The Diary Game | Saturday, 1 June , 2024 |Delicious donuts.

in Hot News Community20 days ago

The Diary Game | Delicious donuts

Welcome to my story this time, friends, it feels really good to still be able to share it here, in fact I still have the same hobby, namely the hobby of sharing stories with you, This is my story today.

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Morning has turned into afternoon, Afternoon still have turned into night again, this morning I woke up as usual, it seems I have a complaint with my ankle, When I wake up my ankle always hurts at the back of the heel, like there is something wrong with the bones in my foot, lately my weight has been decreasing, I wonder if I have a stomach ache, or if my appetite is greatly reduced.I lost 7 kilos last month of Ramadan, my position is also breastfeeding Alisa, I am in a serious dilemma my friends.How do I get my weight back to ideal

Never mind, I have to be grateful for everything that is in this life, like this morning after performing morning prayers, I immediately went to the kitchen to make breakfast, the routine of being a housewife ,

My activities are very busy, starting from making breakfast, feeding the children, bathing the children, making breakfast for my husband, changing clothes for the children, even though people think that That being a woman at home doesn't make you tired, that's a very wrong opinion in my opinion, Especially taking care of babies who are less than 1 year old Maybe this is the reason I'm thin, My eating pattern is no longer as regular as it used to be, what I think about is always about my children and husband And I forgot about myself because I was too busy to take care of them.


Alicia in a swing

After taking a shower, Alisa went back to sleep in the swing, unfortunately she was sleeping. I went back to the kitchen to cook lunch. When I cook, Alisa falls asleep, the clock usually shows 11 o'clock in the afternoon when I finish cooking.

Alisha was very happy


Her smile is very cute

After finishing cooking I washed the clothes, after washing the clothes I immediately dried them,Just now, when I was washing clothes, Alyssa woke up, she was playing with her cousin Sis.I immediately took a donut for him, now it's time to eat snacks, Alisa and I play together, occasionally I feed him with donuts, I bought these donuts yesterday at Binjai mall, Yes, I really like the taste of beef floss.


It's time for Alisa to eat donuts, but not too many, because these donuts are sweet for children.


At 01.00 in the afternoon I gave Alisya food, I also prepared food for my husband who will come home from work later, After eating, I clean myself and then perform the noon prayer. After midday prayers I couldn't take a nap because I had to play with Alicia. While playing with him once I ate a snack,I also had time to write my blog, Just stop writing for a moment, I think I have to be productive even if I have to look after Alicia , I managed to steal time to write.


While looking after my Alisa while eating donuts.

The Asr call to prayer was heard, actually I wanted to sleep because I was tired, but the conditions didn't allow me to sleep, Finally I took Alicia to take a showerAfter bathing Alisa, I immediately performed ablution. Put Alisa next to me while I was praying, then put some toys so she could play, I immediately performed the Ashar prayer.

After praying, I put clothes on her, previously Alisa was just playing with diapers, now Alisa is beautiful and smells good and has her clothes. After I put on my clothes, I immediately took him out for a walk, it wasn't far, just sat and hung out in front of the house to see the atmosphere so I wouldn't get bored.

When it was almost evening, I immediately went in, left Alisha with the via, I went to get the clothesline, I tidied up the room, I also went to the kitchen

Taking food for Lisa, and making her milk, now I give her food for the night, while I was feeding Alicia, I heard the Maghrib call to prayer,As my husband came home, I immediately took turns to perform ablution, then performed the evening prayer, after I prayed the evening prayer, I took the eyebrows because my husband was also going to pray.

In the evening I performed the Isha prayer and immediately took Alisa to sleep. When Alisa was asleep, I took the dry clothes to fold, then gathered with my mother-in-law, Brother-in-law, Brother-in-law, nephew, sometimes at night they watch TV, I don't watch TV, I'm busy monitoring my steemit account.

After getting married I couldn't make my own house, I didn't have enough money to make my own place, my husband took me to stay at my in-laws' house, Pray for me, friends, that I can build my own house so that I can be more comfortable.

Thank you for reading my story so far, best wishes and thank you. I hope you always have a nice day. How come it's like that? Thank you for reading my story today.

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