Is It Strange That Everything We Consider an Asset Today, Will Not Be Tomorrow?


If you were a traveller from the future, what would you think of the people rushing around to collect the most "assets"? Assets, that if things are nice, will just be worthless tomorrow. However, many of them, will be an albatross upon the necks of those who "own" them.

Do you tell the people you meet that they are wasting their lives? Would most even listen to you, if you told them of a future that was almost completely opposite of what things are like today?

If you told people that gold will be mostly worthless in the future, most would tell you, "You're crazy, gold has been money for 5000 years!" And you point your wrist watch thingy at a rock and gold puddles out of it, and instead of understanding that gold can just be gotten any time you want, they would say, make more, make more!

How stuck are people's minds in thinking these soon to be worthless pieces of paper, are worthy of their life's energy?

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Worthless pieces of paper

People know the sight in the pictures of Weimar Marks left in the gutter, because they weren't worth picking up, however, they have never experienced anything like this in The US in this lifetime. Sure there have been some spectacular failures of currencies, like Venezuela or Zimbabwe, but people just think that is something that happens to third world countries, it will never happen here.

And, it is really hard to explain what will happen to the dollar, to the euro. They just sorta stop mattering.

However, lots of the other paper that we chase, goes up in smoke. The bond market, shows its true nature, being money owed to one's self. A giant ponzi scheme. When the music stops, their is nothing left but a bunch of angry people and countries.

The stock market is shown to be pure evil. There are more shares traded then there are shares available to be traded. Trading is going to stop as the fraud is exposed. And then CEDE is going to say that all the shares are owned by holding companies, and there was actually no shares on the market. Then pitchforks come out, and the SEC says they will get a more equitable split.

But what is coming after this, is the stocks will be traded on the block-chain, however, corporations won't be allowed to play their games. If a corporation is found polluting, poisoning, playing games with govern-cements, the corporation will be shut down. First they will be warned. Then nobody will buy from them. Next, people will tear the place down brick by brick. It will not be pretty. All the big corporations today will be gone.

Imagine if all your money is in stocks and bonds. And you thought you were set for retirement.

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The evils that is Rental Property eliminated

How about all the evils of a mortgage (printing money out of thin air stealing a penny from every dollar around) plus not actually getting any equity for paying it off. All a renter is doing is paying the bank with their blood sweat and tears, in a circuitous manner. And in so doing, is driving up house and rental prices. It is a destructive cycle.

Further, we should not suffer homelessness. (people who are not sane/capable enough to keep a job and a house need an institution, or a community watching out for them) But, good people living without a house should be an aberration. This is caused by our selfish ideas of land ownership. "I was here first! Its mine," even though all that means is that they were born first. No help for the more recently born. When, the family or the community, should work out a place for their coming of age children. And welcome them to adulthood and a part of the society.

But, no, we need to pay the banks. And screw the children.
This will come to an end. It has already come to an end.
Suburbs will be abandoned.
Banks will all close.

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All the other stuff on Wall Street

The Comex, Derivatives, Swaps, ETFs… all of this stuff goes away. It will be replaced by a casino. If you want to bet on price movement, go for it, but don't actually mess with the price discovery.

Why do we mine all that gold for? Just to lock it up in a dark vault. It is the most useless waste of resources mankind does. You might argue that is money, or backing for money, so we need it.

Why do we mine all that copper for? Many rich people own tons of copper. A warehouse stacked with pallets of copper ingots. We can only hope that it is later found and then turned into useful things. Otherwise, why did we spend all that energy to get it out of the ground?

AND! Imagine how much wasted time, energy, resources, we spent on these metals, when we find we can just vibrate it out of rock. Just have it flow out of stones. So much easier, and you can get the stuff almost anywhere. And later, it will just be created, Star Trek Replicator like.

So much work, just wasted. So that some people could feel rich, feel they have stored their wealth safely.

And, at least i can see some use to storing metal. I build things, and so have stock piles and odd pieces, and they come in handy. However, what Wall Street does with these things gets into the completely absurd. They work at ways of making money off of selling, but not really selling, all the gold, and then start off track betting on the price they are moving, and then they package these up into big bundles and call them "securities" (there is nothing secure there)

It is all a ponzi scheme & a house of cards. When the music stops, the whole thing collapses.

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All of this manipulation has been done little by little, until we have just come to accept it as normal.

Everything the banks do is a skimming operation. Like, they borrow money at 5% and lend it at 10%. And they do almost nothing for this spread. This is not the cost of doing business, this is layers of graft and extortion.

Block-chain is creeping into this space, and will show how corrupt it really is. And the time between when corruption is shown and it being eliminated will get shorter and shorter.

Like, why is anyone buying a Bitcoin ETF when they could just buy bitcoin? Yes, i know all the limitations on "investment" money, but those are all fabricated non-sense to control your money from leaving their system. So, really, why is anyone buying a Bitcoin ETF????

The answer is, the frabicated non-sense has to go. However, there will be many people holding onto it for dear life. It is all that they knew. It is what they put their trust into (although misplaced)

The 90s saw all the "investment bankster" is hip crowd, and getting into and playing the stock market.

The next generation after alpha, will not know of anything like Wall Street. The masks will have been pulled off, and no one will even give these banksters a second chance.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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