If You Knew By X Date, People Would Be Starving, What Would You Do Different?


If KNEW that by 9-12-2026 Americans would be relying on the good will of other nations to send us food, to keep us from starving, what would you do different?

Lets say that you had a crystal ball, or a Magic 8 ball that always worked, and you foresaw the future. Of, and angel appeared before you and said, "fear not…" well, they usually say that first, and then they said "that after 9-12-2026 the grocery store would have no food". Or you had a prophetic dream!

Anyway, you know. You can feel it in your bones that it is coming.

What will you do? Would you do anything different than what you are doing now?

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Would having a specific date change your plans?

A lot of people people put off into the future things that are not very important, or are seemingly a "some day", and i should be prepared, but life is already too hard, so it is put off to a "future date".

How many of these people would actually change their life? Would a drop dead (literally) date actually help?

I find 99% of people are in two camps:

  1. Nothing you say will change their mind. They have their job. They buy food at the grocery store. It is the way it has always been done, it is the way it will always be done. And life is too hard. They don't have an extra erg of energy to do something so big.
  2. People who are already growing much of their own food. Usually, somewhere between 50%-90%. Some of these people would try to get that percentage to 100%, however, most of these people would just continue on with their plans. And their plans usually including getting better at providing their own food.

Less than 1% would actually use this information to propel them to take the jump.

So, if less than 1% would do anything different, is it worth your while to start shouting about your premonition?

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Is it worth your time to continue shouting your truth?

If it is less than 1% of the people that are actually hearing your words, and those words are causing them to change their lives, is that worth your time? Shouldn't you just stop?

Well, what i have seen is that people are psychic. And most people can feel that something is coming. And if the right person finds your message, they will be able to put together what that feeling is, and start to make a plan to do something about it.

So, although it is less than 1%, that is still a huge number of people. And the people are not the same people each time. Further, it may be the way you put things that affects, and motivates, that specific person who is looking for an anwer.

It is about 3% of people that cause a revolution. Only 3 in 100, who have the conviction to fight for what they believe in that will start a war/fight/battle to change the regime.

A few people changing continue to pile up, and soon we find the whole world has changed.

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Does the date really matter?

If you look at crop yields from American farm land, you will see that it is going down year after year.

Chemical fertilizer farming mining is wiping out/depleting our top soil. And many say there is only a few years left before we start seeing collapse.

So, does having a specific date help motivate you? For most people it does, because although the data tells you the same thing, data doesn't motivate. It doesn't move you. When you have a deadline, it motivates you much more. It is how our minds are wired.

That said, how do people continue ignoring the coming catastrophe?

People look at the advertisements about eating bugs, and the go ewwwww. I would never do that. However, many people will EAT ZE BUGZ, because there is nothing else to eat and they are hungry.

If you look at all, you can see how bad our food has gotten. How filled with poison and lacking in nutrition the stuff at the grocery store is.

If you look at all, you can see how fragile our food production system is, and how many of them are burning down (for mysterious reasons). Add that to the farmlands being mined out, the result is apparent. We are going to starve unless we do something drastic.

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Those who are attracted to the homestead lifestyle are attracted.
Those who aren't, aren't.

One of the biggest things in the homestead community is people talking about that they want to go homsteading, and their wife/husband doesn't want to. If you can't convince someone, who is supposed to be your life partner, than how do you convince a complete stranger?

We can't even convince an overweight person with diabetes to stop eating so much processed carbohydrates. And that would be LITERALLY saving their lives.

So, all you can do is keep pointing the way towards food freedom and healthy eating.

Greta said the world would burn up if we keep using fossil fuels within 10 years. (they are always saying "within 10 years") And it really doesn't motivate many people, but it does put a low level fear in people. Shutting down people's ability to reason.


Although fear can be a powerful motivator, we are way over inundated with fear from the tell-lie-vision. So, what is left but to keep extolling the benefits of the homestead lifestyle?

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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