Repulsivekins vs Dumbocraps. We Are Gonna Have To Fix This.


Several groups in America (and all over the world) have destroyed the social fabric, by misrepresenting and mischaracterizing general groups. Using weasel words to make the "enemy" seem like bad guys.

Like, today, neo-liberals are absolutely sure that trans people, gay people, and people who like mulit-colored flags are going to be rounded up and put into concentration camps. To which, any freedom loving conservative says, "What are you talkin about?" Conservatives would not do that unless those groups needed to be locked up because they are insane and hurting others. And neo-liberals do not get this. Or maybe they do, and they understand that the trans movement is to destroy children, and so, know that they are just waiting for the hangman's noose.

Neither side understands the other. (and this seems deliberate)

An easier issue to catalog is abortion.

Are you pro-choice or anti-choice?
Are you pro-life or pro-death?

Most people are pro-life AND pro-choice.
Except for one group who wants their cake and eat it too. The women who want to use abortion after an "Ooopsy, i'm preggars" and then 'he didn't put a ring on it', so off to get an abortion. So, these women are pro-choice, and only pro-life when it doesn't destroy their future prospects.

Most people want abortion to be rare. But, when needed it should be safe and affordable.

But, a group has pushed so far as to have post-birth abortions become legal. And now, that group has crossed a line that shouldn't ever be crossed, according to most people.

There are two things. Finding out that USAID funded those "groups" and shutting that down. Then we need to have proper discussions. We do not have shouting matches, or shut down the other side's voice.

And, we need to make sure that each side feels heard, by the other side putting into words what they hear from the first.

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Thinkers vs Feelers

Back in the day, Democrats vs Republicans was pretty much between if they were feelers or thinkers.

Actually, we might state as female-minded vs male-minded.
In the tribe, the men went out and hunted the woolly mammoth and brought it back
Then the women prepared it and apportioned it out evenly.

For women it was about fairness and not getting kicked out of the tribe. Safety was top of the list.
For men, it was about going and doing. Getting the kill. Competition was necessary. Freedom/Competence was top of the list.

When women got into business management they started putting things in about equal-pay and protection by HR.
Before then, it was best man should win. And certain people are better at certain jobs.

And this has spilled over into politics. Where, one side wants freedom from unnecessary govern-cement oversight, and the other wants govern-cement to be able to come and save them (even from themselves)

There are solutions to this, but we really need to find out what each side really wants. (we do not get to be weasel worded anymore) And we need to remove all the bad actors. (who seem to want everyone, both sides, 12 out of 13 people to die.)

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I wish Libertarians brought something to the table

Basically, Libertarians say, if we would all just self-police ourselves then everything would be fine.

And, we have found that is not the case. Criminals are usually criminal in their thinking, and do not hold themselves to moral codes. The worst of these are the psychopaths who run the banks and other positions of power. These people cannot be held to any standards.

We could eliminate this group, from participating in politics. However, most Libertarians still argue for everyone having freedom. But, that only happens when you don't have a group undermining freedom.

At least the Libertarian party, if it could be fixed up would actually bring the 3rd party, so that each basic group has a "home" or title, which would make discussion's easier.


The Political Trichotomy is a better explanation of where each person's core values exist.

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We really need to work on valuing each of these three groups' core values.

We do not just put down half (a third) of the population as stupid, and the other half as heartless. It is not true. And such branding only says you don't want to work with them. Meaning, they don't want to work with you.

The future young politicians will not stand for our ways of just beating up the other side every 4 years. This has been stupid, and all it has done is let the criminals (sociopathic bureaucrats) run everything behind the scenes. Divide and conquer has been the name of their game. It also appears that they are behind the pushing of (or programming of) the neo-liberals further and further to the left.

So, what will see, and what we need to see, is each of the three core-moral-values groups to actually work on what they want. Then find out what the other really wants. And see if they can make something that addresses each group's needs. This is not something about compromise. This is about win-win negotiation, and really working out ways to get what each needs.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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