The Great Pyramid... a cemetery or the center of the Earth's energy?

in Hot News Community2 years ago


When Napoleon Bonaparte came to Egypt, it was the first thing to do to go to the pyramids, and on his horse, addressed the soldiers by saying: «Look at .. Four thousand years look to you».
The old also said: «Laugh O history of everything, but the pyramids are you laugh». Once again opens the Great Pyramid file past few days, after a series of recent discoveries linked to the history and how to build the pyramids, among the theories of hundreds that go out to the world in this context, no one reaches after a specific conclusive result, but the question that Ntarh reading this, not cut off his health or not: Is this the construction of the legendary miracle, just the tomb of king Khufu, the owner of the pyramid, or whether it is the center of power around the world, as you go modern scientific theories? How built the Great pyramid? The answer needs to be specific books, but the oldest description of the way of building the pyramids, we came across what was written by the Greek historian «Herodotus» who visited Egypt in the middle of the fifth century BC, where he gave him the priests, the Egyptians and his entourage information, though some are not real or pure imagination, and perhaps they did so, in order to keep the real secrets, the myth of the Egyptian civilization, away from the eyes of strangers.
However, some of that information is useful, especially that many of the techniques used in the pyramids construction are consistent with what we use in the construction of the modern era, especially when «pointed Herodotus» that the pyramids were constructed mediated by scaffolding made of small pieces of wood, was found Champollion, who deciphered ancient Egyptian language in the deposits of the foundations for the construction of temples in the state of modern machines of wood-like skis, they are semi-circular, has served as elevators to move to the top of the rock masses.
Weighing the Great Pyramid about six million tons, and if we know that the rule of Cheops did not exceed twenty years, we we choose in front of this mighty effort that set up this huge building in this short period, a large number of Egyptians working in building the length of the flood of each year, so for free from the work of agriculture in the flood period, and still houses that they were inhabited see carved in the great rock located south of the great pyramid. Although the Great Pyramid is something impressed in the history of Egyptian civilization, but it has not disclosed all its sides, and its mortuary temple still, and the Temple of the valley Mtmorin underground, and think that the Mosul road between the two temples was apparent in the era of «Herodotus» which he said he was impressed by the pyramid itself.

White stones and shiny rays

The recent British documentary, in fact, re-open a lot file of the secrets of the pyramids, so the puzzle is clearly defined until the time, especially by the inscriptions that have not solved symbols yet, and located inside it, and still baffled scientists, but more than that the astronomical composition , ultra lineup with belt Description «Orion» space, a mystery other than the concept of form parameters, and no clear features.
Says Papyrus Diary «Merir», that after the pyramid was built, was covered by a white shiny stones, have been brought in from 15 miles away from the pyramid, from the region now known as «Mount Tora», near the city of Helwan, and it takes one day to reach to the site, confirming the essential role of the Nile in the construction of the pyramid.
It has been added this bright and precious very white stones, a final layer to the pyramid includes about six million tons of rocks underneath, and was polished too, meaning that they reflected the sun's rays to become a prominent feature of miles away, and to the same extent, the idea is consistent too, and the possibility that this layer acts as a plate that absorbs the sun's energy to its transformation into electrical energy ... Where did these stones?
According to «Daily Express» British, climate conditions and global warming have caused a ruling in the occurrence of many of them, and the walls of the pyramids changed to yellow, further to that, there have been periods in Egyptian history, did not pay attention in which the historical importance of this miraculous work For example, the orders of Sultan al-Nasir Hassan, in the fourteenth century, many chopping of these white stones, used in building castles, fences and some mosques in ancient Egypt, and that it already can see some of them even time in Fatimid Cairo specifically.


Cemetery or global energy center?

Raises many researchers questions, which are called mental capacity to think, and to find an answer to advanced question, if it was only the Great Pyramid is just the tomb of King Khufu, why did not find mummy until the time, and if the king room, the owner of the pyramid containing a coffin made of granite of several tons, where lid, and how he was able to enter into the depth of the pyramid, from before the entrance to his discovery?
Within the vexing questions already: Why leave the pyramid of non-inscriptions hieroglyphics inside, refers to his secrets and the story of its construction, the real object of it, especially that the ancient Egyptians had left their inscriptions on the temples, tombs and obelisks all, is overlooked in the case of the Great Pyramid is due to oblivion? Among those questions are also puzzling: Why fill the Great Pyramid of the door of the original since time immemorial, it is filled?
Says Arabic novels, the Caliph Mamoun bin Harun al-Rashid was passionate about science, like his father, and what he heard was described the Great Pyramid, work to open the way to the inside, because the white stones were from the outside covers the main entrance, but this was not apparent before their eyes, and for thirty months of stones heating, poured cold vinegar on them, chapped some of them, and they arrived to a depth of thirty meters inside, and when they entered the king's chamber of Cheops was the coffin is empty, and did not record the safe mission they found any treasures or mummies or papyri, as if the pyramid was and will remain Msmta, and without anything to do with the idea of the cemetery, which made other theories of scholars such as John Anthony, and Robert forks, Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval, linking the pyramid, and the mystery of Earth's energy ... what about it?


Cosmic miraculous symbols in his book The Mayor of Ancient Egypt, the historian Menton Al-Samanudi wrote, indicating that the age of the Pharaonic Egyptian civilization exceeds seven thousand years, and reaches eleven thousand years, and at the heart of that civilization lies the Great Pyramid, which is 149.9 high meters, which is approximately the same distance between the Earth and the Sun, as the Earth's distance from the Sun is 149.4 million km. The direction of the door of the earthly pyramid is located in the same direction as the Polar Star, and the sides of the pyramid face the original directions exactly. As for the one who looks at the stones of the Great Pyramid, he sees that they are equal to 2.3 million stones, weighing in total 5.05 million tons, and that the ratio between the weight of the pyramid’s stones and their mass is the same as the ratio between the mass of the earth and its weight. The pyramid is located at 30 latitude and 30 longitude, with a deviation of 1.15 minutes, which is the same rate as the deflection of light when it enters the atmosphere. The Great Pyramid from the inside has an air-conditioning system, or a ventilation system, that makes the temperature in the king’s room 22 degrees at all times of the year, so is all of the above a kind of coincidence, or is the issue deeper, and that the pyramid was a measure of solar energy paths, and a generator of types of electrical, nuclear, and even microwave energy, which is the basis for the latest energy weapons around the world, known as “runaway weapon”? Perhaps stopping here in front of and with the Serbian-American physicist “Nikola Tesla” (1856 - 1943) gives us an idea, or explains another viewpoint of the existence of the Great Pyramid in particular.

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Tesla and the power of the pyramids

Six months before the start of the series of special documentaries, the famous British newspaper "The Daily Express" was publishing a report that the main purpose of building the pyramids was not to bury Khufu or other kings of the pharaohs, but rather to be a "source of energy". And that the pyramids, as a giant machine capable of producing and sending electromagnetic frequencies, and various types of energy .... Is this opinion of some kind? According to the report, the internal construction of the Great Pyramid is very similar to a modern power plant, and the report believes that the Great Pyramid, with its structure as a power station, is very similar to the giant power station that the American company, Tesla, began building in Australia, in order to generate power for the sector Much of the region... But, how did this happen thousands of years ago... That's the case? In short, the 118 pyramids that Egypt knew were nothing but machines and power stations connected to each other by wireless, and the Great Pyramid has the main role in operating the groups, as it absorbs the energy of the earth's crust resulting from seismic vibrations and collects it inside the body of the pyramid, and traces of zinc have already been found. And the chloride in the king's room and the corridors, and it proved the presence of reactions inside the pyramid aimed at obtaining a hydrogen molecule. The energy that is collected inside the pyramid, is converted inside the grand hall by resonance devices into sound energy directed towards the king’s room, and the hydrogen molecule is also broken into single hydrogen atoms, and the energy of the hydrogen beam is extracted from the pyramid, and benefited from it in an unknown way. In fact, the various scientific theories talked about in the "Daily Express" report, make the pyramid able to use the natural properties of the Earth, in order to create and produce a large amount of energy. British archaeologist Abdul Hakim Hakimoyan says: “From that spot, as you know, the energy was probably derived from the earth, and it appears from the excavations that they were trying to control the flow of this energy and use it for their own purposes.” Has anyone actually indicated the existence of this energy through a real experience? ?

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