Star Fruit and Asam Sunti
Hello Friends of the creative Hot News community, it's nice to be able to greet you all again.
This afternoon, I am happy to share a post that might be useful for all of us. This post is also expected to give you new insight into many things around me, and I am very happy to share my story with all of you.
You need to know that in my country Indonesia, there are many spices and unique foods that may not exist in other countries. The uniqueness of these spices is what made Indonesia a target country to colonize in the past, for the struggle to maintain the natural wealth that Indonesia has, so until now we still stand tall as a great country.
Talking about spices that exist in my country Indonesia, especially the province of Aceh. There is one plant whose tree produces fruit that tastes quite sour, what's more, when consumed in an immature state, the sour taste contained in this fruit is thrust by the tongue. In addition, the fruit of this plant is also often used as a complement to certain dishes, and when processed will be a spice for certain types of food as well.
The name of this type of plant is Star Fruit Vegetable or often called "Belimbing Wuluh" (star fruit), Acehnese as a local language is also called" Boh Limeng", in Latin it is also called "Averrhoe bilimbi".
The fruit is called The Star Fruit Vegetable, in Indonesia is usually used as a spice and a mixture of dishes. Some dishes such as delicious carambola cooking fish, fresh vegetable carambola Curry, and savory vegetable carambola tamarind mackerel, are some of these dishes.
One of the dishes using starfruit vegetable
YouTube video source : Ceceromed Kitchen
In Aceh in particular, vegetable starfruit is dried in advance for a few days to make starfruit into much more delicious cooking ingredients. Usually dried carambola will be made with ingredients such as sour Keu'eueng, Tumeh Geumuluoh, snapper head curry, and coconut omelet. All of them are very delicious traditional or local dishes that contain dried Star Fruit often called ''Asam sunti''.
''Asam sunti'' itself is a star fruit vegetable that has been mixed with salt and dried at a certain time in the sun. This process will produce dried star fruit vegetables called "Asam sunti", the taste of food that is mixed with the ingredients of this kitchen into sour, savory, and salty mixed with a very delicious pleasure from cooking. This drying aims to reduce the water content high enough so that other mixed ingredients can seep into the dried star fruit. Even today the Star Fruit Vegetable called 'Asam sunti 'has become a source of economic income for the community, it is because the selling value increases when it is dried into'Asam sunti'. The manufacturing process is simple, but the process takes time. Photo courtesy of @megaaulia (has received permission from the person concerned), who shared photos of the community when making Asam Sunti In the market, 'Asam sunti' is sold at a pretty good price, every kilogram is sold at a price between IDR. 5,000 to IDR. 15,000 is equivalent to 2 Steem up to 6 Steem, even once touching the price of IDR. 40,000 or equivalent to 16.2 Steem, this happens when Star Fruit scarcity occurs and demand for 'Asam sunti' increases. To make it easier for you to understand how to make 'Asam sunti', here is a Youtube video of making 'Asam sunti' :
Photo of my own : Asam Sunti drying process
Photo courtesy of me : Asam sunti
YouTube video source : Dapue Mak Maryam
In addition to the economic value that exists in vegetable star fruit plants, there are also benefits contained in the fruit of this plant. According to a source I got from the site of the Center for Library and Agricultural Literacy in Indonesia, star fruit is efficacious for :
Treating hypertension, Diabetes, cough, Thrush, stomach problems, overcoming acne, and lowering fever. - Center for Library and Agricultural Literacy.
As a plant that thrives in the tropics, carambola turns out not only as a complement in cooking but also as a natural healer for many health complaints. Use has been proven for generations to make it an option in natural medicine with low risk compared to prescription chemicals. With all its benefits, carambola proves that natural wealth can be a source of healing of great value. - Center for Library and Agricultural Literacy.
Photo courtesy of me : carambola and Asam sunti
This is what I can share with you all about plants that become one of the spices of cuisine in Indonesia, these plants are Boh limeng, vegetable Star Fruit, Star Fruit, or Averrhoe bilimbi. In addition, there is good content in the fruit, one of which is as a traditional medicine.
Hopefully, this post is useful and can add insight and information to all of us. Thanks to those of you who have read this post, Best regards to all of us.
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Postingan yang sangat informatif, postingan anda memberikan saya informasi dan juga pengetahuan tentang belimbing sayur . Ada beberapa informasi yang baru, yang saya peroleh dari postingan anda salah satunya adalah manfaat yang terkandung dalam belimbing wuluh ini. Selama ini saya hanya menggunakan buahnya dan menikmati kelezatan dari buahnya saja.
Salah satu masakan saya yang menggunakan asam sunti
Sukses terus untuk anda dan kami @fantvwiki
Apa yang anda bagikan di kolom komentar terlihat sangat lezat bila di padukan, itu salah satu kesukaan saya.
Saya juga mengucapkan terima kasih untuk beberapa informasi yang anda berikan terkait dengan asam Sunti ini.
Sukses juga untuk anda.
Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.
Pekerjaan yang menyenangkan membuat Asam Sunti salah satu bumbu dapur khas Aceh, mantap pak
Ya, konon katanya pendatang dari luar Aceh, akan fasih berbahasa Aceh bila sering mengkonsumsi bumbu dapur ini.😅
Terima kasih telah menyapa saya ibu Nur🙏🏻
Asam sunti banyak di gunakan untuk masakan khas aceh, adek saya yang tinggal di riau kalau pulang dari aceh oleh-oleh wajib di bawa pulang adalah asam sunti...😀
Wah, beda daerah beda rasa asam sunti-nya mungkin, maka dari itu wajib asam Sunti dari Aceh ya mungkin.
Ngk da Pak di sana,,orang riau ngk pakek asam sunti tambahan bumbu masakannya.