in CryptoDog3 years ago

The crypto market is all about cycles and your ability to predict the cycle can mean the difference between making returns and making life-changing returns. So while the crypto market was focused on bitcoin and how bitcoin was eclipsing gold, we were telling you to move your money out of bitcoin and into ethereum, and it looks like the market cycle played out well exactly as we predicted today.

I'm. Going to tell you why i'm selling, my eth and what the next market cycle may bring, and i think you're, going to be well quite shocked. I'm crypto, man run and i come to you every day, every day, every day twice a day twice a day, and i bring you crypto 11 crypto wisdom and i bring you the banter bags yep guys.

We are very close to giving away the banter bags so um. Let me show you how close we are to giving away the banter bags. We have 205 000 subscribers. Yesterday we had 200 and 6 000 subscribers. That means that in 24 hours fred, how many subscribers is that that's.

9 000.. In 24 hours we're, going to pick up 20 000 subscribers, no ten thousand ten thousand subscribers. So that means that if you're picking up ten thousand subscribers a day, the banter bags will be gone in three days, which basically means we need to get a move on and we need to give away the bags.

So if you're new to our stream, welcome, welcome. Welcome here's, a red carpet, for you welcome, welcome, hit the like button, hit the subscribe button and do it now and the reason why you want to do this is because, if we get 250 000 likes subscribers, we will reveal who fred? Is we will show you fred's face in the naked flesh? We will show you who fred is where he's.

Looking at he's got his lucky his mouth open. He's like you're, not doing that. No! No! When we get to 250 000 subscribers, we give away the banter bags and we give them to the community and right now the value of the banter bags is [.

Music ] 441 971, but we slept donkey finance unreal finance. I'm, not finished fred. We still have donkey finance unreal, finance d fire and we still have trade stars and i think we better actually stop investing, because if we carry like it's, an addiction, i just keep taking the money, putting it into new market allocations.

Taking the money putting it into new market allocations to stop that yeah like it's enough now we have to consolidate. We have to get the banter back, so we can give them to you guys to subscribers of our channel.

So we have 215. 114 subscribers, one of our amazing subscribers is kaylee and kaylee is all the way from hey. Where are you from? I know you're from canada right. I'm from toronto. You're from toronto.

Okay, amazing. What are you doing? Sorry? What are you doing? Backstage uh? I'm. Just such a big fan of crypto banter. I just love watching backstage to get the inside scoop. I think she's bribing fred.

I think i think kaylee's bribing for it to get backstage passes, but she's. Another subscriber, maybe she'll win the banter bags. If you're a subscriber, you could win the banter bags. That's. How amazing it is, and fred is telling me get off the wi-fi because your voice is lagging.

So let me get off the wi-fi. I'm back and i'm back. I'm off the wi-fi. It should be better right now. My lips and sound should be moving together now, all right, so welcome to our community smash the like button smash.

The subscribe button share our content because that will get you entered into the banter bags. If you're, not following me on twitter at cryptomandrun, if you're, not following sheldon on twitter, well, follow sheldon on twitter sheldon underscore sniper.

Not only because we give you the best calls all the time, not only because we give you immediate calls all the time, but because that's, your way of winning the banter bags and joining a really cool community, where we have lots of fun And we make lots of money.

Yesterday we selected a winner in the banter bags competition. Her name is bronte spark. Brunty spark was supposed to come on the show today, fred. What happened she's in australia. It's very, very, very late in australia.

Bronte will see you tomorrow. The whole community wants to meet you uh, we've had messages i mean we've had marriage proposals. I mean, if you think about it, like bronty spark and melinda melinda gates are actually like kind of in the same boat.

They've got both got life-changing money and i think they're both single. So i mean imagine that life-changing money and single, so melinda gates - you're - also welcome to join our community and hit the banter bags.

I did hit it up today on twitter and i did ask her for her phone number. I wonder if she'll, send it um? Okay, let's, have a look at what's going on here today. We do have to choose winners in the banter bags, competitions that, like that's, that has to happen now today.

I think we ' Ll choose some winners today and tomorrow and the next day and the next day, the next day, because 35 000 subscribers to go before we give away the banter bags. And i really hope that after we give away the banter bags, you guys will still keep watching our show, because i don't feel like it like.

The banter bags is bigger than the show. Let's, see let's, see okay, so big stuff in the news today, uh the biggest story for me in the news today. Is this thing over here it's, not this! It's this. Why am i saying that uh coin market cap or coin gecko is the biggest story in the news today? Look at dogecoin dogecoin is now 56 cents.

It has a market cap of 28 billion dollars that is actually bigger than twitter, so dogecoin has a bigger market cap than twitter um. Ah, okay, so it said: okay, the the market cap is 73 billion, so it's, much bigger than twitter.

Actually, um, and why is this happening? Why is this happening? Why is this happening? Why is this green candle happening? And that is because you know that elon musk is going to be on a on saturday night live and he's going in there as a doge father.

So people think that he's going to talk about dogecoin and that's going to send the prize sparking. I can see sheldon in the waiting room and he's kind of going. He's, going to short the out of dogecoin at some point.

You guys remember that the last time i showed to dodge i got wrecked, so i've got like post, traumatic stress disorder. I mean again. The big question is: can dogecoin actually be a thing? Can it actually eventually take off and i've, given you the scenarios for both, but i've said to you: if the fundamentals, don't make sense, then i don't.

Do it and for me, the fundamentals, just don't make sense and there's. So many amazing amazing, amazing opportunities. Why would i spend my money on dogecoin? Why would i put money into something i don't fundamentally, but even when we're, getting to a point where the fundamentals actually matter and a lot of things are taking or fundamentally so you've actually got to Do research research for these things it can't, be, like you know, just aping into things, because we are in a crazy, crazy, crazy cycle and in this cycle people are getting carried away.

They're getting burnt. So let me show you something that i saw today and it scares me. It scares me and what scares me even more is that people like coindesk would actually publish something like this, so the article is called altcoins just repeated a move that could launch them.

  1. 000 percent higher so in other words, 270 x, from where they are today. Now. What i find very cool about this or very funny about this - is that wrecked capital is the company that says this. So all it took was a single year.

Red capital suggested that, although almost unimaginable something could happen exactly the same way and that could make altcoins go up by 27 000, so a market cap of 152.6 trillion. Okay. Now, the reason why i love the story so much is because wrecked capital is actually going to get wrecked.

So if you are a client of wrecked capital, then prepare to get wrecked because wrecked capital is about to get wrecked. You get what i'm, saying right, wrecked capital gonna get killed. You cannot get.

You cannot let yourselves get caught in the hype in this old season. This old season can wipe you out because things are going to happen in this old season. Very, very, very quickly: crypto moves quicker than anything in the world there's, nothing that moves as quickly as crypto moves, and so you '

Ve got to be nimble. You ' Ve got to be able to change your strategy. You've got to be able to read market cycles very quickly and you can't get swept up in the hype, because, if you do, you are going to get wrecked just like our friends at you know what we should do.

Fred, let's, get the guys from wrecked capital on the show, call them tell them. We want them on the show and then we can all meet the people that are about to get wrecked yeah, because if you think that old coins are going to have a market cap of 15 times that of gold because of one indicator, so let's, let's.

Move on. I actually can't deal with that rubbish, actually garbage garbage garbage garbage. But what is not garbage is the big story of the day and the big uh wiki d says erect capital would be better.

No, they're, going to be any wreck. They're, going to die. They're, going to fall over um jellybean. I keep seeing you commenting. Charlene meiring is like she loves my voice. Maybe i should record like a bedtime story or lullaby and then sell it as an nft all right, so let's.

Look at the big story over there. The big story of the day is what i said to you guys. I said said that um i said that i'm, going to sell my eat fred, put up that towel. Just the guys remember what the main story of the day is.

Also. It gives me a chance to have a bit of a sip of water [, Music, ], okay, so so i told you guys, i'm selling, my easter egg, and that must be quite strange for you guys, because we've been Telling you, and, as recently as yesterday, i said to you guys that you need to be holding your ears and you need to be holding your ears forever and now i come out and i say: hey: i'm selling.

My so i want to explain to you why i said i'm selling. My youth, as i mentioned to you guys, the crypto market works in cycles and your ability to read the market cycle means the difference between making a lot of money and just making money in a bull market.

Everyone will make money. You can pick the worst coins. The wrong coins and you will end up making money, but only few people will make and keep real life changing returns. So there are two types of investors: the one type of investors buys the fundamentals and hold them forever and for those people well, eth is a great investment and you should be holding your eat forever.

Eth should be part of your huddle portfolio and, as we said, the huddle portfolio is a one-way vault and we never ever let things out of the huddle portfolio. Bitcoin eth link, dot, colano, we put those into the huddle portfolio and we never ever let them out.

But there is a part of your portfolio which isn't, the part where you chase bigger returns, the part where you try and beat the market, and for that part, maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe there's a case for selling some.

Some of your eth position remember when the market was focused on bitcoin and everyone was telling you how it's. All about bitcoin bitcoin is going to go to the moon. There's institutions going into bitcoin there's.

A bitcoin etf coming up and we were telling you to take your money and put your money into east crazy right, but it seems that the cycle played out well fred. How did the cycle play out exactly exactly exactly exactly as i have been predicting exactly as we predicted, because we saw the fundamentals of the market cycle moving towards eth? What did we see? We saw that the attention was on bitcoin.

We saw the fundamentals of eth brewing, underneath we kept saying to you guys that eth is getting the network effect, that the value of ease should be six thousand dollars if bitcoin is valid at 55 000 and we still stick to that valuation.

In fact, we probably think that, with some recent additions to ethereum, ethereum should be priced at about 7 500 to 10 000, and that is on the current bitcoin price. So if bitcoin goes up in price, if you use the same metric, the valuation of ethereum will obviously increase too.

So why has the market finally woken up to ethereum? What have they seen in ethereum that we saw way back then that's? The big question and i've, broken it down for you into five things that have happened or are happening on the ethereum network.

That will convince you that eth is probably the right place to be for the long term. You want to get into them. Let's. Do this so the first one that you need to understand is that and like bitcoin bitcoin is a store of value.

Eth is a usable asset and as much when the when the usage of ethereum starts growing, it will start growing and growing and growing and get more of the network effect. Bitcoin is just a store of value.

It's, not going to be used. It's. Just there to store value. Ethereum is an asset that is going to be used now, masari published this asset triangle, which i really love. They call it the asset superclass triangle and they're, saying up until now, there have been three uses for an asset.

An asset could either have been a store of value or a commodity or a capital asset that generates income, but never before was there an asset that could do all three. Some of them could do two so like.

If you think about gold, gold was a great store of value. It's, also a great commodity, but could it actually generate income? No now you have this ethereum super asset, and this ethereum super asset is an asset that is going to be used and it kind of solves all of these things and it's.

The first time in the world that the world has an asset that is a store of value, a commodity and a capital asset that actually creates income. The world has never ever seen an asset like this, and they have no idea how to price it.

But let me tell you no matter how you price it. It has to be bigger than gold, and that takes me to my next point. Ethereum is an asset or an option on multiple asset classes. I know it sounds like a big statement.

What i mean by an option on multiple asset classes? Well, the way we see ethereum is right. Now there are many verticals that are being built on it. Here you've got d5, you've got nfts, you ' Ve got stable coins, you've got payments and they are all being built on ethereum and you don't need all of them to work.

In fact, you kind of only need one of them to work. If one of those works, then we justify the value of ethereum 10x and what it is, if a if d5 works and replaces the entire world's banking system, if they launch a social media, application on ethereum that becomes bigger than facebook, and that's, just one social media application if any nfts take off.

All of these things are an option on ethereum, so, unlike investing in and wanting, are investing in multiple fields and all of these fields are now starting to show promise. In fact, let's, look at d5, we have d5 and i think if i'm, not mistaken, we saw metamark's monthly, active users that is a chart of metamasks mentally active users.

You can see that it's growing exponentially, and we know that there is today 7 78 billion dollars locked in default. 78 billion dollars is now locked in default. Impressive. The more impressive thing is that, just a year ago it was 700 million.

So in one year we've had a hundred x increase in d5 and it doesn't. Look like d5 is going to stop, not only that. We are also seeing that a large number of the bitcoin in circulation, two three four percent of the total bitcoin in circulation - are wrapped and are living on the ethereum network.

To try and generate some yield so d5 is taking off. D5 is growing at 100 x. Even if just d, fireworks that justifies the value of ethereum but d5 is not the only thing that's working remember, we spoke about nfts and actually, if you watched the show yesterday, you would have heard me say that i think nfts have been In islam, but they're starting to wake up now, one day it was just one day: let's, listen to the show from yesterday, one day ago, one day anyway, so nfts are now exploding again.

Okay, i don't know. If you saw the google searches freddie, can we call up the google searches while i get some water? Okay, so nfts are making a huge comeback? Oh, and that reminds me, stop everything stop get the lose the chart tomorrow.

Is 0.505 2021. tomorrow tomorrow is 0.505 2021. tomorrow gary vee is live on. Crypto banter tomorrow is oh 505 2021. Tomorrow garyvee the garyvee breaks his nft play right here on crypto banter, okay, a complete and that again is going to get nfts to boom.

Now you want to see what network effect looks like. Let me show you what network effects look like on the nft play alone, so this is just nft wallets. This is not d5 wallets, but that is how fast the nft network is growing.

Each one of those dots is a new wallet being built on ethereum to store an nft by one of the by one of the uh um uh, the the marketplaces and it's. Not about to stop, in fact, the biggest marketplace in the world, which is, of course ebay.

What did they announce last night? They are getting into nfts, which kind of makes sense. They've got how many users, like 800 gazillion, oh fred, says they ' Ve got a brazilian users; okay, so they '

Ve got one brazilian users um. How many zeros is that put on that cnbc thing where they told us about the brazilian taking on more attention it's, it's being adopted. How are you approaching out at ebay yeah? You know one of the great things about our managed payments.

Is we're expanding the types of payments that we take, so we now take apple pay and google pay more chores for buyers. We'll continue to look at other options like cryptocurrency. You know, one of the great things about ebay is when there's, a new trend.

It just shows up on ebay that's. What we're, seeing in areas like nft, which we're, looking at how can we explore that better, because ebay is really known as the place to transact goods? You know, with 187 million buyers on the platform.

This is the place that sellers come to get scaled demand, so does that mean that you're getting into the nft business? You know we're, looking at it and exploring opportunities for how we can enable it on ebay in an easy way, when you think about collectibles everything that's, really collectible has been on ebay for decades and will continue to be For the next few decades, okay, so now we know that ebay, the biggest marketplace in the world, is now getting in on nfts.

What is that going to do to that thing guys? I have to show you this again, because i don't think that all of you understand how fast network effects actually grow and why the value of ethereum, even now at these valuations, is actually very, very cheap.

Fred play that video again, i have to show the guys again what you're watching here is how the number of wallets increases exponentially watch towards the end. The map lights up a whole lot more and a whole lot quicker, because there are more and more users and every single user is sending nfts to other users.

It's, amazing. That is effectively what network effects are, and you've. Just seen a map of the network effects on ethereum because of nfts alone, so that's. Another reason why ethereum is going to work because nfts are starting to work fred.

What's? The number for the number of ethereum locked up in in in the east 2.0 staking okay. Fred says there are four four million each, which is about 15 million 15 billion dollars of ethereum locked up that are never going to leave because they are locked up there for at least two years on the east 2.

0 staking contract okay. So that is why ethereum is going to work well kind of you have this usable asset. That, for me, like i said to you, would you rather have usable asset or would you have gold? I want to understand.

I want to understand, would you rather own the internet, or would you like rather own gold? Obviously you'd rather own. The internet, gold does nothing intimate, gets used every single day. It grows exponentially all those lights light up, as people start to use them right.

So would you rather, would you rather an internet or in gold internet called internet? Of course you'd rather own the internet. So to the point you are comparing a store of value, which is a dormant asset which people generally don't transact in and don't touch with something that's, probably going to be used every single day.

For many many many applications for sports betting for d5 for nfts for money transfers guys there are so many stable coins on the ethereum network right now that there are more stable coins and possibly all the us dollars in circulation, possibly possibly possibly, and if that's not the case, it's going to happen in the next year, two years or three years right.

So you take this. This asset, that's, going to be used kind of like the new internet, but the internet of value, and you compare it to a dormant asset which is just a store of value, and some of that store of value is actually moving onto this Ethereum network - and you say to yourself: ethereum - is probably the most valuable acid in the world, but then you sprinkle a little bit just sprinkle just a little bit of eip1559 spice.

Okay, you know what this eip1559 does. I'll. Tell you what it does: okay, it basically takes a super asset and makes it into a super super duper asset. Okay. Why? Because fred get rid of the slide. I'm trying to talk bro okay, so you take this asset and you say this asset is being used every single day.

Okay, let me show you again, because i think this is a mind of epic mind. I've, been another to say that youtube will ban this video okay, so you take the asset, and you say there's, an asset that's growing like this on multiple verticals.

It's growing like this. On d5, it's growing like this on on any nfts that's, going like this on sports betting, it's, growing like this, on social networks, etc, etc, and in order to transact with this network, every user that Wants to transact with this network needs to own ethereum, but then you sprinkle sprinkle, just a little bit of one five, five, nine spice now one five five, nine spice.

What it does is. It basically destroys ethereum the number of ethereum in circulation. So imagine every time that these people over here do a transaction more and more and more east is burnt okay, so you take the total supply of eth and every time that a transaction happens between all these wallets, some ethereum is burnt.

So now you ' Ve got a used asset with not a constant inflation like bitcoin, who's a by the way, not a used asset. So let's. Compare bitcoin to ethereum, you ' Ve got a store of value asset with a constantly growing supply with eip-1559.

What you've got, is you & # 39? Ve got a used asset which is growing in usage and as it's growing in usage, you are burning. The number of ethereum available - okay, it it changes the whole game. The whole game gets changed because more and more people are using it and we are burning more and more ethereum.

Sorry, my hands are lost, but you get it right. This is where the secret spice is, you know like at kfc kentucky fried chicken. They have the 11 herbs and spices the magic spice for ethereum the game changer for ethereum.

The reason why ethereum is not going to go to 7 000, and what do i say my price target was fred. I said ten thousand in may. Okay, the reason that that ethereum is going to ten thousand is may in may is because of what i told you point one two, three and four, but then it's, the magic spice, the magic spice of eip1559, which destroys the theorem and makes It deflationary so as more and more and more and more and more transactions happen more and more and more ether burned and more and more users are joining the network and we are burning more and more eth.

Okay, it boggles the mind how smart this eip1559 is. Obviously vitalik was the one or one of the co-authors of erp-155, the guy's, a genius, and yesterday we told you guys that one of his wallets hit a billion dollars in value.

I'm sure he ' S got other wallets, but i can tell you that at one billion dollars the guy deserves a lot more okay. He deserves a lot more. I can also tell you that the co-founders of ethereum all had the big wallets.

Now we don't, know charles's wallet and we don't, know gavin woodsworth, but imagine that charles and gavin would also have like a a billion dollars worth of ethereum fred's laughing and then They got like a billion dollars worth of cordano and a billion dollars worth of polka dots, so they're in founders.

In my next life. I think i want to be an ethereum founder, but i mean i want to be better. Looking than metallic yeah, i mean i'm, going gonna look normal okay um, so the world's realized how amazing they '

Ve they've, worked out the magic recipe of this one, five, five, nine one eip1559 and again that's. The secret spice - and i know it sounds technical, but it is it's the ip1559. So that is why we are seeing all the institutions aping in getting fomo going absolutely crazy and trying to buy ethereum.

In fact, we even heard of a fund - we're, not going to mention the name of the fund, but they may come onto the stream, and this fund says they went all in on bitcoin. It was it's, um! Let's say this: it's quite a well-known fund and they were in the press quite a bit and they were all in on bitcoin and they are now switching all their bitcoin into ethereum and that's.

Exactly what's going to happen? Remember when funds started to move the entire treasury, your company started to move the entire treasury into bitcoin. They're now realizing the power of ethereum when you sprinkle one five, five, nine on it, and so now they're starting to ape into ethereum, and you can see that there's, a new type of buyer on Ethereum and this new type of bio and ethereum is the institutional buyer.

It said that same buyer that was buying bitcoin and taking it off exchanges. Well, guess what surprise, alright, that's, the part where you call up that slide, where we i mean otherwise, it looks awkward.

It looks it just looks dumb. Okay, let's. Try that again let's. Try that again, so you ' Ve got all these new buyers and they come and what are they doing? They are doing surprise there we go, you see they're, taking all the ethereum off the exchanges and those ethereum are never ever ever coming back com.

You take that you say there's, 15 billion of ethereum, which is locked in east 2.0, staking you say that the institutions are coming in and they are uh taking their ethereum off exchanges long term. I would say that is probably one of the best places to be right now, if is going to hit 10 000 in may, eth is going to eventually flip in bitcoin.

Eventually, eth is going to flip in bitcoin. It's, not going to happen. Now but it is going to happen at some point, so eth is an absolutely absolutely solid investment and right now we should be holding it cool.

Let's, move on fred's laughing okay. Obviously, obviously there's, a tile app that says i'm selling my eat, so why am i selling my eat guys? I'll. Tell you why i'm selling mice. I'm, not selling. Remember all my eats you.

I got a huddle portfolio and in my huddle portfolio i put stuff in there that never ever leaves the majority of my eat is actually living in my hotel portfolio right now, and once it's in the holder portfolio, i have no access to It it's, locked up it's, gone don't touch it.

It's for the kids and the kids, kids and the kids, kids and the kids, kids, kids, okay, they're. Not your kids, kids, kids also, but remember we told you to move some of your bitcoin into eth, and now we're, saying to you that we should move some of those out of ethereum and we need to look at the new market cycle And the reason for that is because the crypto market moves so quickly that cycles change absolutely absolutely quickly, and i want to show you something and again this is not from me.

I wish that this is. I wish that i could come up with something as smart as this, but i can't. I can just tell you what other people have come up with um, and i can only do that if the internet works.

But you can see that the top of the bull market in both the 2013 and 2017 bull market only lasted for 40 days. And so why i'm. Trying to show you guys here is that this market changes quicker than anything in the world and what was a good narrative for two or three weeks ago.

Isn't a good narrative for now, two or three weeks ago. In fact, a bit longer we told you to start switching your bitcoin into ethereum, and everyone started to follow us, and now you ' Ve got ethereum breaking three thousand three hundred three thousand four hundred yesterday i told you on our show what's going to happen in may, and if you didn't watch the show yesterday, then i suggest you watch it because that Was probably the most important show that i've made in may yesterday's, show was the most important show that i made in may trust me: okay, fred, stop laughing bro.

Yesterday's show was the most important show. We ever made in may ever ever ever and on that show we told you a few things. We told you to look out for the following. We said one ethereum is going to hit 4 000 and it's going to happen in the next 10 days.

What happened i mean we have to test you know. Sometimes we have to test what we say to make sure that you know we're, not leading you guys down the garden path. Okay, let's. Look at what happened. We told you ethereum is going to a thought to four thousand dollars in may it's, a three thousand five hundred, for all intents and purposes, ethereum is going to four thousand.

In the next nine days cool. We said that bnb is gonna run. Let's, have a look bnb 632. It's going to a thousand. We said that yesterday we told you that d5 is coming back and it's. Coming back in a big way - and we said when d5 comes back, what's, it gonna be, we said it starts off with chain link.

Let me get sheldon here. Sheldon there we go. What's up? What's up? What's up sheldon? What is that green candle uh? That's chain linked to bitcoin? What did we say yesterday about chain link that it was gonna pump and it was gonna outperform even to ethereum it's, killing your theorem today, even though your theorem has been moving guys yesterday, i laid it out for you.

Basically, i gave you guys the test paper i said, ethereum breaks, four thousand bnb goes to a thousand d5 runs, runs with d5 chain link when training finish finishes. Running band is gonna run when band finishes running it's, gonna be bird and all the other small oracles, and you can take your pick.

We also told you that the d5 coins were gonna move and it's. Gon na happen exactly the same: yfi wi-fi to you, know the drill and then it's, going to move down to pickle and to harvest and all the smaller caps, because that's, the flow of capital.

I also told you yesterday that i think nfts are going to make a comeback and let me see what is our favorite or and our second favorite nft players well between super farm and ethernet right. Let's. Look at affinity chain.

Just i mean kind of guess what happened, but let's. Look, oh goodness! Oh goodness, it's gone up 28.8 percent. Imagine that guys affinity has finished, unlocking its tokens, so that's. It all the suppliers.

Now, in the market there's, no more token unlocks from the early investors, and now it's, going to start running super farm also flying we saw that yesterday. So what we're actually doing is we're just reading the market cycle, and we're telling you what we think is going to happen based on what's on on what? What on what we see now we're, telling you that it might be time to sell some of your eats okay, and this is what i want to talk to you, sheldon about so sheldon.

Why? What's up buddy start selling. Some of our eth now well. Obviously, we know that eth is the ultimate currency, obviously with bitcoin, but the main one. I want to be collecting a lot um, but i want to be making some more of that ethereum and understanding the market that we go from.

Bitcoin rallying and then ethereum rallying and then the major ult struggling. We can actually identify that by shifting with the trend of the market, you're, actually making the main currencies and what i mean by that is ethereum's.

Had a massive run, it's actually run all the way from two thousand two thousand one hundred dollars all the way to three thousand four hundred now i think we hit three five just now um, so it's. Getting to that sort of cool off stage, where we're, saying between three three three six, we can have a little bit of cool off stage um and same with the ethereum to the btc pair.

We're, going to have a little pullback to the b2c pair. That's. Coming so remember, longer term ethereum's, gonna rally to four thousand three two: it's gonna keep moving, but when we have big parabolic moves the way that ethereum has and if i jump it up and i'll show you the daily.

You can see what i actually mean that this coin has really really rallied. So at some point, don't be surprised to have a little pullback and in that time is the time where i want to be making some good ethereum and the way to do that.

Stop! Stop! Stop don't, get away! Don't, give it up. Okay, go to the btc versus ethereum trucks. You're, going to give away our secrets okay, so that is how ethereum is and is outperforming bitcoin. So what we said to you was switch your money from bitcoin into ethereum right, which means that if you just hold ethereum, you would have made 40 more bitcoin just by following our calls now remember at the end of may.

The objective at the end of may is to hold, or to have more uh bitcoin, that's, it that's. All we want to walk away at the end of may, with more bitcoin, walk away, end of may more bitcoin. Someone's got an nft.

We're gonna walk away at the end of may with more bitcoin okay. So if we want to have more um more bitcoin at the end of may one way of doing it is buying ethereum, but imagine that we could actually make more ethereum at the end of may, then we would have more ethereum and more ethereum is more bitcoin.

Sheldon show us how to make more ethereum. Well, obviously, right, okay go for it. So to make more bitcoin you've got to hold ethereum so how to make more ethereum you've got to hold something else. What is it going to be? You've got to hold a coin, that's, going to outperform ethereum, because then, initially, you're.

Finding a coin that's, going to outperform both currencies, which means that you have the choice to obviously choose which currency you want to solve back into once you've made the extra amount, but understanding that if we have a coin That can outperform ethereum and knowing that ethereum is going to outperform bird coin for the next initially you actually just you accumulated two of the best assets and you have the choice on what you actually want to solve to when it's the time.

So remember that ethereum's had a rally, but with that rally it is going to have a cool off stage and what is next? We just mentioned the three cycles: bitcoin ethereum major alts. What have we seen rally so far? Bitcoin ethereum? What's next major alts? Let me show you because i'm, not a genius.

I'm, not a genius. I just followed a job yeah. I just follow the right people on twitter. There's, one bitcoin, then ethereum is outperforming bitcoin and we hear talks of the flipping flipping hull. We just mentioned that.

Okay, so now people move from ethereum to ta-da large alts, okay, which large also they're moving to cool. So the first one that's, just officially broken trend and that's moving is chain link. We've spoken about chain links, especially early on today.

We said the key level that we must break that resistance, and you can already see today how we're, eight percent up on bitcoin uh, and we are close to four close to five percent up on ethereum. So eutherium has outperformed bitcoin by three percent, so it just shows you that we are sitting with a a coin.

Yeah that's only just begun. It's only just broken. This resistance. Okay, hold on show me chain link to ethereum. So we've, now seen that that chain has obliterated bitcoin. Okay. Now let me have a look at this right now.

I just want to explain this quickly, two seconds so remember now, the last few days we look at that. Let me just clear: yeah: you can see training's rallied right and everyone's. Celebrating training's moving, but can i tell you something that it actually hasn't been doing anything for us to be excited about? Why? Because all that it's done is made you a currency that's, a currency.

If you, this is the one! Now, if you jump to this now, you'll, be sitting and saying sure. Okay, so link hasn't, been making me any it. Hasn't been building any of the main currency that i actually want and what we have finally done now is we finally hit a really good support zone, and this is where we're, going to have a strong bounce up from The eutherium, so it shows that even though ethereum's performed quite well against the dollar.

It hasn't performed close to what ethereum has, and we know that there is going to be links, turn which is going to come. Take me to the one hour chart take me to the one hour chart, because in that one hour chart there has been a bounce.

You can see there we go. So if you look at the one hour chart in the last couple of hours, this thing has turned, and so now, if you would have bought chain link when your show was on - and we said by chain link that was one of the coins that you spoke About you would have been up, go to the bottom there and talk measure from yeah yeah.

We were still trading down from this morning's show, so you would be up nine percent ethereum. Yes, you would have been. You would have been up. Nine percent on your ethereum and your ethereum are up on your bitcoin okay, so i know it may seem confusing, but the main thing is: we are just moving to the strong currency.

So all that maintenance and narrative down is we have the opportunity to now make ethereum as well, because of the strong push that it had and the alts didn't run with it. It's, showing now that bitcoin and ethereum are going to settle a little bit.

And now we're, going to have the major ultrasound that's going to pop. So now we just got to find the ones that are going to move and definitely chain link is the first one: okay rudo: what do you think? What are you doing that's, amazing guys and it's.

You know um it's, actually fun, jumping and jumping from the one rocket to the other rocket. What what more can we ask for in mid flight in mid flight? What more can we ask for guys so um yeah, i'm. Really excited with what is happening at the moment and i'm, looking forward to capitalizing and making more ethan making more bitcoin.

While i'm making movies, i want you to share your screen and and like just at the bottom. Just choose which tab you want to share because there's, a lot going on here and actually all i can say is yes, yes, yes, i can jump over to whichever screen you want me to to quickly.

Tell me what tell me what's about well the thing with this with the screen? If we look at this one, it just shows us a combined of all the smart contracts to try and look where we're, going to now be making more ethereum to make more bitcoin.

And if we look at this chart - and we look at what is happening at the moment - we've been cracking this um, i think, continue there. I think the scientist - oh right there yeah - am i good. Am i good all right? So what we're, looking at the bottom, and i'm just going to maybe maximize it.

I hope it uh. The the wi-fi holds on is that we've been tracking up and we've been consolidating. So i'm, expecting a big bounce and with this bounce, smart contract tokens and those are really going to be exploding and they're, going to be making us more eth to be making us more bitcoin.

So i'm really looking at that, and i'm, getting excited so definitely and uh, probably to to start licking your lips on would probably be litecoin. Oh god it's. A one night stand right. It's. A one night stand don't don't.

Worry it's, not a long term. You're, going to have to trade it don't date. It you know don't marry it just try it out. Yes and this one doesn't have that potential make sure you don't cuddle me after midnight, don't get caught holding the back of that coin.

At the end of this i mean that is a term cool. So show us why litecoin well? Firstly, let's. Have a look. When we look at litecoin, we've got you know all the retail traders will jump when they start seeing these patterns.

So soon you ' Ve got these converge patterns that is showing to us that the selling price of pressure is running out and we are definitely getting so light. Current over bitcoin has just exploded out and with these patterns we normally get a good retrace on that.

But now the nice thing about the litecoin. Is it's, doing exactly the same for ethereum on the same scale, so we've already had the breakout it's been keeping up with ethereum. Yes, the last few days, didn't, look that great, but this is normally what we would look at as a shakeout, so should it like, when i start bouncing - and this is probably a really good buy zone at the moment - we'Ve got our divergence playing out and everything that looks.

You know that poises this for a good one. We should start seeing a step up and lichen should start making us some more ether. Ah i mean i don't know i mean to put money into litecoin over ethereum. After all, i've told you about ethereum yeah, that's; tough! It's, a tough one to to further because she cleans she looks after the kids.

She's, a crazy driver, she loves parting and you still go on the one night stand i mean i think, yeah, you know we. Never. We're, never happy with enough ran and that's. The problem you know - and we're gonna - have to just embrace that that that that that greed we have in us and if we do it safely and we do it well, you know we can see.

Look at these circles. You know ether's, getting to a point where probable top up is there and with that, with that shake you know, normally it balances boom, and then it goes there's. Your targets, i mean everything lines up in that momentum.

We might just have a little bit of a party there and uh and cheat on our wives, but as long as we come back home afterwards, that is correct and they don't find out. They should never find out. Okay, yeah, because sure i mean i i can't - do that okay cool, so money goes into litecoin.

Well, your money goes into lifeguard. My money is not going into lifecoin what else? Well bnb! I'm liking, bnb uh. Currently bnb has been doing great stuff and i don't see any weakness in the market just yet so i'm liking, my bnb at the moment we said we said: bnb 2000 is bnb going to a thousand.

I see even higher, but more than that that the thousand is irrelevant is bnb, making me more ethereum and is going to be making me more ethereum. And if we look at this long-term accumulation that we're having.

This is purely the beginnings of big steps, so bnb at this stage is bouncing and it's, creating nice nice steps. For me, remember i like the market when it starts stepping up, because then i know we '

Ve really got a good, strong train tracking, so we had our alt. We had a breakout, we're stepping and we're. Stepping and currently bnb is in a really good step area. So all things considered, you know ignoring what bnb is maybe doing on the dollar value uh.

I think it's just currently in a good trend. Yeah it's irrelevant that dollar doesn't mean nothing for me at the moment. Yes, bnb. Definitely a really powerful coin. For me, you know how i see it. Let me tell you how i said so.

The way i see it, the uh dollar is like the girl we dated in junior school okay. Then we met this like the love of our lives and it was bitcoin okay, but then we moved on. We moved on to ethereum, and now we're, moving on from ethereum to like something a little bit more exciting, so like bitcoin is the xx and then like ethereum is the x, and now we're.

Moving on like this. This romantic spark, which is going to take away our attention, but only for a short period of time, and then we'll. We're, going to run back to to ethereum and i don't know. Maybe we'll even run back.

My high school live bitcoin, but we will never ever ever run back to our junior school life, because when we, when we look at photos of us together, we think to ourselves what the hell were. We thinking were.

We thinking what the hell were. We actually thinking what the hell were. We thinking that is correct. Yes, anything else that you'd, be buying, because i mean about 15 000 people watching the stream live guys.

If you haven't smashed the like button, let's, try and we ' Ve, never had 14 600 people watching. So thank you, uh. Let us smash the like smash and subscribe. Get this on.

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