"Citizenship is Permanent".

in Hot News Community2 days ago

Citizenship talks about being a citizen of a country and also possessing certain rights and privileges and duties. In other to be a patriotic citizen you have to obey the laws of the land.


Share your understanding on Citizenship.

Citizenship is a word that has to do with the act of being a member of a state or country with legal rights to participate in everything concerning that state.

Citizenship is a term that also states that you have duties and responsibilities to perform as a citizen of any country. Duties like respect for the head of state, assisting the law enforcement agencies, respect for the national anthem, non interference with others right and being a patriotic citizen.

The word citizenship also means that you have a legal status in your country and also have legal rights and duties as a citizen of a me that country. Citizenship is a word which symbolises nationalism.

How can one become a citizen of a country? Explain one way?


Individuals have various ways of becoming a citizen of any country which are.

  1. Citizenship by place of birth

  2. Citizenship by naturalization

  3. Citizenship by marriage

  4. Citizenship by application


Citizenship by place of birth is an act of being a bonafide citizen of any country because you where born in that county. Being born in The United States of America doesn't mean you will no longer be a citizen of Nigeria, if your father is for Nigeria you are automatically a Nigerian irrespective of where you where born.

Explain 3 duties of a citizen.


  1. Upholding the constitution: as a citizen with legal right you are expected to uphold the constitution. Upholding the constitution has to do with respecting and participating in every act that is contained in the constitution book, written or unwritten.

This also means that when ever other individuals do things outside what is stated in the constitution book you are expected to correct such a person and remind him or her on the implications and consequences of what he or she has done.

  1. Payment of Taxes: citizenship is not just about the right and privileges you have, it also consists of duties such a payment of taxes. Paying your taxe is one of the major duty of a citizen, "infact the duty of all duties of a citizen". Paying you taxe enables the government to be able to build and make the country a better place.

  2. Obedience to the laws of the land: obedience is on the things people amire in others. Being obedient to your country will help you live a happy and safe life, obeying the laws of the land for example means; observing public holidays, participating in elections.

Steemians are citizens of steemit, what makes someone a steemian?


Here are the things that qualifies you to be recognized as a steemain.

  • As a true citizen of the steemit platform you are first of all expected to be a verified user.

  • Always making sure you are in one of the various clubs like #club5050 #club75 and #club100.

  • Regularly posting contents with images and commenting on other users post.

  • avoid the act of inviting @ steemcurator01 and other curators except necessary.

  • Most always avoid the use of AI in the process of creating contents and also abstain from plagiarism.

I will like to invite @josepha, @pandora2010, @anowarhoussain, @kidi40, @tammanna, @etette and @ahmneska to participate in this contest.

Thanks for reading my post


Thank you for the invite,I really appreciate.
I will make sure I drop my Link


Much welcome bro 👊.

 15 hours ago 

Good write up, I wish you all the best in this content

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