We Are at the Beginning of The Great Migration
This is what is really going to frost those Mother WEFers' cookies.
They expect to do their little song and dance, start a few wars, bring a million foreign military migrants into the country to cause havoc and the people will just do what they say they want.
"Here, move into these 15 minute smart cities"
"It will be perfect," they say.
"You won't need a car," they say.
"You won't own anything, and you will be happy," they say.
Fortunately, many people are recognizing that these will be open air prisons, and are looking to avoid them
However, there is something bigger happening.
And it will CRUSH those Mother WEFers' dreams.

The Suburban Failure
Our experiment with living in little houses, crammed together, in nuclear families has come to an end. It was a silly idea. One woman and one man are not really what it takes to raise children. You need a bit more help. You need an extra grandma, at least. And that means, the grandma has to live nearby. And a single family home just does not have the space for the extra grandma. And living in the next suburb over means you are a bit to far away.
The nuclear family is just a little to broken up to have what we need to raise a family.
Further, after you bought the large house, to raise a family, and all the children left (remember when children could go out on their own and rent their own place?) then you have a big empty house, and all these boomers never downsized, they had put to much time and sentimentality into their place. And then, they needed help walking, getting to the store.
So, the small, nuclear family house was never big enough to raise a family, and was then too big, and then became just the wrong thing when you needed help and care.
In the old country, there was often the "family" house, which was a multi-generational dwelling, This was much more conducive to raising children. Maybe we should be looking into these kinds of structures again. Or even modernize them.

The Great Migration
As a race, people are going to realize how bad of an idea suburban housing was. The people are also going to realize how important food is. The people are going to put together that they need a housing for them, and all of their friends, and must be conducive for every stage of people's lives.
People are going to start migrating together. To come together in groups of like minded people to build large families. Maybe communes, maybe small cities.
Anyway, the people will feel a drive to find their clan members.
And so now, is the beginning of the great migration.
Even if they weren't getting kicked out, the African migrants in Europe would be moving back to the south.
Instead of moving how those Mother WEFers planned to move people, people are going to beat them to it, and once they find their "families" they are going to be loathe to leave.

Govern-cement Collapse
Govern-cement is already failing all over the world. Do people think that Sleepy Joe is really in charge? They don't, and especially after the Trump trial, people are very leery of govern-cement and their ilk.
Right now, you have a group of police and legal people who single out "bad guys" to beat over the head with "the book" and make an example of. These keeps the rest of the people in line.
Now, imagine a group that was very cohesive. Now, the police try to pull this typical stunt… an attack on one member, is an attack on all members, so the police will be left with no choice but to withdraw. And, the "family" will become the defacto law, concerning the "family"
Basically, the various levels of govern-cement become useless. Not needed. Nobody listens to them anyway. The govern-cement is designed to rule over a bunch of individuals. And so, they used to provide the structure, enforce law. But now, the structure will be in the "family", and the levels of govern-cement will find themselves dealing with groups that are bigger than they are.
The govern-cements will find they have no authority, because these families will not give them any authority, because they are not giving any benefit. And the way govern-cement is organized today, it can never give any benefit. So, its days are numbered.

I really do not know how to explain how strong of a draw this movement will use.
It will be something like hunger. That the person knows they will get food, if they just get to "this" place.
And then, unfortunately, it really will be hunger. Those people who haven't found their family will just get together in groups in order to survive. In order to grow food. And for mutual protection.
People will move to find their friends, their group, their tribe, their "family".
(There are all kinds of other forces and technologies that come about to make this migration easier. Where to build the multi-family homestead will no longer rely on being connected to the grid, or roads even.)