Build a Dapp Without CodingsteemCreated with Sketch.

in CryptoDog4 years ago

Hi everybody - this is Gregory from DAP university. So in this video I want to talk about a cool new platform called Simba chain, which is empowering developers to build blockchain based applications powered by smart contracts without really having to write any code or do all the heavy lifting to get things set up and ready To go it's, a platform that's targeted at developers and provides them with a lot of great accessibility and user experience.

That seems to be missing from a lot of the blotching development tools out there. Currently it's gonna allow you to do a lot of point-and-click types of things, so you can get a lot of things for free, like API user interfaces, to interact your smart contract notifications and lots of other cool stuff.

I'm gonna walk you through in this video before we do that be sure to subscribe to this channel. If you haven't already and click the like button down below, there really helps these videos get found so that more people can learn how to build blockchain technology.

In order to use the platform you'll want to head over to apt symbol, chain comm, and this time you can actually request a login by contacting support so that email is gonna be info at Simba, Jane comm, and once you've got that login information, you can click login, and this remembers my email address the last time I use this, so I'm gonna go ahead and click that and now, once I've logged in I'Ve got a dashboard here that shows you know some information about my account based on my past activity, like my number of organizations and applications, so you won't, see really any figures here.

The first time you log in, but now I'm gonna walk you through everything. You need to do in order to start using this platform. First, you want to go to the management tab. This is where we're gonna. Actually create an organization that will, you know, manage all the smart contracts and the applications, and things like that that will actually use whenever we create a blockchain based application with simba chain.

So I'll click. This plus button down here to create a new organization - I've, already got one DAP University or organization. So I'll create another one. Let's, call it DAP University. Alright and now this organization is going to allow us to organize all of the applications that we'll, create with summit chain that'll, be powered by smart contracts and a really cool feature that's, going to come Out soon is the ability to invite other developers to join your organizations with some a chain.

So you know you could simply create an organization and then invite them via email to collab. With you on the submission platform. Now we created an organization, let's, create a smart contract that will actually power the application that will create with some a chain.

So I'm gonna go to the smart contract app here and the really cool thing about this. In betaine platform is that it will allow us to create a smart contract without actually writing any code. So you can see a couple panes here we can see.

You know some point-and-click development tools here, as well as some smart contract code on the side. So basically, this is a smart contract that's generated by this. You know kind of point-and-click interface here, essentially what this smart contract does is it manages assets and transactions, and this might be like a supply chain scenario or something like that.

We could see 30 of an assets here, a container a lock and a manifest right and the kinds of transactions that can be created and associated with each asset. So, for example, a container can be received, it can be.

You know, arrived idle things like that. We can also check on a lock, and this lock can be locked, unlocked or tampered or you know manifest can be safe right, so that's. A really good example of how you know you might create a smart contract inside of Summit chain.

We could additionally add assets here. If you wanted to let's just say a crate and we ' Ll. Add that and we'll, add a new transaction. We can create a new transaction, we'll, just say loaded, alright, and that would be a crate.

We can add a new. You know function name. We can just say, item ID: alright, that could be a string and we can add more parameters here. If you wanted to, we can also choose to reference off chain file storage about skip that for now.

So now you have a crate that has associated transactions. So we can also see it whenever I did that you know this tool will create in some new source code over here we can see the crate was added to this assets.

You know and the functions were created below. You can also look at this graph feature that will allow you to visualize the relationships between assets and the transactions and things you can do with them like, for example, you know container can be marked as received a lock can be, you know, locked unlocked or tampered.

You know manifest can be saved. A container could be marked as arrived, so that's, a really cool way of seeing all this data in different ways, and also note that, if you, you know, are a coder and you know how to write smart contracts.

You can, additionally just edit this smart contractor method code yourself or you could you know paste in your own smart contracts and compile them like this, and we see that this contract compile we '

Ve got a few warnings out here, but that's, okay, no errors. So that gives you a pretty good idea of everything you can do with a smart contract development tool, I think, is a pretty cool feature: asymmetry! Let's! Save this smart contract, so we can actually add it to an application that will create and the applications what's going to allow us to you know, interact this smart contract and sort of you know.

Bootstrap, our own block chain based applications really quickly and that's, the power of simba chain. Is it's gonna allow us to do that. So I will click, Save alright and I'll name this smart contract.

Let's, say just my contract. I'll call this two, because I've already done this before and we'll. Do it under you know my newly created organization here, Dappy diversity, two looks safe. All right the contract was saved.

The next step is to actually create a wallet that you can use to deploy the application to the blockchain. So you want to click those HD wallet tab here on the side, and this will create a blockchain wallet for you.

That's connected to the network. That's, a lot like meta masks, so this is a wallet that will be managed by your browser, so Simba chain, doesn't store your private keys or any sensitive data like that.

On their own servers, you'll, actually control this information locally and if you haven't created a wallet. Yet you know you'll, have the prompt to create one? You ' Ll enter your password twice to unlock this wallet.

I've, already created one, so I'll. Just put my password in here click unlock. Now you can choose the blockchain that you want your wallet to be associated with. If you look at this drop down menu here, we first have access to a few networks.

You know, rinkeby is a test network. Public test Network for aetherium and circle of life is Simba's own private permission based network. So I've, already chosen circle of life here that's. What I'm going to choose and you can actually click deposit to go ahead and fund your account with some.

You know, ether that you will need in order to deploy the smart contract and that's, going to go to pay for the gas fees required to create the transaction on the network. Whenever your smart contract is deployed - and I should note - while I'm here - that there's - plans to support more networks, it's coming very soon.

In fact, some attains planning to support stellar blockchain very soon, and also, if you want to add your own blockchain network here, you can contact support info @ symbol, Chang comm, to bring your own blockchain.

So you can, actually, you know, bring your own private permission blockchain or you know any public network that you want to support. You can actually reach out to them and try to integrate that into this platform, and you can also bring your own off chain file storage, which I'll talk more about when get to that section.

Now that we've got, you know an organization and a smart contract and a wallet we ' Ve got all the pieces that we need in order to actually create an application with Samba chain. So I'll. Go to this application tab here to create a new one.

You can see some of my old applications here. I'll, go ahead and create a new one. We'll, just call this DAP University 2 and we ' Ll. Choose the DAP University, 2 organization and click create all right.

Now it's just started, and we can configure this. So let's. Talk about all the things that you get for free whenever you create an application with simba chain - and this is, I think, the real power of the platform.

The real value add, which is you get a lot of features for free? You get user interface for your smart contract, where you can actually interact the smart contract. It's functions. Things like that. You also get a REST API that will allow you to interact the smart contract by just calling an API which you could do from another application without having to really you know, use any other blockchain tools.

You know if you're developing an iOS app or something like that. You can simply just make REST API calls to your the API that's, exposed by Samba chain, which makes things easy really fast, and you can also subscribe to notifications for your smart contract.

So anytime something happens inside your smart contracts. You could get an email notification or a webhook notification, or something like that, so it's, a lot of really cool stuff that you give for free, and I'm gonna show you all that here in a second.

So as we're setting up this application, I'm gonna click. You know, aetherium blockchain and the network type will use circle of life because that's. What we created our wallet with and I'll click continue and for filesystem.

I'm gonna choose ipfs. So currently there's; support for ipfs or SEF. I'm, going to just click ipfs by default. Then I'm gonna leave permissions off, but you can enable permissions for your filesystem as well.

Alright. So now I'm going to choose the smart contract. We just created, which is my contract and once you get to this step, if you haven't created a contract, yet you could go to this contract wizard.

But just beware that you ' Ll lose your progress. If you do that, now, click continue and I'm gonna create the API name. It's, also a DAP University. Alright, and you can also make this permission or not as well.

I'm. Just gonna leave. Permissions off for now I ' Ll click configure alright, and it will ask you to sign this transaction with your aetherium wallet now. This is the etherium ology created in the previous step, so click on lock and here's.

My address and here's. My balance and here's. The network I want to deploy to now I will deploy the smart contract and we'll create a new application, so click deploy and we'll. Wait all right now the application is deployed.

So let's view it. I'll click view we'll, see some basic information about the application here. Let the you know, organization, the blockchain type network, etc, etc, and the first thing I'll do is actually look at the UI.

That simple chain gives us for free. We can click this make transactions tab up here we'll need to unlock our wallet in order to make. You know, calls to the smart contract and we can see the list of methods that are exposed of the smart contract and simba chain automatically.

You know generates these for free based on. You know the kinds of functions that our smart contract responds to. So, for example, we can call the departed method. I'll, just say asset ID, I'll, say one click call alright and we can see a notification down there that the transaction was signed and we '

Ll also will say loaded down here so asset ID 1 click call all right, so that's, a way that we can actually just interact the smart contract easily and quickly for free with Simba chain, and we can go to this check transactions tab Over here that will actually show us a list of transactions that came out of our wallet and you know and interactive with this application and the smart contract.

So now we can see you know this was when the application was deployed and we can see you know, the departed function was called here and the loaded function is still pending. So we can just refresh that and see.

If it's finished, go back to check transactions and it's. Still waiting that's. Ok, it ' Ll show a transaction hash. Whenever that's completed just like the departed function that we called a minute ago, the next really cool thing that we get for free whenever we create this application with Simba chain is an API as a public API.

So we can just check this link down here this app API, and this will show us a REST API that was automatically generated based on the methods or the functions that were created inside of the smart contract.

Okay, we can see you know like departed idle tampered. We can get and post both of these things and we can see all kinds of info about our API, including the URL up here. Just API data submission com.

We can see the name of the API we created whenever we created the application all right and you can you authorize the API I'll. Show you how to create an API key here in a minute, but this is a really cool, and this is something you could just do you know plug and play and to you know any kind of web application, or you know mobile application or anything you could You know think of where you might want to interact the blockchain and use a smart contract without having to you know overcome that learning curve of creating.

You know all the blockchain infrastructure yourself and you can manage your API keys by going to the API key tab here and just generate a new key. So we'll call this DAP University and we generate a key for that API.

Alright - and you'll - see the list of that here and you can use this in order to authenticate with your API so that you're. Not just you know, leaving this public and also a quick note. They have a configuration API that you can use in order to interact.

They're simply chain account like see all your applications check on the contract, employment. Things like that, and the last thing I want to show you about the applications inside the simba chain is that you can actually subscribe to notifications, which is pretty cool, so you can, you know, register a new notification like this.

Basically, this is going to allow you to get a notification anytime. Something happens inside your smart contract, so I can click, the application will say, adapt University to and I'll click continue and I'll, say notification type.

You can choose an email notification or a web hook. If you, you know, choose email. Basically, you'll, just provide an email address so to say craigory at DAP university. Calm, alright, subscribe! Alright! Alright, now we '

Ve subscribed to email notifications for the events inside our smart contract. We can also choose webhook if you want to, and that would allow you to. You know subscribe to webhook notifications inside your own application to listen for events from your smart contract and that's.

It guys that's, an overview of how to use Simba chain. The blockchain is a service platform that allows you to create these smart contracts fast and bootstrap applications so that you can leverage the power of the blockchain so be sure to visit apt symbol, chain com, and you can also contact info at Simba, Jane comm.

In order to sign up get a login request, support for other block chains and things like that and CIMMYT chain is a great company who's. You know listening to users, once user feedback wants to improve their platform, so they'd.

Love to hear from you all - and you can also check out summit Chains, YouTube channel for more comprehensive tutorials on how to use their platform and they'll, be rolling out more of those in the future.

So if y'all like this video be sure to subscribe to the channel, if you haven't already and click the like button down below that really helps these videos get found so that more people can learn how to build.

Blockchain technology, and until next time, thanks.

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