Travel contest 7th edition: Traditions and holidays//Weddings in Cambodia//#club75

in Steem-Travelers3 years ago

I worked as a singer in Thailand and one weekend my friend and I went to the neighboring country of Cambodia.


There are tourist buses from Thailand to Cambodia, and we decided to go to one of the most famous temples in the world, Angkor Wat.


Probably many of you remember the movie Lara Croft-Tomb Raider. The action of the film took place in one of the Cambodian temples located next to Angkor Wat. The temple itself is very exotic, it is located in the jungle, and was lost, and then discovered in the 19th century.


When newlyweds celebrate their wedding in Cambodia, they come to this temple. Traditions in all countries are different, for example, in Russia, newlyweds usually come to monuments and take pictures in the squares of the city, and in Cambodia they go to their beautiful temple.

When we saw the Cambodian newlyweds, we asked to take a picture with them. It's so unusual. They have such beautiful outfits, and it's not at all like the wedding dresses of our brides.

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There is a tradition in Cambodia: a Buddhist monk calculates the wedding day. In this case, everything is decided by the stars and the horoscopes of the bride and groom. You can not get married in those months in which there are 31 days.But you can have several wives. Polygamy is allowed in Cambodia. But the country is very poor, and few locals dare to marry a few women.

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At a Cambodian wedding, as well as in Russia, it is customary for the newlyweds to be entertained with dances and songs. These are often traditional Cambodian dances. Girls in national costumes look fantastic.

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The Cambodian wedding lasts 3 days. On the first day everyone has fun, on the 2nd day they read mantras and sutras, monks come to bless the newlyweds, and on the 3rd day everyone goes to the restaurant to have fun again.

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Here in Russia they celebrate a wedding for only 2 days, and on the second day usually no one thinks anything, because everyone has drunk a lot.

We also learned that the Cambodians have a very beautiful tradition: the groom gives the bride's parents a gilded jug containing the bride price. For example, I didn't have such a jug! Did you have one?

But you may agree, even if there is no jug, the wedding is still one of the most significant events in the life of any married couple.

I invite to take part in the contest @galca @may2015. They will surely tell a lot of interesting things about traditions, holidays and significant events.

Thank you @hive-111293 for this nice contest! The link to the contest is here

10 % from this post goes to the curating account @hive-111293

 3 years ago 

At a Cambodian wedding, as well as in Russia, it is customary for the newlyweds to be entertained with dances and songs.

Over here, it's the guests that gets the entertainment. The new couple is expected to dance for the guests.
 3 years ago 

So the guests enjoy their time))

 3 years ago 

Thank you for sharing your travel stories and presenting one of the famous temples in Cambodia.

Good review, presenting local values, customs, history and culture. Glad to read your post and gain a lot of knowledge.

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 3 years ago 

Thanks for your appreciation!)

 3 years ago 

Свадьба, конечно, это хорошо. Но мне стало интересно - а какие песни Вы пели в тех краях? Уж точно не катюшу или калинку-малинку :)

 3 years ago 

Нет, не Катюшу. Я такие песни плохо пою, не мой жанр. Мы попсу пели, притом англоязычную только. Энрике Иглесиас, Абба, Бритни Спирс отлично заходили. Совсем чуть чуть очень известного джаза типа Синатры. Редко, но просили "что нибудь русское", тогда пели какое нибудь "ехали на тройке с бубенцами ", но для них это пустой звук было. О России они ничего не знают, русскую речь даже на слух не определяют.

 3 years ago 

я таки тоже из речь и песни не смогу воспринять.
понятно, что разные.

Hi @ very good post, I remembered the temple from the movie hahaha beautiful costumes.


 3 years ago 

Thank you!)

Que bello todo!!

 3 years ago 

Yes, very beautiful!)

 3 years ago 

Amazing post congratulations!

Here in Russia they celebrate a wedding for only 2 days, and on the second day usually no one thinks anything, because everyone has drunk a lot.


Yes, I remember Angkor Wat temple for Tomb Raider, also I think is a very similar temple in the original mortal combat movie...

 3 years ago 

One temple for many movies :)

3 days long party! That's something :)
In Poland we used to celebrate two days long weddings 20 years ago, now very few people are still doing it that way, but the majority celebrate the wedding for one whole night. Dinners until the midnight are getting more popular too, so it seems year after year the party is getting shorter ;)

 3 years ago 

In Russia we still have this tradition of celebrating weddings for two days. The second day is usually a picnic somewhere in the forest. But the guests are all.. ehhh..drunk drunk drunk)))

picnic in the forest is lovely. I mean, with the hangover maybe not so lovely :D It's cool and very intimate not only to get drunk with friends but also to recover the next day together :)

 3 years ago 

Oh, not so quickly))) nobody recovers so very quickly in Russia)))))

Excelente post, muy bonita la cultura de Camboya, aunque aquí en Venezuela las bodas son de un solo día, siempre empiezan en la noche y terminan en la madrugada, claro si la familia es adinerada puede ser que continúe al día siguiente con la celebración.
Éxito y bendiciones.

 3 years ago 

It is interesting that traditions are so very different everywhere)

 3 years ago 

This is such a historical and beautiful place. 2nd photo in your post is really awesome. I hope your trip was great. Thanks for sharing.


 3 years ago 

The photos can't reflect the beauty, unfortunately.

 3 years ago 

Here in Russia they celebrate a wedding for only 2 days, and on the second day usually no one thinks anything, because everyone has drunk a lot.

What a tradition! I love the outfit and thank you for sharing your quality content with us. #travelers-say

 3 years ago 


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