GOING SIDEWAYS COVID-19: Proof The CDC Does Not Work For Us

I have some information that will show you just how messed up this situation is and that the CDC is more than just corrupted by greed. In fact, they are working very hard to help the United States have as much COVID-19 spreading around as possible. How can I say that? Here's how....

The CDC could have used COVID-19 test kits from the WHO but no. They decided to make their own "more complicated" tests. This is why they are in such limited supply and we are not doing surveillance testing like other countries. Not only that, their manufacturing process had to be moved due to contamination. I kid you not. AND the CDC made it impossible for domestic labs to design one until recently after the jig was up. The CDC in their professional medical opinion being concerned about our health decided the test should test for a variety of coronaviruses and not just COVID-19 delaying our ability to respond. Meanwhile, they tell the public nice sounding PR statements giving the illusion they are doing everything they can for the American people.

CDC Lab For Coronavirus Test Kits May Be Contaminated: Report (https://www.foxnews.com/health/cdc-lab-for-coronavirus-test-kits-may-contaminated-report)
Key Missteps at the CDC Have Set Back Its Ability to Detect the Potential Spread of Coronavirus

Why couldn't we use WHO's test kits until ours were ready? I mean, how hard is that to figure out. Seems pretty obvious to me but, you know, I'm not a medical professional genius like the senior brass at the CDC. Perhaps I should apply for a job. In fact, maybe we all should work there. I think we will do a much better job!

Then there is the issue of the quarantine protocols for this thing. Why is it we all know the incubation period is longer than 14 days and those experts at the CDC do not? Look into it yourself! The information is out there and readily available yet the CDC insists on 14 days and symptomatic spreading. This ignorance or purposeful use of misinformation is already resulting in foreseeable problems.

Wuhan Coronavirus Evacuee Released Quarantine Texas Tests Positive

Not only that, Get This! Our own medical professionals, you know like this professor of microbiology and pathology at NYU School Of Medicine, are aware of the "it can hit you twice" issue but again, nope, denial and the continuation of policies that ignore this.

In this video, I go into more detail with this information. It is clear, our not so trusted in the first place CDC is detrimental to our health in this case. They can't be this incompetent, it has to be on purpose.

Here is the video version available only on BitChute.

2019 Thumb Nail .jpg

(Just click the picture to watch the video)

We are on our own folks! Trust your own eyes and ears. Trust your own knowledge and experience. Think for yourself and question everything.



Key Missteps at the CDC Have Set Back Its Ability to Detect the Potential Spread of Coronavirus

Wuhan Coronavirus Evacuee Released Quarantine Texas Tests Positive

Coronavirus incubation period could be 24 days, say researchers

Exclusive: Chinese doctors say Wuhan coronavirus reinfection even deadlier

Same story......


Wuhan coronavirus could cause male infertility: Chinese study

(disagrees with above )

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Everything You Say And Do Online Can And Will Be Used Against You.


I wouldn't trust anything ANY of these lawless for profit corporations posing as government like the CDC say. The CDC is a vaccine manufacturer protected by the 1986 vaccine law Reagan passed exempting them from liability for damages caused by these evil vaccines. This is Nazi eugenics on steroids!

They are using this virus that they created to profit from by selling you the vaccine. So of course they want this to spread everywhere making us all sick. It will make them rich. Now the Corana virus vaccine is almost ready. Again, no safety tests and who knows what other sick and toxic ingredients that will be in it. I would rather die from the virus then EVER get a vaccine. And imagine if we are quarantined, you will be forced to get the vaccine at gunpoint just like Nazi Germany. Just like they are already forcing you at gunpoint in Commiefornia, Mississippi, New York, and Maine to get vaccines.

"If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny."
~Thomas Jefferson

"If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny."
~Thomas Jefferson


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