Wheat Growth Still Down and Export To China Still Up


Well, it looks like we do not have no wheat crop this year, but a lot places are looking bad. Not enough rain, and many places left fallow. So it is looking like we will have a bad harvest... and we are still exporting to China like mad.

The wheat futures seem to be going down, but we all know that is a rigged market.
Futures were WAY up last year at this time and that was a better harvest than what we are looking at this year.

So, of all the things news could be talking about, this is a big one. But there is nothing but silence on the news.

So, many countries are stopping exports so that they have enough to feed themselves. Why isn't this in the news? Why are we still exporting to China? Especially when Pres Brandon said we are at war with China?

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What is TPTshouldn'tB up to?

We already know that an evil group of people want to see America collapse and burn. They want us to own nothing and eat ze bugs. They want us on permanent lock-down in 15 minute cities prisons.

So, what is their plan for this upcoming wheat shortage?

Are these mother WEFers going to spring it on us? "HA! you are now in a wheat shortage, you can no longer eat bread with every meal" Having it report on the news every night, a long time after you could do anything about it. Or are they going to let the prices of wheat products creep up and up and up, and then, after people notice it is not just inflation, tell everyone, "Hey, we are out of wheat! To bad, so sad."

This is a crisis, and i am sure that the mother WEFers in charge know about it, it is just a matter of how are they going to play it?

Are they going to start adding ground up bug into all flour in order to "not have anyone starve"? Their bug pushing has not seemed to work as well as they wanted it to, so maybe this is one of their plans.

Well, be prepared for what seems like silly actions done by govern-cement, that will actually negatively affect you.

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What i am doing

Wheat berries is one of the longest lasting foods. Keep it dry and it has lasted centuries (according to archaeologists). Pack it in mylar bags with oxygen absorbers and it will last at least 50 years. Making wheat a very good thing to stock pile.

But wheat berries are not enough, we need to grind it into flour or meal, so you need a wheat grinder.
I like hand powered grinders for the work out:


But you can get many good electric mills. I prefer the stone grinding mills for better flours. But steel cutters work well.

The neat thing about grinding your own wheat is that it grows about 2x in volume.
1 cup of wheat berries = 2 cups of flour.

Also you get many, many health benefits from eating freshly ground flour.
Stuff that you can't get from "whole wheat" flour from the store (which is actually white flour with some of the germ and some of the bran added back in)

So, i suggest you get wheat berries and a grinder just for that!

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Don't let the mother WEFers control your diet.

They are currently trying to get rid of meat and dairy
(They have made deals with several large cities to cut back on meat and dairy consumption. Down to one hot dog a day, as their initial goal)

Stock up on wheat berries while they are still readily available.
Stock your freezer full of bread if you don't want to grind your own wheat.

It is coming, i just don't know when. You will wake up one day and the bread isle at your store will be barren.

Be prepared. Get to know your local farmers. Start growing your own food.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.


It's ridiculous that the price of wheat isn't higher. It's cheaper than before the Ukraine war started and farmers had to suffer huge droughts, expensive parts, and expensive fertilizer. Meanwhile, bread and pasta hasn't gone down in price - in fact its twice the cost that is was!

I think the prices are manipulated down on anything Russia exports as part of the economic war.

I agree.

And like everything The US sanctions Russia on, America pays the price.

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