere else.
His friends said, "We will go with you."Ahmed and Hamza took permission from their parents.
They left the house with their belongings.
The detective was looking for thieves on the way.
The king's son spoke to the detective.And he asked Abbas to be his disciple.
Ali said, "When you have learned your job, come and find us both."Abbas was unwilling to do so because he could not leave his friends alone.Abbas had to obey Ali's constant insistence.
Leaving Abbas there, Ali and Ahmed moved on.
On the way, it was night for both of them.They decided to spend the night in a village.
In the morning, when Ali and Ahmed went for a walk in the village, they saw a hakeem's shop.
Ali spoke to doctor and left Ali in his discipleship.
Ahmed also insisted but Ali did not listen.He stayed with Ahmed in the village for a few days.
Ali also decided to release Ahmed.Along the way, people told Ali about a compassionate king.
Ali went to the king and told him the whole truth.
Ali persuaded the king because of his intelligence.The king appointed Ali as his deputy.
Ali helped him in all matters of the king.The king had only one daughter.
The king was so impressed with her honesty that he married his daughter to Ali.
The king died one year later.After the king's death, Ali himself became king.
He made the empire a great empire with his hard work and honesty.
While searching for Abbas and Ahmad Ali, they reached his kingdom.
Ali was very happy to meet his friends.And gave them the highest ranks in his kingdom.
Ali consulted with his friends on all matters.Ali also married his friends.
Friends planned to visit their parents.He went to the village to met his parents.
Their parents were very happy to see their children.The stepmother was very embarrassed and she apologized to Ali.
He stayed there for a few days.Ahmed and Abbas took their parents with them.
And they lived there very happily.


With hard work and dedication man can conquer the whole world.In addition, the story teaches us the lesson that we must support each other in times of pain.God helps those who help others.We also learn that the love of appearances is greater than hatred.I advise you never to leave your true friend alone.Because if you have a problem, it never leaves you alone.
I hope you enjoyed my story.

Thank you all very much for reading my story.

Your loving @aliakbarnaik


Honesty. Being honest set a good path for one and create trust in people.

I enjoyed reading your post.

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