The Mother WEFers Push Electric Vehicles - Vehicle Manufactures Are Backing Away


The mother WEFers are really trying to push electric cars.
Like "no more ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) cars by 2030.

However, there is not enough Nickel, Copper and Lithium production to supply every person a car by that date.
Further, there is no plans for expanding and reinforcing the power grid that is already failing and overtaxed.

But, the mother WEFers keep pushing it...
And now, the car companies are baulking at producing electric cars.

So, what is really going on?

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Manufacturers Baulk

Ford says it is losing $3 billion producing electric vehicles. Has said that its electric truck is a complete failure.
Other car companies are running into all kinds of constraints and problems.

Toyota is calling it quits on electric vehicles.

The car manufacturers are finding that both the supply of necessary stuff isn't there, and that there really isn't a market for EVs at the price that covers manufacturing costs.

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No more market for EVs

The EV market is saturated. Basically, all those who could afford the hefty price tag, and could also use an electric vehicle in their daily use, have bought an electric vehicle.

The EV is not cheap enough for the lower class to buy.
It is almost impossible for a person who lives in an apartment complex to charge one (unless the apts are expensive enough to have separate garages)
The used car market, where most poor people get cars, is not kind to EVs. The EV goes down in price, and down... and then becomes worthless as the battery replacement cost more than getting another used EV.

There is one story of a guy blowing up his Tesla, because a new battery costed more than the entire car was worth. (and you can't take the parts off of it)

So, we are not getting an EV to every person. In fact, the usual trickle down of new car features is not working here at all. Instead of getting more and more EVs into people's hands, we seem to have peaked and are going backwards. We are already having to make new Teslas for the original Tesla buyers.

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EVs are not for everyone

Not everyone can use an electric vehicle.
Vast parts of America are hours away from any decent sized town. You cannot have an electric vehicle under those conditions.

The rural farmer need a truck. And needs a gasoline/diesel powered truck with big fuel tanks.

The only people that an EV serves is people who live near a city, and drive into the city for work and goods. Those people who are used to stop and go traffic. The short range commuters. Unfortunately, the large number of such people that could use an EV (within range) are also not rich enough to buy an EV. Especially an EV as a second car.

So, the "green" people's idea of replacing all cars with clean electric is only a city dwellers dream.

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Why WEF, Why?

Why does the WEF want to push EVs so badly?
They almost seem to be at the point of saying, "You have an EV NOW, or you do not drive no more."

My best guess is they want complete control over where you can drive.
Only the self driving EV has these kinds of features, where the govern-cement can take over your car completely.

And the mother WEFers seem to be pushing self driving really hard to.
Although it is no where near good enough to be left on the road to its own devices.
Only on specific roads that are designated for self driving cars, that are basically special highways that don't allow merging or pedestrians, should these be allowed.

Currently, self driving software IGNORES bikes. As in, it may see it, but then it does nothing with that information. (meaning girl walking bicycle across street gets ran over)

The WEF wants your car to drive when they say so, and not when they say so. You get driven to the police station whenever they are upset with you.

This is the only reason i can see for such blatantly lying in advertisements of EVs, and such a hard push from above is happening right now.

They have already paid a lot of money to install "smart" meters in front of everyone's house. So now, they can just turn off your electricity whenever they desire. And it looks like EVs were the next step... or the "smart" meter and the EV go together as as single plan.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.


The Davos predator class knows the poor and the vast majority of the world will never be able to afford an EV and the charger required to run it. They want to eliminate private car ownership for the proles and force us to rent their self-driving cars just as they want to force us to rent everything else we would otherwise own including our homes. The Arup Group, a WEF partner, made this clear in their 2019 "report" on The Future of Urban Consumption in C40 cities

Hidden in plain sight.
These people really want complete control. Too bad they couldn't be happy with partial control. If they stayed hidden, they could have kept it.

But now, they will lose everything.
Of course, we will probably lose ⅓ of the earth's population

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