Pending Transactions Ethereum

in CryptoDog3 years ago

If you have ever used an Ethereum network, you have probably encountered that your transactions take a long time to execute. Pending transaction happens because each miner prioritizes transactions based on their price. In this case, pending transactions are created in Ethereum.

If you set a low gas cost for your transaction, it will probably not completes any time soon. Of course, there must be a way to create a new transaction with a higher gas price so that it is done and the previous existence is no longer done. But how can this be done?

Introduction To Pending Transactions

If a transaction is approved, it can not be returned or modified in any way. But some transactions may stay on the network forever and never be processed. Stuck is likely happens when the gas price set for a transaction is low.

Consider that you have no way to cancel the transaction. But there are other ways you can speed up the transaction. You need to create a new transaction with a higher gas price to replace the previous one.

Requirements for accelerating transactions

  1. To do this, you first need a Metamask wallet or TrustWalet
  2. Private keys to enter the Ethereum wallet
  3. Internet access

Why Is My Ethereum Transaction Stuck?

Ethereum Blockchain prioritizes each transaction based on several factors so that miners can select the best available transaction. The lower the gas price of a transaction, the slower it will be. But there are three main options for prioritizing transactions: gas price, gas cost, and gas limit.

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