CERN - The Worlds Largest and Most Expensive Failed Science Museum


Imagine scientists had a car. And they saw the car go fast. So, now they are trying to figure out how the car went fast. So, they rip a wheel off, with explosives, and then hurtle the wheel as fast as possible, and look for any clues of why the car went fast.

What they are doing at CERN is worse than this (hopefully) imaginary science experiment.

The physicists that believe the world is only made up of grit, believe that all they have to do is find the "god particle" and then they will know how all matter is put together and works.

In the "fast car" experiment, they destroyed what made the car a car, and how it went fast was destroyed by their testing. Similarly, what they are doing with CERN destroys what physicists are looking for. But, what can they do, they believe the universe is just made up of little balls bouncing off each other. (they say it is a bunch of grit)

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Our current models of atoms

The current models of atoms show 99% empty space. But, what if that "empty" space was more important than the "filled" space? What if that empty space was the atom.

What we know about the atom is surprisingly little.

We fired electrons through a thin strip of gold, and every once in a while, the electron didn't go through, it bounced off some where. (yes they had young scientists with florescing paper looking for where the errant electrons went. From this, the nucleus was surmised.

In a collider, it is similar to playing billiards. You launch the cue ball at the eight ball, and when they impact, both balls are gone, and the pool table is filled with marbles, ping pong balls and basket balls.

Of course, we can't see any of this, we see the energy trails. The first such measuring device was beer, in a pressurized vessel, kept just under boiling. So, when a particle went through it, it would leave a trail of bubbles. (Thanks Yahoo Serious in Young Einstein for making fun of that)

When a physicists graduates from physics school, they believe that we know a lot about atoms, however, we know so very little. Everything we think we know is all based on the grit-theory. And so, all we have been doing is cataloguing the parts that have been knocked out of atoms. And we haven't seen any of this, all we have is electric and magnetic energy signatures.

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Is it really empty space?

The empty space in an atom is filled with raceways, with pathways that guide electrons along their journey and define the atom's interactions with other atoms.

Like, why doesn't an atom, that is 99% empty space, just float through another atom? There is supposedly nothing there, right? (and no, the electrons do not go fast enough to bounce off other electrons, remember the thin strip of gold experiment?)

There is a lot to that empty space. And we will never discover it while using particle smashing devices. We literally destroy that which we are trying to discover, and then saying, it doesn't exist.

We really know nothing in this area, and we don't even look because of our grit based notions.

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New experiments showing new things

There are experiments going on today where they use light, multiple layers of light, to form matter.

Or, in other words, matter may just be slowed down, heavy light.

And, if true, what does that do to our grit based universe model? What does that mean to our ideas of fusion and fission? It would mean that these are electrical events. And that the A-bomb is actually an electric bomb.

E=mc² would be complete bunk

And, basically, all of "modern materialistic physics" is bunch of hooey.

The turning of CERN into the largest, most expensive museum ever built, complete with gift shop, is part of our future. I really cannot wait for the new physics to really start emerging. So much to really explore.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.


I like this post as questioning is science!

My personal opinion of CERN collider is that it should only have been built in outer space. Recently and doubt this is true but what if it is? Scientists are monitoring the core of the Earth rotating in the center of the Earth using seismic data.

When I was in the army, they wanted to build a CERN device in Texas. I said it was a bad idea because -

What if CERN with its massive magnets is actually the cause of global warming or worse the changing of the orientation of Earth in space. A sunny side up frozen side sideways event?

That would be catastrophic!

Bad, very bad indeed. You know the north/south magnetic poles have moved several times during the last years?

As for E = MCe+2. I still defend Einstein in our physical dimensions.

Good job.

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