Things you may not have known about Capitalization

Doesn't this lower case 'i' look a little person?
A little body with a head?

Oh no, the capital 'I' has lost it head!
And looks like it is being drawn and quartered!

A capital crime/offence is one where you can lose your head if found guilty. And it is the same word as capitalization we find in English class. And 'i' is used to refer to ourselves, and we are taught, to always capitalize it.

Unfortunately, teachers are usually not very smart, so they do not put their own words together to gain meaning. They just follow the wrote rules.

The people that set up this knew what they were doing. They knew legalese. They knew the law. And they got all the peasants to cut off their heads every time they wrote.

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The shenanigans don't stop there.

The proper order of things goes:


However, those running the govern-cements do not want to be in second place. They want to be over the people they rule.

So, instead of knowing their place, a govern-cement is an entity created by humans to aid in governance. However, those sly devils have decided to invert the order of things. That govern-cement should be above the people. And God should be written out. Eliminated from all teachings.

The way they put humans below the govern-cement is a bit of slight of hand.
Where they create a fictitious entity with "your name" on it in all capital letters.

bob smith is a person
Bob Smith is a person who lowers (bows) his head for family and his given name.
BOB SMITH is a fictitious entity, a corporation, made to look like you. A strawman.

And BOB SMITH is below the govern-cement. So, you find every corporation that contracts with you contracts with your strawman. The bank only deals with your strawman. The power and water company do to. Your cell provider…

Even your local city govern-cement tries to deal with your strawman. And, this is completely wrong, and they are not supposed to do that. But, they do it daily and most people just accept it, because they do not know any better.

Your city is often incorporated. So, they are even lower than a govern-cement. So, the "city" is trying to get you to enter into a corporation to corporation agreement. (a contract) Can you imagine AT&T telling you to move your fence, or paint your house? That is what is happening here.

And there are ways to legally tell the corporation, that is pretending to be a city, that you are not contracting with them.

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It gets even worse.

Your parents, when you were born, abandoned you at the hospital, and as maritime law, the govern-cement came in and scooped you up as salvage.

They packaged you up, gave you a number and sold you on the stock exchange.
You are collateral for the govern-cement, and then whoever buys you.

There are people who have purchase themselves off the stock market.
Have bought themselves back.

This is a deep and trick rabbit hole. You really need to know what you are doing, and understand law and legalese.

Fortunately, this govern-cement shenanigans are about to collapse. And their worthless paper will not be honored by people.

You can look up "Birth (berth) certificate" on ThemTube. (yes, it is more about maritime law)

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So, we are played around with by the rulers, the elite.
They are playing a game with us, and we don't even know there is a game being played, or its rules.

You would think that teachers would teach us this in govern-cement school.
Especially the English teachers.

If we are required to play a game, then we should know the game.

However, as i said above, we are going to stop playing this game.
We will stop "registering" (to give up to the govern-cement) children, cars, property…

People will start being people again, the govern-cement, if we have such, will be beneath us, our construct, and it will serve us, or cease to exist. The rules will be written in such a way as to require active support from the people, so that inaction causes the govern-cement to cease to exist.

Think of it this way, today the Cocain Import Agency has gone way off the rails. Created wars and destroyed nations that most don't even know about. They should be obliterated. And, we, the people (look at the constitution and capitalization), should just be able to vote it gone. But, we have no such power. And we have no such power because of the games that are being played with us.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.


Interesting: I think you're trying to say something and it came out wrong.

For example: the two hundred and fifty-five different types of IQ's. People can be brilliant at what they do, innovate, create, invent and some IQ's do not require the ability to read, write, or do much mathematics. Physics isn't required. Chemistry isn't required. Law isn't required. Problem Identification is required in order for people to reach their levels of IQ in their fields.

As for the CIA and other countries, it is too bad for them that Blofeld put Spectre there. Not their fault but Spectre has to go. After all Spectre makes tax free income by levying it's own taxes

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