The CCP Has Plans - The WEF Has Plans


The CCP has a plan to make life in America so hard, that when the CCP rides in with their blue helmets the American people would welcome them. They have this written in a book. Their plan for domination of The United States.

Unfortunately, it is probably not their plan, it was probably Kissinger's plan. That they adopted. Basically, open up trade, take up The US' debt, sell cheap goods, take all of their manufacturing away. Make them reliant. Then squeeze them.

Even more unfortunately, this is the mother WEFers plan too. (i wonder where they got it from) To steal all of the assets from America and leave nothing but a hollow shell. And then when the American people have suffered enough, the UN rides in with their blue helmets and the American people will welcome them.

Sounds like a Bond movie?

There is definitely a plan to, undermine, weaken and destroy America. TPTshouldn'tB do not want America to use their military might to foil their plans. So the power must be broken up.

America is definitely on the chopping block, the only question is, are we special, or is the other countries all over the world included too?

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The CCP to conquer those stupid Americans

The CCP, and most of China, believe that Americans are stupid. And maybe we are.

However, we built our country on working with trust. On being honorable. A man's word being his bond.

Chinese work on a saying, "If you can scam somebody, scam them." Even when building a building that their friends make work or live in, they will cut corners and buy the cheaper materials. (If you haven't watched the videos, look for China's ghost city destruction and collapses. Yes, high rise buildings have collapsed due to shoddy materials. Some even during construction. Tofu Dregs is what these shoddily made buildings/items are called.)

So, Americans being a bit too trusting have let China get away with too much. And the Americans who can see what is happening are without power to do to much about it. We are not as stupid as the CCP would like us to be, but we also seem quite naive.

Unfortunately for the Chinese, Americans are not stupid when it comes to defending their homes. When the Chinese get here, if they are not invited in, they will not make it past any mountain range. The real problem is that many of the coastal cities are infested with communists, and they may cheer for China taking over.

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Invaders are already on our soil

Military aged men are streaming across the southern border. And out "president" is making sure they enter unhindered.

It is also apparent that someone is paying a lot to help these people get here. Whether it is just fliers advertising free gifts when they get to America, or paid bus fair across Mexico, or Chinese nationals being ferried across the most dangerous parts of the trek. (yes, they are Chinese from China, and only they are getting ferried)

Just like all the migrants in Europe, too many are being let through to ever assimilate into the cultures that they are being shoved into.

A person escaping war and hardships will bring their entire family. What is coming into America is mostly military aged men. And the women seen, often seem to be provided just for the cameras. Women who obviously didn't walk hundreds of miles. What we have is an invading force.

This invading force is here, at minimum, to break up society. To cause mayhem and sew chaos.

At maximum, there are groups within this horde that are specially trained at destroying infrastructure and sabotage. And since there is already congress critters proposing that we should enroll them into the army (in exchange for citizenship) this may very well be an invading army, who will be armed with The US weapons when the time is right.

Either way, what happens is that a real "first blood" incident occurs where these invaders do something that is not just a few stealing, shoplifting or sexual harassment. The invaders will cross the line, and everyone will know them as the enemy. Then they will be bloodily chased out of America. The same thing will happen in Europe.

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American Civil War 2.0

Americans will have a fight on two fronts.

As we take up arms against the invaders, this will super-anger the snow-flakes. The communists are annoying, helping to destroy America from the inside, but it is the blue-state govern-cements i fear. They may side with China and/or the invaders. (i say may, as in, what is their real mission. Who do they really get their marching orders from. It is definitely not the American people)

So, we could see Washington declare themselves separate from The US, and we will see UN or Chinese soldiers on the streets in Seattle.

After that, we will see Easter Washington, and maybe Oregon break away and join Idaho, or start their own states. (Jefferson and Lincoln?)

The thing is, Americans won't be able to rely on The US siding with them. The people that believe in America, may be fighting on multiple fronts. Or, we may separate into different regions. Or maybe different nations.

The destruction of the American unity, our pride in our nation has been undermined. In no small part by China.

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The really interesting things is that China may be our biggest friend in the future. Or maybe it will be the area called Greater Hong Kong. (after the CCP collapses) China really needs our food exports. Maybe we can actually work out some fair trades.

We should not despair too much. The nations all over the world will balkanize. People long separated will come together. Others will break apart into separate factions.

The intersting thing, in the future, is that we will have better trade, even though we have such divergent ideas and cultures. As each group learns to honor the other group for who they are, and are not intimidated that they are different.

The CCP is going to implode upon itself. Unless Xi da Pooh suddenly turns around and really starts to help the Chinese people instead of taking and taking and harvesting organs, then his fate is sealed. The Three Gorges Damn will collapse and make a huge rift that will divide up China. All the military personnel will be busy trying to fix the natural disasters happening that they will not be able to defend against the changes coming to the govern-cement.

Unfortunately, that is China's problem. America's problem is redefining America. How will we redraw the maps. How will we make the Constitution and the Republic better? So that we cannot get taken over by sociopathic tyrants again.

And there will be a time where we will not have cheap Chinese goods. Better get good at fixing those toasters and microwaves. We won't have new ones for a while.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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