Top Posts of the day in Hot News Community | May 23, 2024

in Hot News Communitylast month


Dear Members

Hot News Community has selected the 3 best posts the day as a form of appreciation for the members who have contributed to the development of the community by presenting quality posts.

This selection is based on several aspects which include post quality, participation in either club5050, Club75 or club100. The assessment is also based on the poster's compliance with anti-plagiarism, and the use of bitbots.

In general, posters must meet the general provisions of the steemit team and not offend ethnicity, religion and race and hate speech.

We will try to propose top posts and other quality posts to get curation from booming accounts.

Hot News Community does not guarantee that the posts we have selected and published on the community account will receive support from the SC01 or SC02.

Selected post conditions
Free Plagiarism
Verified User
Free bots
club100 or club75 or club5050

The requirements above will be reviewed according to the development of the Hot News Community

Here are the 3 Top Post of the day in Hot News Community chosen by the Hot News Community Team
Account Name
Post Link

Hopefully with the selection of this post, more Hot News Community members will make quality posts in this community and support the programs run by the steemit team.

Best regards


 last month 

Terimakasih banyak saya ucapkan untuk semua tim yang telah memilih postingan saya pada hari ini. Semoga anda @firyfaiz dan seluruh tim anda mendapat perlindungan selalu dari Allah SWT, dan mendapatkah Anugrah, hidayah dan mendapatkan kesuksesan selalu, Aamiin.

 last month 

Siaap pak, ini semua sebenarnya tak terlepas dari pekerjaan kontributor yang ada di balik layar. Terima kasih banyak atas doa doa baiknya kepada kami, ya. Semoga do’a baiknya kembali ke bapak… Aamiin.

 last month 


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