TR/EN Kadın Hakları ve Ailem/// Women's Rights and My Family

in Steem-Travelers3 years ago (edited)
Hello guys,

Today, let's talk about our women, who are the people we should value the most. As you know, December 5th is the International Day of Women's Rights. A very important step was taken for all our women in Turkey on December 5, 1934. Perhaps women who were deprived of political rights in most countries gained the right to vote on this date.
Merhaba Arkadaşlar,

Bugün sizlerle en çok değer vermemiz gereken kişiler olan Kadınlarımızdan bahsedelim. 5 Aralık sizlerin de bildiği gibi Dünya kadın hakları günüdür. Türkiye de 5 Aralık 1934 yılı bütün kadınlarımız için çok önemli bir adım atıldı. Belki de çoğu ülkede siyasi haklardan yoksun olan kadınlar bu tarihte seçme seçilme hakkını kazandılar.

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When we look at our ancient history, women were perceived as raising children, taking care of children, and taking care of housework. The man, on the other hand, was in the role of a worker who brings money to the house and takes on the hardship of living. With the adoption of the Civil Code after 1926, men and women were brought equal before the law.

Eski tarihimize baktığımızda da Kadın, çocuk yetiştirme çocuklara bakma, ev işleriyle ilgilenme olarak algılanıyordu. Erkek ise eve geçindiren eve para getiren çalışan ve geçim sıkıntısını üstlenen bir roldeydi. 1926 yılından sonra da Medeni Kanunun Kabul edilmesiyle kanun ve yasalar önüne kadın ve erkek eşit durumuna getirildi.

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My family that I value the most in my life has been my parents. I live far from them now, but our hearts and hearts are one. They try to come to me every summer. Although we haven't been able to talk much during this pandemic period, we miss you even by phone. My mother is a very meticulous woman. Everything comes to hand. We are four siblings, he took care of all of us without discrimination, ate and drank and sent him to school, so we cannot pay his dues. Likewise, my father taught us all, sent us to private teaching institutions, and always supported us. My family was always there for me when I was in a difficult time.

Benim Hayatımda en çok değer verdiğim Ailem anne ve babam oldu. Şu an onlardan uzak yaşıyorum ama kalplerimiz ve yüreğimiz birdir. Her yaz yanıma gelmeye çalışırlar. Bu pandemi döneminde fazla görüşemedik gerçi ama telefonla da olsa özlem gideriyoruz. Annem çok titiz bir kadındır. Elinden her iş gelir . Biz dört kardeşiz hepimize ayrım yapmaksızın baktı, yedirdi içirdi okula gönderdi o yüzden hakkını ödeyemeyiz. Aynı şekilde Babam da öyle hepimizi okuttu dershanelere gönderdi, her zaman yanımızda bize destek oldu. En zor anımda başım sıkıştığında hep ailem yanımda oldu.

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Hepinize güzel ve Mutlu haftalar dilerim. Sevgi ve Saygılarımla

 3 years ago 

Thank you so much for your nice words about women. Women were seen as inferior compare to men and in some culture women are still regarded inferior even with the adoption of too civil code.
Male gender is rated important compare to female. I really appreciate your write-up.

 3 years ago 

I think that every individual should live equally and freely in all societies and countries. Our women are so valuable that unfortunately some segments do not value our women as necessary.

 3 years ago 

Sure! You're right

Thank you for writing a beautiful article about Beautiful Women's Day and for sharing it with us.

 3 years ago 

Thank you very much for reading.

 3 years ago 


Thank you very much for sharing your post in Steem-Travelers. We enjoyed reading it a lot :)

Verified userYES

This is great!. I thank God that some countries acknowledge women and give them equal right with their opposite sex, making them to contribute their quota to the betterment of their society and country at large.

 3 years ago 

Yes, in some countries, women are valued and given the right to live and work under equal conditions, I agree.

 3 years ago 

Have a great day. Your trip was so beautiful. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful post with us.


 3 years ago 

I thank you for your interest and concern.

Women are not really appreciated if you ask me. Women most especially mothers should really be appreciated because what they go through during child birth is an experience that deserves a lot of applause. Shout out to all the women in the world. God bless you all

 3 years ago 

Yes, it really is. We cannot give our women the necessary value. Especially our mothers deserve this more.

Felicitaciones por tu grandiosa familia, Dios la bendiga. Y que bien que la mujer en Turquía tenga los mismos derechos que el hombre.
Exito y bendiciones.

 3 years ago 

Muchas gracias por tus buenos deseos.

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