The huntress and the indecent proposal
I took a step backward, a nervous shuffle, and my fight or flight instincts began to itch at me from the inside; The feeling of the woman so close to me was unnerving; She was the huntress, efficient, and relentless and I the prey; Cornered with little chance of escape.
Too close, my mind screamed silently, you're far too close. Can't you see I'm not responding, that your advances are unwelcome? But she couldn't, or didn't care.
I was forced backward little by little until the wall bumped my back and blocked any chance of further retreat...The end of the line. Her look of satisfaction, triumph, spread into a broad and toothy grin and I knew I'd not escape this encounter...I looked frantically for help, but there was none. This was going to happen and I'd have to deal with it, maybe for a long time to come. I was cornered and captive and the huntress closed in...
My Saturday started like most, a sleep in, bacon and eggs on toasted rye bread and a coffee, two actually. No problems. After cleaning up the breakfast things I headed to my workshop to gather my kit; My IPSC rig and guns - As usual I was heading to the range where I'd compete in the days IPSC match against forty or fifty others. A day of running and gunning and hanging out with a few bro's and bro-ette's - Whomever may be there.
Everything went to plan until I saw the woman approaching me. I was holstered with six full magazines arrayed on my rig and instinct told me to draw, slam a magazine in and start firing...But I quelled the urge and stood waiting for my inevitable doom. I was pleasant when she greeted me of course, despite knowing what was coming.
The indecent proposal.
The woman in question is one of the IPSC officials and I knew what she wanted...They've been propositioning me for a long time and each time I've managed to duck and weave out of the firing line, found concealment and managed to slink away when they're weren't looking; But that wasn't an option today.
I was standing speaking with an Army Major and a couple NCO's who all beat a hasty retreat, scattered like the fucking sheep they are, and left me exposed with no support. Cowards, or clever. Probably clever.
The proposal
The proposal was not an indecent one at all...It's just not one I'm keen on agreeing to so more repugnant than indecent I suppose. The Confederation have been asking me for a long time to do the official IPSC Range Officer course and I'd actually like to do so, but not yet; It's a thankless task and once one is an RO it's expected that one performs the job all the time, forever - Not something I'm willing to commit to at this point - Maybe when I go completely insane.
I'm concerned that RO duties would encroach too much on my shooting. It would mean I'd have to travel to all the major events arriving early, shooting the course of fire myself then performing Range Officer duties for the rest of the weekend...Not much fun really.
The Range Officer commands the shooter and the course of fire and is in complete control of the range that stage is being conducted on; Their word is law, no questions, no arguments. Disobey and your weekend is over, no second chances.
They will also run around behind the shooter with the shot timer looking for rule breaches like moving with the finger on the trigger, breaking 90° with the muzzle, over-stepping default-lines, sweeping oneself which is allowing any part of the body to sweep across the muzzle of the firearm and accidental discharges among a whole lot of other things. They begin and end the course of fire and declare the range safe at the conclusion of each shooters' run. Yeah I know, what a drag! This is why I'm not keen...It's not a fun job. But the sport can't continue with them I guess, so thankfully people do stick their hand up for the job. Just not me yet; Insanity has yet to take full-hold of me.
The proposal came as before and once again I found myself ducking for cover, making excuses and delivering perfectly legitimate reasons why it would not be a good idea for me to do this. To her credit she accepted my decision but told me she'd ask again. She had an evil glint in her eyes at this last: The hunt continues. Just take no for an answer will you! But she will not and neither will the Confederation.
I'm actually already a range officer and trainer but not for IPSC. I do the job already, but not officially and without being an official IPSC RO I'd not be able to officiate at the larger State and National events. I'm just really reluctant to make a commitment like that as when I commit I'm committed, I take it seriously. So I declined the proposal yet again.
The rest of the day was uneventful; Those Army cowards buddies came back and we resumed our chat about stuff I don't want to talk about here then I got to running and gunning. I sent a couple hundred rounds down range and had great day if I was shooting in the field with people shooting back I'd probably be dead...My head wasn't in it today although I have high standards so I guess I probably did ok...I wasn't happy though...But I still had some fun.
I arrived home and spent the rest of the afternoon in the workshop, cleaning guns and applying my hands to tools which is always an enjoyable way to spend an afternoon. I hope y'all have a great Saturday and find something great to do.
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