My Alt Choices.steemCreated with Sketch.

in CryptoDog4 years ago

I don't know if you saw that tweet from elon musk the other day, but you know the one where he uh. He tagged that alex becker guy and said: hey. Thank you so much for finally getting me to go in on bitcoin at 33 000 i've made billions of dollars because of alex becker.

It's, pretty frankly clear when you see stuff like that, all over twitter. All the time that you know alex becker myself is not only the most woke empty house, business advice guy with a great bod who is also pg and extremely family friendly, but i'm, also the greatest crypto trader of all time.

I've made billions of dollars and i've just given it away, because i'm, so minimalist that i just don't need the money. Okay, you guys can see. I have no furniture. I have. I have one shirt i just i have so much money.

I don't even have use for it anymore, which is why i make these videos telling you exactly how to trade in crypto, because i mean last week i was giving you advice on how not to touch yourself uh to lower dopamine, and i Figured you know what people also probably want bad investing advice for me too.

So today, what i'm, going to be hitting you with as the most successful crypto trader of all time on youtube. Uh is how i find good projects in crypto. Knowing absolutely nothing about crypto, if you can't tell the beginning of this.

Video is a joke that's. The second part is not a joke now. What i want to show you in this video is how i ' Ve gotten many coins that have 10x 5x 15xed on me and really how i found those coins without having any experience in crypto.

I can't, really look in the tokenomics that well, i can't. Do any technical analysis. How am i doing this? Let's. Address number one. The first elephant in the room, a chimpanzee, could make money in this market.

You could, literally, you could walk in to this market and crap on your hand and throw it around the room. Just like a sprinkler and you would get 15 and 10x coins and i'm editing right now. I just want to add on to that really quickly this market.

What i just said at chimpanzee can make money, but this market is not defined by who is the one picking the coins going up? It's defined by the person who knows when to get out most people to get in the crypto yeah.

They're, going to see gains, but most people in crypto lose all those gains. One percent of people got out the top of the market. Most people lost money who got in the middle of the market. Last bull run.

Okay, so while it's, easy to pick the gains it's, the people that know when to get out that are the experts here. Okay, so don't, don't interpret. What i just said is you can just get in this market and you're gonna make money for free trust.

Me there's, an asterisk next to every single gain you make. However, i think the way that i invest in cryptocurrency is a little bit different about what other people do, because i'm, not a crypto expert and i'm, not going to give you crypto advice.

I am, however, pretty damn good at spotting businesses that are going to work and have good leadership and good fundamentals and have good just good business fundamentals behind them and businesses that don't and what i've.

Seen in this bull market at least, what's really well worked well, for me, is investing in things not because of the tokenomics or technical analysis, but and before we get deeper into this guys, it's, going to sound like in This video, where i'm, saying that you don't need no technical analysis.

Don't, learn tokenomics just invest in things because alex becker says business matters. No, that's. Absolutely not what i'm saying and number two: this is not financial advice. You should just consider me a pissed drunk guy having fun trolling people on youtube right now, so that's.

Maybe what i'm doing you all know, but do actually put this in perspective right here. I am not trying to pose as a crypto expert or a trading expert or even an investment expert. I am an expert at building sas companies and making terrible youtube videos.

I'm, not an expert in this. I'm along in the right for you. What i'm doing right now is i'm. Just sharing general thoughts that i have that i've learned through a decade of business that can give me insights on things that normally other crypto traders won't actually have insights in, and i don't think you Should base all your trading or anything you're doing off this video.

I think you should take the idea in this video and go hmm that's. Another tool. I could probably add to my arsenal to see things a little bit clearer. You should absolutely learn tokenomics and technical analysis and every other part of crypto that you possibly can.

If you want to get in this, because you are literally gambling with your money and the more you know about what this market is and how it behaves the less chance you're gonna have of getting burned. Okay about one in three people that buy crypto have no idea what they're buying.

If i could just help people not be in that one and three with these videos: cool okay. So let's, move on, but investing in things, because i understand the business fundamentals behind them. Okay, so what i wanted to do in this video is show you some of my best coins uh, how i heard about them and show you the mindset behind them.

So you can kind of go and copy this, because if you're getting into this right now there's. No way you're, going to learn technical analysis or how to read tokenomics and you probably shouldn't even get in the crypto right now.

If you're, just getting started, wait till the the bear market. You there's a long way down. I got into crypto when everything was one-tenth, the price it is right now, so i i can fall a lot farther without losing my butt.

But let me just show you what i'm talking about right here and walk you through how i've done this, so this is one of my my best investments in this bull run, and so this is a token called voyager. I want to explicitly say this in this video: i own these tokens.

If you buy these tokens a i don't think it's, the best time for you to buy them right. Now you're, not going to see a 50 100 x return. Okay, this is not some youtuber pump and dump video. Where i'm, claiming to be 1000x return.

Buying these you're, not, and if you fomo and ape into these, i will super dump on you. Okay, so i own these and i do not suggest you buy these. I suggest you look at these examples. So voyager is an app that i've, been using since uh literally end of december, and so i got in this at about 30 to 50 cents.

This is when i got really heavily into it and since then i don't. Even know what the multiple on this is, i think, like 14x or something like that, so it's, absolutely just crushed it for me, and i want to break down how i discovered this first thing you need to understand as a beginner is a Lot of people are going to be like crypto, youtubers are the worst and look i get it.

I'm, simply terrible. I i understand. Look people are 100 right. I would get upset watching me as well. I'm extremely annoying. That also being said, they are also very true. There are so many youtubers that disrespect their fans and have thousand x altcoins and they're pumping and dumping on their viewers and putting out these crazy numbers like bitcoins, going to a million ethereum's going to 40 50 000.

. It's, it's, it's silliness. There are tons of channels out there. For example, a few of my favorites are digital asset news, jrny crypto, i really like lark davis. I like. Actually, you can look at my subscriptions right here.

I really like coin bureau. I really like data dash. Benjamin cohen, has the best technical analysis that i've seen, so she is really great. I i'm surprised to a lot of other ones in here, but i mean sheldon evans also has really really good calls, but i would really say the person who has the best calls consistently.

That is just silly, is jro ny crypto, but sheldon. Also picks a lot of really really good. Lower alt coins that i've done really well on as well, so those are the ones i would actually follow that and i've just been watching all of the the channels, and i'm, subscribed to all of Them while i'm, not digging at the channels, i didn't mention these ones consistently do make the best calls just for me watching it for three months and watching who's been right and who'S been, you know, the most realistic and not pumped and dumped on their followers.

So why do i say this? I heard about this coin from digital asset news. Okay, dan is actually someone i've been on this channel. He just gives really nice down to earth predictions and analysis of what's going on here.

He's. Not he's, not throwing out million dollar coins, not saying 100 x, moon shots. He's, just basically talks about the crypto market, which is really funny because the one guy who's not over hyping everything, has given me the best coin uh of of my portfolio.

Okay. So why did i invest so heavily on this? Well, not just because he told me to, but i understand software companies. I understand what a good ceo looks like and how a good software company runs, because i run a software company.

The vast vast majority of my money does not come from crypto. Okay, i do pretty well in crypto right now, but hyrus at this time is nearly a multi-eight-figure company annually and i know what a good built software company looks like, and so when i started using this app on my phone to trade and then i did a Bunch of other things like i would, i would message the ceo and he would actually manage customer support with me and then, whenever i had an issue or hit up their support, they'd, solve it really quickly for me and the app doesn't have any bugs on it, and so, when i'm looking at this, i'm looking at the behavior of the ceo, his team and the app.

That is why i invested in this company. I i really didn't understand tokenomics i didn't understand. You know i barely even understood market cap at the time, but i knew this company had a really great piece of software that was going to be super useful and used and long story short.

I was right about this. Okay, it's. It's, one of the fastest growing brokerage apps with trading exchange. I sound like an idiot. Why do people ever listen to me? It's, one of the best crypto amp gma digs you've ever seen.

Okay, it's purple and it's, really pretty that's. Why i invested in it, but look that's, the logic behind it, and this logic worked for me, worked very, very, very well now, here's. Another coin, i want to show you that is doing really really well for me.

So this is b20 and this is basically an index. If you've, looked at what's, going on in nfts of all people's, artwork, which is he's, basically, the most expensive artist in nfts. Right now, and if you originally bought a beeple back in december, i mean you can see.

This coin is actually really new, but if you bought this back a people in december, you could have bought one for about seventy seven thousand dollars. They easily go for about five to six million dollars now, so they've shot up in value.

So i got into this one really early, because i got on the nfts, and so, while i think nfts are in a hyper bubble, i think the main key artists who have really good products and take really good care of their brand.

Are they're just going to keep going up in value because they're, the first it's like literally having the first cave drawing ever made. Imagine if you went back in time like the artists who made the first cave drawings in the world like those would be worth hundreds and hundreds of millions, that's, exactly what beeple is, and he was really the first person who delivered a really Superior product in ft space when you bought his products, you've, got like a hair sample from him.

He's, sending these really cool packs. He likes these digital cards. It was really really cool and if you watch people actually talk, he's extremely intelligent and just runs everything really well. Okay.

So when i saw his artwork and i saw how people respond to it more so i saw his brand management and presentation to me. This was just obviously going to go up because again, first cave drawing mythology right there, but also just because of how much effort he puts into what he's.

Doing it's not going to go because he's. Not some some crazy willy-nilly artist, he really kind of revolutionized the space so again without me, knowing much about crypto without me, knowing much about the tokenomics or doing any technical analysis.

I just know that this guy has a great brand. It's, going to keep going upwards. So me understanding how good brands look, how good influencers are going to manage themselves. I've been an influencer for a long time, and i '

Ve talked to a lot of good influencers using my business sense. This allowed me go okay, cool. This looks like a really good investment, so i got in this really early and i think this is going to keep going up much much much higher again.

I really do not suggest you buy b20, a i own it. I will dump on you all day. Long number. Two though you, you need to understand the valuations of people's paintings, and this thing is going to pump and dump all over the place.

Okay, the next few weeks and if you don't know what you're. Looking at right here, you're, going to get dumped on and you're, going to lose a lot of money. You should not buy it right now. You should not buy this okay, i'll.

Just point this out to you: how did i discover this this coin right here, because a lot of people don't most people don't even know what like cardano is, for example, but uh. This coin right here was really kind of under the radar okay.

So how did i figure out about this one? So one other thing: i suggest you when you're, finding good coins. If you want to have your, you want to have your ear to the ground, and one of the best ways to do this is oddly enough, twitter.

Okay, if you follow all the people that are leading certain spaces, a lot of the things that have blown up the past three months have been talked about on twitter for months, for example, crypto punks, when they were like 800 all the same people on twitter that Were making predictions about them being fifty thousand a hundred thousand dollars right now they were all doing it back then, literally almost every single one of these hitting coins of these same gens has been talked about on twitter constantly now am i saying you should buy everything That is posted on twitter.

Absolutely not what i'm saying is this by the way follow me on css becker, because i talk about a lot of the things i'm doing well, i'm, not a crypto expert. I think i'm fun to follow okay. So if you like funsies, follow me for the funsies there's, a lot of fun.

These going on here, look look at the memes. I post you can get happy about it, but if you go look at my feed, we got chicks right there, but, more importantly, we got i ' Ve got waifu okay. This looks my feed looks like i'm.

A a pervert sitting in this empty, most woke pervert youtuber. But if i follow around right here, uh you're gonna see that i follow. Basically, everyone in nft space and a lot of people in the crypto space, and why do i do this? Because a lot of these people just they, they see a lot of things that are going on and they just they just tweet it.

They're, not crypto, gurus or anything they're, just like oh. I think this is really interesting. This is what it's, going to do that's, where i learned about people that's, where i learned about nfts that's, where i learned about flipping crypto punks that's, where I learned about b20 from okay.

I believe it was actually danny right here or one of these guys right here who just mentioned exactly hey this auction's coming up it's, probably going to grow a whole lot. You should look at it and i looked at it and it made sense to me business-wise.

I was cryptography, wise, no tokenomics, wise and all that no, i didn't. Do that. I just looked at the business part of it. I'm, going to wrap this video up with one other lesson, but what you're, also going to do in crypto, is the opposite of this.

You're, going to buy things because people in crypto hype up things, and so one thing you're, going to notice in the crypto space that i ' Ve noticed a lot as an entrepreneur, but not a crypto. Is that cryptos have really bad business sense? Everybody in crypto, really doesn't understand what a bad business looks like what a bad leader looks like what a messy organization looks like, and they really just buy things based on not hype, but they're, going to be looking at The trades behind it they're, going to be looking at the tokenomics.

They're, going to be looking at what the project claims it's, going to do, but very very, very few cryptos that i know are good at spotting: poorly ran businesses. I'm, really good at spotting. Poorly ran businesses, i'm, not a crypto trader, but i can tell a turd business and i can tell a well-rounded business very very well because i've just been doing this for a decade, and so one thing i see that's happening in crypto right now.

That is so dangerous. Is these new ideos or these new coins keep launching and everybody knows these things are overvalued, but these things are super overvalued. For example, i saw an ido go live the other day.

I've, seen multiple ones do it that have gotten. You know i'm, not going to name the specific market caps. You can guess you can guess them, but like 40 million to like 200 million dollar market caps, which is ridiculous and they don't even have a website.

Okay, uh and then, if you actually go and look at their telegram groups. And you look at their customer support and you look at how they're, managing everything it's, all a mess? Okay. So what am i trying to tell you right here about this? So two of the best ways i found good coins is looking at the ceo, the man, the person who's running the brand in the company b20 vgx, i have a bunch of other coins, have done really well.

Those are just two really easy to point out examples, but the flip inverse can be done here, because this is so dangerous right here when you have a poorly ran business that has massive valuation based on hype.

If you get in on this right here, the fall is going to be massive. If they don't manage their business. Well, it's, going to be it's, going to be insane okay, so, for example, a coin that is brand new, that has a 200 million market cap.

This thing can go all the way down to 10.. Okay, you can lose your money hardcore right here. In my opinion, from this, and so one of the best things i'm, going to tell you about investing in general, okay or at least spotting good businesses and bad businesses is consistency, screams competency.

If you consistently see bad customer support bad management of launches bad management of the people, investing bad communication, you can almost bet 10 bucks that everything else in the company is going to be bad if their website is a mess, if their logos and everything are somewhat Messy i can guarantee that something else in the business is going to be messy, that's, that's.

That sounds like the craziest advice ever if their logo is messy. Trust me: if you go to my web business website, every single color i've made sure is: is down to the color code, everything lines up throughout the entire site.

I've gone through and checked the color labels. I've, checked the fonts on every single page, consistency, screams, competency and what you want to look for is boring leaders that communicate very well okay.

So this is one of the reasons why i invest in ada much more than i invest in ethereum ethereum has no real leadership. Vitalik the the supposed head of ethereum, while he doesn't, have total control because it's a centralized.

He really is just he's. Not he's. He doesn't seem to me like a good leader uh. He just kind of everything's kind of all over the place. He seems kind of techy doesn't seem like he has a very straightforward vision for it.

If you look at ethereum it's just all over the place and the only reason ethereum's, so high right now is various factors, of course, and i think ethereum's going to do very well. This bull run, but it's, a mess.

It's consistently, just a mess. Okay. But if you look at ada, for example, charles hoskinson, he is boring, he is straightforward and he hedgehog hey hedgehog is hedgehogs holy moly, he hedgehogs, and what does that mean? He just does boring stuff and he picks his direction.

He's going to go in and he just boringly moves in that direction. At the right pace, that's right for the business he doesn't rush things out. He just moves in the same direction every single time he's very, very, very predictable.

That's. What i want in a leader i do not want a hypey influencer leader i don't, want some big famous cowboy. I don't want some loudmouth. I want a boring person that answers customer support tickets and plans what they're to do three years from now and just in the most boring way possible moves that direction.

The one reason why my software company has become successful is because i am the most boring ceo ever. I pick just a few things. We're going to do really well, and we just do those things we don '

T. Add new crazy features. We don't try to do things sexy we don't, make big promises. We just move in a boring direction and we've been doing it for years and that's. Why? The company works okay, so those are my tips guys.

I really want to just point this out to you, because i don't think anybody getting in the crypto right now, especially if you're new to this. I think it's, a terrible idea, but i also really suggest that you, if you have business sense, don't count yourself out, because one of the things that gives you an advantage in crypto that cryptos are really bad at is Spotting well-ran businesses, well-ran uh projects and badly run projects.

It's, it's. Some of these projects are a complete mess and people are giving them mass evaluations, and i wouldn't, have faith in their leaders to carry water down a flight of stairs for me, and i've had tremendous success using this mythology.

Despite lacking uh, the vast crypto experience that a lot of people have. That also being said, you have to ask yourself, because this bull run right now, all the prices of everything in my opinion are overvalued.

This is coming from a guy that believes. Bitcoin is going to 1.5 million here in like five years. Okay, so i just think everything is generally very overvalued right now and that's, just the essence of a crypto bull run.

But you have to ask yourself if you look at my last few videos the chances of you actually timing. The market correctly are pretty low. If we're being honest here, and so you could time the market correctly and i'm.

Not saying i'm not going to try and time the market correctly, but every coin that i have or i'm heavily invested in i'm really comfortable holding over 10 years. I'm, just really comfortable holding ada over 10 years.

I'm, really comfortable, even holding ethereum over five years. I'm, really comfortable, holding a lot of the other coins in my portfolio, but any coin did i have a significant amount in over 20 the portfolio.

This is something where, if someone said hey, you can ' T sell this for five years i'd, be bummed because i couldn't get out the peak of the bull run and then buy it back cheaper, but i know in five years these things are going to be worth so much More because i know the leaders who are in charges, i know the companies have a very high shot of working compared to most of the other companies in crypto that are ran by hooligans or just not well ran, so that's.

My advice guys. I actually got way too serious in video, because whenever i talk about business, i get all businessy. If you want more tips like this or you just want to see me complaining about stuff, you should follow me on twitter, because when i complain it's off people find it pretty amusing at css becker.

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